WorldClim V1 Bioclim provides bioclimatic variables that are derived from the monthly temperature and rainfall in order to generate more biologically meaningful values.
The bioclimatic variables represent annual trends (e.g., mean annual temperature, annual precipitation), seasonality (e.g., annual range in temperature and precipitation), and extreme or limiting environmental factors (e.g., temperature of the coldest and warmest month, and precipitation of the wet and dry quarters).
The bands scheme follows that of ANUCLIM, except that for temperature seasonality the standard deviation was used because a coefficient of variation does not make sense with temperatures between -1 and 1.
WorldClim version 1 was developed by Robert J. Hijmans, Susan Cameron, and Juan Parra, at the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, University of California, Berkeley, in collaboration with Peter Jones and Andrew Jarvis (CIAT), and with Karen Richardson (Rainforest CRC).
WorldClim V1 Bioclim提供了生物气候变量,这些变量来自于月度温度和降水,以产生更有生物意义的数值。
WorldClim第一版由加州大学伯克利分校脊椎动物学博物馆的Robert J. Hijmans、Susan Cameron和Juan Parra与Peter Jones和Andrew Jarvis(CIAT)以及Karen Richardson(雨林中心)合作开发。
Dataset Availability
1960-01-01T00:00:00 - 1991-01-01T00:00:00
Dataset Provider
University of California, Berkeley
Collection Snippet
927.67 meters
Bands Table
Name | Description | Min* | Max* | Units | Scale |
bio01 | Annual mean temperature | -290 | 320 | °C | 0.1 |
bio02 | Mean diurnal range (mean of monthly (max temp - min temp)) | 9 | 214 | °C | 0.1 |
bio03 | Isothermality (bio02/bio07) | 7 | 96 | % | 0 |
bio04 | Temperature seasonality (Standard deviation * 100) | 62 | 22721 | °C | 0.01 |
bio05 | Max temperature of warmest month | -96 | 490 | °C | 0.1 |
bio06 | Min temperature of coldest month | -573 | 258 | °C | 0.1 |
bio07 | Temperature annual range (bio05-bio06) | 53 | 725 | °C | 0.1 |
bio08 | Mean temperature of wettest quarter | -285 | 378 | °C | 0.1 |
bio09 | Mean temperature of driest quarter | -521 | 366 | °C | 0.1 |
bio10 | Mean temperature of warmest quarter | -143 | 383 | °C | 0.1 |
bio11 | Mean temperature of coldest quarter | -521 | 289 | °C | 0.1 |
bio12 | Annual precipitation | 0 | 11401 | mm | 0 |
bio13 | Precipitation of wettest month | 0 | 2949 | mm | 0 |
bio14 | Precipitation of driest month | 0 | 752 | mm | 0 |
bio15 | Precipitation seasonality | 0 | 265 | Coefficient of Variation | 0 |
bio16 | Precipitation of wettest quarter | 0 | 8019 | mm | 0 |
bio17 | Precipitation of driest quarter | 0 | 2495 | mm | 0 |
bio18 | Precipitation of warmest quarter | 0 | 6090 | mm | 0 |
bio19 | Precipitation of coldest quarter | 0 | 5162 | mm | 0 |
* = Values are estimated
Hijmans, R.J., S.E. Cameron, J.L. Parra, P.G. Jones and A. Jarvis, 2005. Very High Resolution Interpolated Climate Surfaces for Global Land Areas. International Journal of Climatology 25: 1965-1978. doi:10.1002/joc.1276.
代码语言:javascript复制var dataset = ee.Image('WORLDCLIM/V1/BIO');
var annualMeanTemperature ='bio01');
var visParams = {
min: -230.0,
max: 300.0,
palette: ['blue', 'purple', 'cyan', 'green', 'yellow', 'red'],
Map.setCenter(71.72, 52.48, 3.0);
Map.addLayer(annualMeanTemperature, visParams, 'Annual Mean Temperature');