commit work 语句是显式更新,程序中还有一些地方可以隐式更新,即不用写这个语句去更新数据库。
Always end a non-empty case with a break. Accidentally leaving out a break is a fairly common bug. A deliberate fallthrough can be a maintenance hazard and shou...
The INVOICE table has a QTY_SOLD column of data type NUMBER and an INVOTCE_DATE column of data type DATE
关于线索评分大家比较熟悉的一个模型是预算(Budget)、授权(Authority)、需求(Need)和时间表(Time Frame),如果客户有足够的预算,有决策人,明确的需求和项目时间点的话,我们就认为这是一个靠谱的项目机会。...