
2023-09-06 19:19:15 浏览数 (1)


1,缓冲区重复使用,通过使用sync.Pool缓存小对象,使得整个运行过程中,json.Marshal(interface{}) ([]byte, error),函数只分配了一个[]byte


type emptyInterface struct {
    typ unsafe.Pointer
    ptr unsafe.Pointer


var typeToEncoder = map[uintptr]func(unsafe.Pointer)([]byte, error){}
func Marshal(v interface{}) ([]byte, error) {
    iface := (*emptyInterface)(unsafe.Pointer(&v)
    typeptr := uintptr(iface.typ)
    if enc, exists := typeToEncoder[typeptr]; exists {
        return enc(iface.ptr)




type Type interface {
  // Methods applicable to all types.

  // Align returns the alignment in bytes of a value of
  // this type when allocated in memory.
  Align() int

  // FieldAlign returns the alignment in bytes of a value of
  // this type when used as a field in a struct.
  FieldAlign() int

  // Method returns the i'th method in the type's method set.
  // It panics if i is not in the range [0, NumMethod()).
  // For a non-interface type T or *T, the returned Method's Type and Func
  // fields describe a function whose first argument is the receiver,
  // and only exported methods are accessible.
  // For an interface type, the returned Method's Type field gives the
  // method signature, without a receiver, and the Func field is nil.
  // Methods are sorted in lexicographic order.
  Method(int) Method

  // MethodByName returns the method with that name in the type's
  // method set and a boolean indicating if the method was found.
  // For a non-interface type T or *T, the returned Method's Type and Func
  // fields describe a function whose first argument is the receiver.
  // For an interface type, the returned Method's Type field gives the
  // method signature, without a receiver, and the Func field is nil.
  MethodByName(string) (Method, bool)

  // NumMethod returns the number of methods accessible using Method.
  // For a non-interface type, it returns the number of exported methods.
  // For an interface type, it returns the number of exported and unexported methods.
  NumMethod() int

  // Name returns the type's name within its package for a defined type.
  // For other (non-defined) types it returns the empty string.
  Name() string

  // PkgPath returns a defined type's package path, that is, the import path
  // that uniquely identifies the package, such as "encoding/base64".
  // If the type was predeclared (string, error) or not defined (*T, struct{},
  // []int, or A where A is an alias for a non-defined type), the package path
  // will be the empty string.
  PkgPath() string

  // Size returns the number of bytes needed to store
  // a value of the given type; it is analogous to unsafe.Sizeof.
  Size() uintptr

  // String returns a string representation of the type.
  // The string representation may use shortened package names
  // (e.g., base64 instead of "encoding/base64") and is not
  // guaranteed to be unique among types. To test for type identity,
  // compare the Types directly.
  String() string

  // Kind returns the specific kind of this type.
  Kind() Kind

  // Implements reports whether the type implements the interface type u.
  Implements(u Type) bool

  // AssignableTo reports whether a value of the type is assignable to type u.
  AssignableTo(u Type) bool

  // ConvertibleTo reports whether a value of the type is convertible to type u.
  // Even if ConvertibleTo returns true, the conversion may still panic.
  // For example, a slice of type []T is convertible to *[N]T,
  // but the conversion will panic if its length is less than N.
  ConvertibleTo(u Type) bool

  // Comparable reports whether values of this type are comparable.
  // Even if Comparable returns true, the comparison may still panic.
  // For example, values of interface type are comparable,
  // but the comparison will panic if their dynamic type is not comparable.
  Comparable() bool

  // Methods applicable only to some types, depending on Kind.
  // The methods allowed for each kind are:
  //  Int*, Uint*, Float*, Complex*: Bits
  //  Array: Elem, Len
  //  Chan: ChanDir, Elem
  //  Func: In, NumIn, Out, NumOut, IsVariadic.
  //  Map: Key, Elem
  //  Pointer: Elem
  //  Slice: Elem
  //  Struct: Field, FieldByIndex, FieldByName, FieldByNameFunc, NumField

  // Bits returns the size of the type in bits.
  // It panics if the type's Kind is not one of the
  // sized or unsized Int, Uint, Float, or Complex kinds.
  Bits() int

  // ChanDir returns a channel type's direction.
  // It panics if the type's Kind is not Chan.
  ChanDir() ChanDir

  // IsVariadic reports whether a function type's final input parameter
  // is a "..." parameter. If so, t.In(t.NumIn() - 1) returns the parameter's
  // implicit actual type []T.
  // For concreteness, if t represents func(x int, y ... float64), then
  //  t.NumIn() == 2
  //  t.In(0) is the reflect.Type for "int"
  //  t.In(1) is the reflect.Type for "[]float64"
  //  t.IsVariadic() == true
  // IsVariadic panics if the type's Kind is not Func.
  IsVariadic() bool

