
2018-06-05 17:12:36 浏览数 (1)

作者 | Thomas Wolf

编译 | 雁惊寒




  • 如何使用自定义激活功能定制pyTorch LSTM
  • PackedSequence对象的工作原理及其构建
  • 如何将关注层从Keras转换成pyTorch
  • 如何在pyTorch中加载数据:DataSet和Smart Batching
  • 如何在pyTorch中实现Keras的权重初始化



构建一个定制化的pyTorch LSTM模块

DeepMoji有一个很不错的特点:Bjarke Felbo及其协作者能够在一个拥有16亿条记录的海量数据集上训练该模型。因此,预先训练的模型在此训练集中具有非常丰富的情感和情绪表征,我们可以很方便地使用这个训练过的模型。

该模型是使用针对LSTM的回归内核的Theano/Keras默认激活函数hard sigmoid训练的,而pyTorch是基于NVIDIA的cuDNN库建模的,这样,可获得原生支持LSTM的GPU加速与标准的sigmoid回归激活函数:


因此,我写了一个具有hard sigmoid回归激活函数的自定义LSTM层:

def LSTMCell(input, hidden, w_ih, w_hh, b_ih=None, b_hh=None): """ A modified LSTM cell with hard sigmoid activation on the input, forget and output gates. """ hx, cx = hidden gates = F.linear(input, w_ih, b_ih) F.linear(hx, w_hh, b_hh) ingate, forgetgate, cellgate, outgate = gates.chunk(4, 1) ingate = hard_sigmoid(ingate) forgetgate = hard_sigmoid(forgetgate) cellgate = F.tanh(cellgate) outgate = hard_sigmoid(outgate) cy = (forgetgate * cx) (ingate * cellgate) hy = outgate * F.tanh(cy) return hy, cy def hard_sigmoid(x): """ Computes element-wise hard sigmoid of x. See e.g. https://github.com/Theano/Theano/blob/master/theano/tensor/nnet/sigm.py#L279 """ x = (0.2 * x) 0.5 x = F.threshold(-x, -1, -1) x = F.threshold(-x, 0, 0) return x




class Attention(Module): """ Computes a weighted average of channels across timesteps (1 parameter pr. channel). """ def __init__(self, attention_size, return_attention=False): """ Initialize the attention layer # Arguments: attention_size: Size of the attention vector. return_attention: If true, output will include the weight for each input token used for the prediction """ super(Attention, self).__init__() self.return_attention = return_attention self.attention_size = attention_size self.attention_vector = Parameter(torch.FloatTensor(attention_size)) def __repr__(self): s = '{name}({attention_size}, return attention={return_attention})' return s.format(name=self.__class__.__name__, **self.__dict__) def forward(self, inputs, input_lengths): """ Forward pass. # Arguments: inputs (Torch.Variable): Tensor of input sequences input_lengths (torch.LongTensor): Lengths of the sequences # Return: Tuple with (representations and attentions if self.return_attention else None). """ logits = inputs.matmul(self.attention_vector) unnorm_ai = (logits - logits.max()).exp() # Compute a mask for the attention on the padded sequences # See e.g. https://discuss.pytorch.org/t/self-attention-on-words-and-masking/5671/5 max_len = unnorm_ai.size(1) idxes = torch.arange(0, max_len, out=torch.LongTensor(max_len)).unsqueeze(0) if torch.cuda.is_available(): idxes = idxes.cuda() mask = Variable((idxes < input_lengths.unsqueeze(1)).float()) # apply mask and renormalize attention scores (weights) masked_weights = unnorm_ai * mask att_sums = masked_weights.sum(dim=1, keepdim=True) # sums per sequence attentions = masked_weights.div(att_sums) # apply attention weights weighted = torch.mul(inputs, attentions.unsqueeze(-1).expand_as(inputs)) # get the final fixed vector representations of the sentences representations = weighted.sum(dim=1) return (representations, attentions if self.return_attention else None)

class AttentionWeightedAverage(Layer): """ Computes a weighted average of the different channels across timesteps. Uses 1 parameter pr. channel to compute the attention value for a single timestep. """ def __init__(self, return_attention=False, **kwargs): self.init = initializers.get('uniform') self.supports_masking = True self.return_attention = return_attention super(AttentionWeightedAverage, self).__init__(** kwargs) def build(self, input_shape): self.input_spec = [InputSpec(ndim=3)] assert len(input_shape) == 3 self.W = self.add_weight(shape=(input_shape[2], 1), name='{}_W'.format(self.name), initializer=self.init) self.trainable_weights = [self.W] super(AttentionWeightedAverage, self).build(input_shape) def call(self, x, mask=None): # computes a probability distribution over the timesteps # uses 'max trick' for numerical stability # reshape is done to avoid issue with Tensorflow # and 1-dimensional weights logits = K.dot(x, self.W) x_shape = K.shape(x) logits = K.reshape(logits, (x_shape[0], x_shape[1])) ai = K.exp(logits - K.max(logits, axis=-1, keepdims=True)) # masked timesteps have zero weight if mask is not None: mask = K.cast(mask, K.floatx()) ai = ai * mask att_weights = ai / K.sum(ai, axis=1, keepdims=True) weighted_input = x * K.expand_dims(att_weights) result = K.sum(weighted_input, axis=1) if self.return_attention: return [result, att_weights] return result def get_output_shape_for(self, input_shape): return self.compute_output_shape(input_shape) def compute_output_shape(self, input_shape): output_len = input_shape[2] if self.return_attention: return [(input_shape[0], output_len), (input_shape[0], input_shape[1])] return (input_shape[0], output_len) def compute_mask(self, input, input_mask=None): if isinstance(input_mask, list): return [None] * len(input_mask) else: return None




