SAP删除会计科目,删除客户、删除供应商比较麻烦的。如果有发生业务的话,那只能做删除标记了,如果 没有发生业务,那还可以删除,但一定要慎重。 if there is no transaction data exist for this account, OBR2 to delete account master data enter the only G/L account number you want to delete. please be CAREFUL!!! if you have not posted accounting document for this account number, it must could be deleted OBR2: "Delete G/L accounts", enter account number you want to delete 2. select "With general master data", enter company code of the account number 3. you can first test it with "Test run"
SAP 如何批量删除会计科目、供应商、客户的主数据
2020-11-30 10:07:19
浏览数 (2)