1,在R中将图片保存为pdf格式 2,通过在线网站,将pdf转为png 3,将png粘贴到word中即可
mac没有xshell和xtp mac自带终端工具,不好用 iterm2不好用,老断链 royaltsx免费就够用(1document和10个链接)
SAP删除会计科目,删除客户、删除供应商比较麻烦的。如果有发生业务的话,那只能做删除标记了,如果 没有发生业务,那还可以删除,但一定要慎重。 if there is no transaction data exist for this account, OBR2 to delete ...
using BAPI_PO_CREATE1 to create POs meanwhile passing the netprice instead of price from inforrecords.
在FI-GL模块评估外币时(T-code:F.05),需要输入Valuation Method。下面分解一下评估方法是如何定义的。
As MBEW is supposed to contain current values, when it has to be changed (like when updating material current price, etc.), the current value gets written to MB...
寄售记录表:rkwa , "Consignment Withdrawalsrkwa-stauts = '00' 为未结算rkwa-status = '01'为己结算寄售结算时相关信息从这张表取得,包括价格、税码等信息。如果需要在过账时更改相应的取数逻辑...
Activity03Business Document Service: Class nameDEVC_STXD_BITMAPBusiness Document Service: Class type0T
以Purchasing Document Header表EKKO为例,首先执行SE11,输入Table EKKO。