  // Elem returns a type's element type.
  // It panics if the type's Kind is not Array, Chan, Map, Pointer, or Slice.
  Elem() Type

  // Field returns a struct type's i'th field.
  // It panics if the type's Kind is not Struct.
  // It panics if i is not in the range [0, NumField()).
  Field(i int) StructField

  // FieldByIndex returns the nested field corresponding
  // to the index sequence. It is equivalent to calling Field
  // successively for each index i.
  // It panics if the type's Kind is not Struct.
  FieldByIndex(index []int) StructField

  // FieldByName returns the struct field with the given name
  // and a boolean indicating if the field was found.
  FieldByName(name string) (StructField, bool)

  // FieldByNameFunc returns the struct field with a name
  // that satisfies the match function and a boolean indicating if
  // the field was found.
  // FieldByNameFunc considers the fields in the struct itself
  // and then the fields in any embedded structs, in breadth first order,
  // stopping at the shallowest nesting depth containing one or more
  // fields satisfying the match function. If multiple fields at that depth
  // satisfy the match function, they cancel each other
  // and FieldByNameFunc returns no match.
  // This behavior mirrors Go's handling of name lookup in
  // structs containing embedded fields.
  FieldByNameFunc(match func(string) bool) (StructField, bool)

  // In returns the type of a function type's i'th input parameter.
  // It panics if the type's Kind is not Func.
  // It panics if i is not in the range [0, NumIn()).
  In(i int) Type

  // Key returns a map type's key type.
  // It panics if the type's Kind is not Map.
  Key() Type

  // Len returns an array type's length.
  // It panics if the type's Kind is not Array.
  Len() int

  // NumField returns a struct type's field count.
  // It panics if the type's Kind is not Struct.
  NumField() int

  // NumIn returns a function type's input parameter count.
  // It panics if the type's Kind is not Func.
  NumIn() int

  // NumOut returns a function type's output parameter count.
  // It panics if the type's Kind is not Func.
  NumOut() int

  // Out returns the type of a function type's i'th output parameter.
  // It panics if the type's Kind is not Func.
  // It panics if i is not in the range [0, NumOut()).
  Out(i int) Type

  common() *rtype
  uncommon() *uncommonType
func TypeOf(i any) Type {
  eface := *(*emptyInterface)(unsafe.Pointer(&i))
  return toType(eface.typ)

因此Marshal and Unmarshal的参数总是逃逸到堆区,go-json正是利用reflect.Type的特点来避免逃逸到堆区。reflect.Type被定义成了一个接口。但是现实中仅仅被rtype这个struct实现了,正是这个原因,reflect.Type和*reflect.rtype指向的数据是同一个地址。

// rtype is the common implementation of most values.
// It is embedded in other struct types.
// rtype must be kept in sync with ../runtime/type.go:/^type._type.
type rtype struct {
  size       uintptr
  ptrdata    uintptr // number of bytes in the type that can contain pointers
  hash       uint32  // hash of type; avoids computation in hash tables
  tflag      tflag   // extra type information flags
  align      uint8   // alignment of variable with this type
  fieldAlign uint8   // alignment of struct field with this type
  kind       uint8   // enumeration for C
  // function for comparing objects of this type
  // (ptr to object A, ptr to object B) -> ==?
  equal     func(unsafe.Pointer, unsafe.Pointer) bool
  gcdata    *byte   // garbage collection data
  str       nameOff // string form
  ptrToThis typeOff // type for pointer to this type, may be zero
type nameOff int32 // offset to a name
type typeOff int32 // offset to an *rtype
type textOff int32 // offset from top of text section




- opStructFieldHead ( `{` )
- opStructFieldInt ( `"x": 1,` )
- opStructFieldString ( `"y": "hello"` )
- opStructEnd ( `}` )
- opEnd


func encode(code *opcode, b []byte, p unsafe.Pointer) ([]byte, error) {
    for {
        switch code.op {
        case opStructFieldHead:
            b = append(b, '{')
            code = code.next
        case opStructFieldInt:
            b = append(b, code.key...)
            b = appendInt((*int)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(p) code.offset)))
            code = code.next


- opStructFieldHeadInt ( `{"x": 1,` )
- opStructEndString ( `"y": "hello"}` )
- opEnd

减少opcode数量,意味着减少switch case的分支数量。换句话说opcode的数量越接近1,处理的速度越快。

6,把递归调用的指令从CALL 改成JMP:在go-json包中递归处理的过程被opStructFieldRecursive操作执行,当获取了用于递归执行的opcode序列后。函数并不会被递归调用,仅仅是把一些必要的值信息存储在自己身上,并且通过移动到下一个应该执行的指令的方式来实现函数调用。

通过JMP操作实现了递归调用来避免CALL指令是一个非常有名的技术来实现高速虚拟机(high-speed virtual machine)。



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