Keras有一个不错的掩码功能可以用来处理可变长度序列。那么在pyTorch中又该如何处理这个呢?可以使用PackedSequences! pyTorch文档中有关PackedSequence的介绍并不是很详细,所以这里会详细描述它的细节。



  • 尽可能多地并行处理这个序列,因为LSTM隐藏状态依赖于每个序列的前一个时间步长,以及
  • 以正确的时间步长(每个序列的结尾)停止每个序列的计算。


# input_seqs is a batch of input sequences as a numpy array of integers (word indices in vocabulary) padded with zeroas input_seqs = Variable(torch.from_numpy(input_seqs.astype('int64')).long()) # First: order the batch by decreasing sequence length input_lengths = torch.LongTensor([torch.max(input_seqs[i, :].data.nonzero()) 1 for i in range(input_seqs.size()[0])]) input_lengths, perm_idx = input_lengths.sort(0, descending=True) input_seqs = input_seqs[perm_idx][:, :input_lengths.max()] # Then pack the sequences packed_input = pack_padded_sequence(input_seqs, input_lengths.cpu().numpy(), batch_first=True)


  • 一个data对象:一个torch.Variable(令牌的总数,每个令牌的维度),在这个简单的例子中有五个令牌序列(用整数表示):(18,1)
  • 一个batch_sizes对象:每个时间步长的令牌数列表,在这个例子中为:[6,5,2,4,1]


如何构造一个PackedSequence对象(batch_first = True)

PackedSequence对象有一个很不错的特性,就是我们无需对序列解包(这一步操作非常慢)即可直接在PackedSequence数据变量上执行许多操作。特别是我们可以对令牌执行任何操作(即对令牌的顺序/上下文不敏感)。当然,我们也可以使用接受PackedSequence作为输入的任何一个pyTorch模块(pyTorch 0.2)。





  • 一个DataSet类,用于保存、预处理和索引数据集
  • 一个BatchSampler类,用于控制样本如何批量收集
  • 一个DataLoader类,负责将这些批次提供给模型


class DeepMojiDataset(Dataset): """ A simple Dataset class. # Arguments: X_in: Inputs of the given dataset. y_in: Outputs of the given dataset. # __getitem__ output: (torch.LongTensor, torch.LongTensor) """ def __init__(self, X_in, y_in): # Check if we have Torch.LongTensor inputs (assume Numpy array otherwise) if not isinstance(X_in, torch.LongTensor): X_in = torch.from_numpy(X_in.astype('int64')).long() if not isinstance(y_in, torch.LongTensor): y_in = torch.from_numpy(y_in.astype('int64')).long() self.X_in = torch.split(X_in, 1, dim=0) self.y_in = torch.split(y_in, 1, dim=0) def __len__(self): return len(self.X_in) def __getitem__(self, idx): return self.X_in[idx].squeeze(), self.y_in[idx].squeeze()



  • 在预先定义的样本数中收集批次,这样我们的训练过程就可以不依赖于批次的长度
  • 能够从不平衡的数据集中以平衡的方式进行采样。



class DeepMojiBatchSampler(object): """A Batch sampler that enables larger epochs on small datasets and has upsampling functionality. # Arguments: y_in: Labels of the dataset. batch_size: Batch size. epoch_size: Number of samples in an epoch. upsample: Whether upsampling should be done. This flag should only be set on binary class problems. seed: Random number generator seed. # __iter__ output: iterator of lists (batches) of indices in the dataset """ def __init__(self, y_in, batch_size, epoch_size, upsample, seed): self.batch_size = batch_size self.epoch_size = epoch_size self.upsample = upsample np.random.seed(seed) if upsample: # Should only be used on binary class problems assert len(y_in.shape) == 1 neg = np.where(y_in.numpy() == 0)[0] pos = np.where(y_in.numpy() == 1)[0] assert epoch_size % 2 == 0 samples_pr_class = int(epoch_size / 2) else: ind = range(len(y_in)) if not upsample: # Randomly sample observations in a balanced way self.sample_ind = np.random.choice(ind, epoch_size, replace=True) else: # Randomly sample observations in a balanced way sample_neg = np.random.choice(neg, samples_pr_class, replace=True) sample_pos = np.random.choice(pos, samples_pr_class, replace=True) concat_ind = np.concatenate((sample_neg, sample_pos), axis=0) # Shuffle to avoid labels being in specific order # (all negative then positive) p = np.random.permutation(len(concat_ind)) self.sample_ind = concat_ind[p] label_dist = np.mean(y_in.numpy()[self.sample_ind]) assert(label_dist > 0.45) assert(label_dist < 0.55) def __iter__(self): # Hand-off data using batch_size for i in range(int(self.epoch_size/self.batch_size)): start = i * self.batch_size end = min(start self.batch_size, self.epoch_size) yield self.sample_ind[start:end] def __len__(self): # Take care of the last (maybe incomplete) batch return (self.epoch_size self.batch_size - 1) // self.batch_size





def init_weights(self): """ Here we reproduce Keras default initialization weights to initialize Embeddings/LSTM weights """ ih = (param.data for name, param in self.named_parameters() if 'weight_ih' in name) hh = (param.data for name, param in self.named_parameters() if 'weight_hh' in name) b = (param.data for name, param in self.named_parameters() if 'bias' in name) nn.init.uniform(self.embed.weight.data, a=-0.5, b=0.5) for t in ih: nn.init.xavier_uniform(t) for t in hh: nn.init.orthogonal(t) for t in b: nn.init.constant(t, 0)




  • Keras非常适合于快速测试在给定任务上组合标准神经网络块的各种方法;
  • pyTorch非常适合于快速开发和测试自定义的神经网络模块,因为它有着很大的自由度和易于阅读的numpy风格的代码。


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