【Rust日报】Rust 单元测试入门

2024-03-07 12:44:27 浏览数 (2)

Rust 单元测试入门



原文链接 https://dev.to/thiagomg/a-simple-guide-to-unit-tests-in-rust-4h8l

GraphPU: Rust编写的 3D GPU 图形可视化应用程序

“GraphPU” 是一款 3D GPU 图形可视化应用程序。基于 Rust 语言和 WebGPU 开发的渲染框架和高性能计算 (HPC) 算法,使得这个应用能够在 Vulkan 和 Metal 平台上实时模拟和渲染数百万个节点和边。演示包括了多个大规模图形数据集,包括电影语义学、电子邮件、大型网站结构、个人微信关系以及社交媒体连接。观众可以通过控制器旋钮与这些数据进行互动

原文链接 https://troyni.com/graphpu 以及 github 地址 https://github.com/latentcat/graphpu

sh: 命令行辅助宏

sh 是一个用于运行外部命令的宏。它提供了将输入和输出管道到变量的功能,以及使用 Rust 表达式作为程序参数的功能。


let world = "world";
let mut out = String::new();
sh!(echo hello {world} > {&mut out});
assert_eq!(out, "hello worldn");

// We can also pipe a String/&str or Vec<u8>/&[u8] to a command
let input = "foo bar baz";
sh!(cat < {input} > {&mut out});
assert_eq!(&out, input);

// We can execute many commands at once
let mut out1 = String::new();
let mut out2 = String::new();
let mut out3 = String::new();

sh! {
  echo hello world 1 > {&mut out1}; // Note the `;`
  echo hello world 2 > {&mut out2};
  echo hello world 3 > {&mut out3};

assert_eq!(&out1, "hello world 1n");
assert_eq!(&out2, "hello world 2n");
assert_eq!(&out3, "hello world 3n");

sh crate https://docs.rs/sh/0.2.1/sh/

  1. https://readrust.net
  2. https://reddit.com/r/rust
  3. twitter : #rustlang https://twitter.com/search?q=#rustlang&src=recent_search_click&f=live
  4. https://medium.com/tag/rustlang
  5. https://this-week-in-rust.org/

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