模块是在其自身的作用域里执行,并不是在全局作用域,这意味着定义在模块里面的变量、函数和类等在模块外部是不可见的,除非明确地使用 export 导出它们。类似地,我们必须通过 import 导入其他模块导出的变量、函数、类等。...
The utilities module implements a number of useful functions and objects that power other ML algorithms across the repo.
The preprocessing module implements common data preprocessing routines.
The wrappers.py module implements wrappers for the layers in layers.py. It includes
The losses.py module implements several common loss functions, including:
The activations module implements several common activation functions:
In the interest of fostering an open and welcoming environment, we as contributors and maintainers pledge to making participation in our project and our commu...