Given an array containing n distinct numbers taken from 0, 1, 2, ..., n
, find the one that is missing from the array.
Example 1:
代码语言:javascript复制Input: [3,0,1]
Output: 2
Example 2:
代码语言:javascript复制Input: [9,6,4,2,3,5,7,0,1]
Output: 8
Note: Your algorithm should run in linear runtime complexity. Could you implement it using only constant extra space complexity?
给定一个包含 0, 1, 2, ..., n
中 n 个数的序列,找出 0 .. n 中没有出现在序列中的那个数。
示例 1:
代码语言:javascript复制输入: [3,0,1]
输出: 2
示例 2:
代码语言:javascript复制输入: [9,6,4,2,3,5,7,0,1]
输出: 8
说明: 你的算法应具有线性时间复杂度。你能否仅使用额外常数空间来实现?
代码语言:javascript复制class Solution {
public int missingNumber(int[] nums) {
int sum = (nums.length 1) * nums.length >>> 1; // 原本应该nums.length 1个数字,从0到nums.length,求和就行
int sum1 = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < nums.length; i) {
sum1 = nums[i];
return sum - sum1;
Debug code in playground:
代码语言:javascript复制class Solution {
public int missingNumber(int[] nums) {
int sum = (nums.length 1) * nums.length >>> 1;
int sum1 = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < nums.length; i) {
sum1 = nums[i];
return sum - sum1;
public class MainClass {
public static int[] stringToIntegerArray(String input) {
input = input.trim();
input = input.substring(1, input.length() - 1);
if (input.length() == 0) {
return new int[0];
String[] parts = input.split(",");
int[] output = new int[parts.length];
for(int index = 0; index < parts.length; index ) {
String part = parts[index].trim();
output[index] = Integer.parseInt(part);
return output;
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));
String line;
while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) {
int[] nums = stringToIntegerArray(line);
int ret = new Solution().missingNumber(nums);
String out = String.valueOf(ret);