import code, os, subprocess
import pty
def blacklist_fun_callback(*args):
print("Player! It's already banned!")
pty.spawn = blacklist_fun_callback
os.system = blacklist_fun_callback
os.popen = blacklist_fun_callback
subprocess.Popen = blacklist_fun_callback
subprocess.call = blacklist_fun_callback
code.interact = blacklist_fun_callback
code.compile_command = blacklist_fun_callback
vars = blacklist_fun_callback
attr = blacklist_fun_callback
dir = blacklist_fun_callback
getattr = blacklist_fun_callback
exec = blacklist_fun_callback
__import__ = blacklist_fun_callback
compile = blacklist_fun_callback
breakpoint = blacklist_fun_callback
del os, subprocess, code, pty, blacklist_fun_callback
input_code = input("Can u input your code to escape > ")
blacklist_words = [
def my_filter(input_code):
for x in blacklist_words:
if x in input_code:
return False
return True
while '{' in input_code and '}' in input_code and input_code.isascii() and my_filter(input_code) and "eval" not in input_code and len(input_code) < 65:
input_code = eval(f"f'{input_code}'")
print("Player! Please obey the filter rules which I set!")