生物信息学分析——从公共数据库获取测序数据[obtain NGS data from public database]

2023-07-12 10:26:43 浏览数 (2)

Prefech安装 【installation of Prefetch】

在NCBI SRA Toolkit网站可以下载不同系统对应的工具包

【We can download toolkits for different OS in NCBI website.】

figure 1figure 1

安装方法 【Installation using the terminal】

  • 下载安装包【download the package for MacOS 64 bit architecture】
wget https://ftp-trace.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sra/sdk/3.0.6/sratoolkit.3.0.6-mac64.tar.gz
# 在NCBI SRA Toolkit网站可以下载不同系统对应的工具包 【the link for different OS is in NCBI website】
  • 解压【Unzip the file】
tar vxzf sratoolkit.3.0.6-mac64.tar.gz
  • 将路径添加到环境变量【Add a path to the environment variable】
export PATH="/path/to/sratoolkit.3.0.6-mac64/bin:$PATH"
# 其中/path/to/应当换成安装包的路径。 【/path/to/ should be replaced by your Installation Package Path.】
  • 使新的环境变量生效【have the change take effect】
source ~/.bashrc


source ~/.bash_profile
  • 检查Prefech是否可用【Check if Prefetch is available】
Prefetch -h

测序数据下载 【Downloading NGS data】

下载指令:Prefetch -p SRAXXXXXX

“-p”也即progress,用于显示下载进度。我们可以使用Prefetch -h命令查看Prefetch其它功能。

【"-p", also known as progress, is used to show the progress of the download. We can use the Prefetch -h command to see other Prefetch functions.】

“SRAXXXXXX” 代表NCBI SRA数据库中的编号。包含四个层次(study:研究,sample:样本,experiment:实验,run:测序),可以通过检索词得到感兴趣的项目编号。

【"SRAXXXXXX" represents the accession in the NCBI SRA database. It contains four hierarchical levels (study: research, sample: sample, experiment: experiment, run: sequencing), and we can get the accession of the item of interest by query.】

附录:NCBI中对于SRA编号的解释:【Appendix: Interpretation of SRA numbers in NCBI】

figure 2figure 2

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