触摸在 Windows 下属于比较特殊的输入,不同于键盘和鼠标,键盘和鼠标可以通过全局 Hook 的方式获取到鼠标和键盘的输入消息。而触摸则没有直接的 Hook 的方法。如果期望自己的应用,可以在没有作为前台获取焦点的应用时,可以抓取到全局的触摸消息,抓取到其他应用程序的触摸输入,那么可以尝试使用 RawInput 的方式。通过 RawInput 的方式,可以让一个没有任何激活的、触摸直接命中的窗口的应用程序接收到全局的所有触摸消息
在上一篇博客,介绍了 WPF 使用 RawInput 接收裸数据 的方法,但是里面只是和大家演示了如何抓取鼠标和键盘消息
其实通过 RawInput 是可以在注册设备时,声明需要获取 TouchScreen 触摸屏输入,和 Pen 笔输入的。如以下代码
代码语言:javascript复制 RawInputDevice.RegisterDevice(HidUsageAndPage.TouchScreen,
RawInputDeviceFlags.ExInputSink | RawInputDeviceFlags.DevNotify, hwnd);
RawInputDeviceFlags.ExInputSink | RawInputDeviceFlags.DevNotify, hwnd);
注册完成之后,即可在消息循环里面,收到 Windows 调度的消息。基于 rawinput-sharp: C# wrapper library for Raw Input 项目的 RawInput.Sharp 库的自动转换,即可通过判断 RawInputHidData 的方式,过滤出触摸的输入,代码如下
代码语言:javascript复制 private IntPtr Hook(IntPtr hwnd, int msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam, ref bool handled)
const int WM_INPUT = 0x00FF;
// You can read inputs by processing the WM_INPUT message.
if (msg == WM_INPUT)
// Create an RawInputData from the handle stored in lParam.
var data = RawInputData.FromHandle(lparam);
// The data will be an instance of either RawInputMouseData, RawInputKeyboardData, or RawInputHidData.
// They contain the raw input data in their properties.
switch (data)
case RawInputHidData hid:
Debug.WriteLine($"Hid {hid.Hid}");
TextBlock.Text = @$"DevicePath: {hid.Device.DevicePath}
VID:{hid.Device.VendorId:X2} PID:{hid.Device.ProductId:X2}
if (hid is RawInputDigitizerData rawInputDigitizerData)
foreach (var rawInputDigitizerContact in rawInputDigitizerData.Contacts)
TextBlock.Text = rawInputDigitizerContact.ToString() "rn";
return IntPtr.Zero;
如上面代码,可以看到,在获取输入信息时,还可以获取到是哪个触摸框的输入,通过触摸框的 DevicePath 或者是 ProductId 等判断。同时通过 RawInput 的此方法,也可以用来支持双触摸屏同时进行触摸输入
在使用之前,安装 NuGet 包。如果是 SDK 风格的 csproj 项目格式,可以在项目文件添加以下代码安装
代码语言:javascript复制 <ItemGroup>
<PackageReference Include="RawInput.Sharp" Version="0.0.2" />
以下是 MainWindow.xaml.cs 的例子代码
代码语言:javascript复制using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls;
using System.Windows.Data;
using System.Windows.Documents;
using System.Windows.Input;
using System.Windows.Interop;
using System.Windows.Media;
using System.Windows.Media.Imaging;
using System.Windows.Navigation;
using System.Windows.Shapes;
using Linearstar.Windows.RawInput;
namespace RaicheadoherneanuNalokearwherno;
/// <summary>
/// Interaction logic for MainWindow.xaml
/// </summary>
public partial class MainWindow : Window
public MainWindow()
SourceInitialized = MainWindow_SourceInitialized;
private void MainWindow_SourceInitialized(object? sender, EventArgs e)
var windowInteropHelper = new WindowInteropHelper(this);
var hwnd = windowInteropHelper.Handle;
// Get the devices that can be handled with Raw Input.
var devices = RawInputDevice.GetDevices();
// register the keyboard device and you can register device which you need like mouse
RawInputDeviceFlags.ExInputSink | RawInputDeviceFlags.NoLegacy, hwnd);
RawInputDeviceFlags.ExInputSink | RawInputDeviceFlags.DevNotify, hwnd);
RawInputDeviceFlags.ExInputSink | RawInputDeviceFlags.DevNotify, hwnd);
HwndSource source = HwndSource.FromHwnd(hwnd);
private IntPtr Hook(IntPtr hwnd, int msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam, ref bool handled)
const int WM_INPUT = 0x00FF;
// You can read inputs by processing the WM_INPUT message.
if (msg == WM_INPUT)
// Create an RawInputData from the handle stored in lParam.
var data = RawInputData.FromHandle(lparam);
// You can identify the source device using Header.DeviceHandle or just Device.
var sourceDeviceHandle = data.Header.DeviceHandle;
var sourceDevice = data.Device;
// The data will be an instance of either RawInputMouseData, RawInputKeyboardData, or RawInputHidData.
// They contain the raw input data in their properties.
switch (data)
case RawInputMouseData mouse:
Debug.WriteLine($"Mouse {mouse.Mouse}");
case RawInputKeyboardData keyboard:
case RawInputHidData hid:
Debug.WriteLine($"Hid {hid.Hid}");
TextBlock.Text = @$"DevicePath: {hid.Device.DevicePath}
VID:{hid.Device.VendorId:X2} PID:{hid.Device.ProductId:X2}
if (hid is RawInputDigitizerData rawInputDigitizerData)
foreach (var rawInputDigitizerContact in rawInputDigitizerData.Contacts)
TextBlock.Text = rawInputDigitizerContact.ToString() "rn";
return IntPtr.Zero;
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