
2023-05-10 14:56:10 浏览数 (3)




def process_img(img, target_size=640, max_size=2000, multiple=32, keep_ratio=True, NCHW=True, ToTensor=True):
img = img128:512, 0:480
img = cv2.resize(img, (640, 512), interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR)
im_shape = img.shape
im_size_min = np.min(im_shape0:2)
im_size_max = np.max(im_shape0:2)

resize with keep_ratio

if keep_ratio:
im_scale = float(target_size) / float(im_size_min)
if np.round(im_scale * im_size_max) > max_size:
im_scale = float(max_size) / float(im_size_max)
im_scale_x = np.floor(img.shape1 * im_scale / multiple) * multiple / img.shape1
im_scale_y = np.floor(img.shape0 * im_scale / multiple) * multiple / img.shape0
image_resized = cv2.resize(img, None, None, fx=im_scale_x, fy=im_scale_y, interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR)
im_scales = np.array(im_scale_x, im_scale_y, im_scale_x, im_scale_y)
im = image_resized / 255.0 # np.float64
im = im.astype(np.float32)
PIXEL_MEANS =(0.485, 0.456, 0.406) # RGB format mean and variances
PIXEL_STDS = (0.229, 0.224, 0.225)
im -= np.array(PIXEL_MEANS)
im /= np.array(PIXEL_STDS)
im = cv2.cvtColor(im, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) # BGR2RGB
if NCHW:
im = np.transpose(im, (2, 0, 1)).astype(np.float32) # SAI-KEY TensorFlow use input with NHWC.
im = imnp.newaxis, ...
if ToTensor:
im = torch.from_numpy(im)
return im, im_scales
return None 

此代码用于对输入的图片进行预处理,使其能够被神经网络处理。具体来说,输入的图片首先被裁剪和缩放到指定大小,然后通过减去 RGB 归一化值的均值和标准差进行归一化,接着将 RGB 通道转为 BGR 通道,最后改变图像的输入格式,将其转为 NCHW 格式的张量(N 代表 Batch size,C 代表通道数,H 代表高度,W 代表宽度)并转为 PyTorch 的 Tensor 类型。如果 keep_ratio=True,则图像的宽高比被保持不变。返回处理后的图像以及缩放比例。如果 keep_ratio=False,则返回 None。

if __name__=="__main__":
tflite_model = '/home/R-RetinaNet/models/r-retinanet.tflite'
# 定义输入输出shape
in_shape = [1 * 640 * 800 * 3 * 4]  # HWC, float32
out_shape = [1 * 53325 * 8 * 4]  # 8400: total cells, 52 = 48(num_classes)   4(xywh), float32
# AidLite初始化
aidlite = aidlite_gpu.aidlite()
# 加载R-RetinaNet模型
res = aidlite.ANNModel(tflite_model, in_shape, out_shape, 4, -1) # Infer on -1: cpu, 0: gpu, 1: mixed, 2: dsp
# print(res)
cap = cvs.VideoCapture(0)
frame_id = 0
while True:
    frame = cap.read()
    if frame is None:
    im, im_scales = process_img(frame, NCHW=False, ToTensor=False)  # im: NHWC
    frame_id  = 1
    if frame_id % 3 != 0:
    aidlite.setInput_Float32(im, 800, 640)
    # 推理
    preds = aidlite.getOutput_Float32(0)
    preds = preds.reshape(1, 8, (int)(preds.shape[0]/8))
    # 后解算
    output = np.transpose(preds, (0, 2, 1))
    # 创建Anchor
    im_anchor = np.transpose(im, (0, 3, 1, 2)).astype(np.float32)
    anchors_list = []
    anchor_generator = Anchors(ratios = np.array([0.2, 0.5, 1, 2, 5]))
    original_anchors = anchor_generator(im_anchor)   # (bs, num_all_achors, 5)
    # 解算输出
    decode_output = decoder(im_anchor, anchors_list[-1], output[..., 5:8], output[..., 0:5], thresh=0.2, nms_thresh=0.2, test_conf=None)
    # 重构输出
    scores = decode_output[0].reshape(-1, 1)
    classes = decode_output[1].reshape(-1, 1)
    boxes = decode_output[2]
    boxes[:, :4] = boxes[:, :4] / im_scales
    if boxes.shape[1] > 5:   
        boxes[:, 5:9] = boxes[:, 5:9] / im_scales
    dets = np.concatenate([classes, scores, boxes], axis=1)
    # 过滤类别
    keep = np.where(classes > 0)[0]
    dets =  dets[keep, :]
    # 转换坐标('xywha'->'xyxyxyxy')
    res = sort_corners(rbox_2_quad(dets[:, 2:]))
    # cv绘图.
    for k in range(dets.shape[0]):
        cv2.line(frame, (int(res[k, 0]), int(res[k, 1])), (int(res[k, 2]), int(res[k, 3])), (0, 255, 0), 3)
        cv2.line(frame, (int(res[k, 2]), int(res[k, 3])), (int(res[k, 4]), int(res[k, 5])), (0, 255, 0), 3)
        cv2.line(frame, (int(res[k, 4]), int(res[k, 5])), (int(res[k, 6]), int(res[k, 7])), (0, 255, 0), 3)
        cv2.line(frame, (int(res[k, 6]), int(res[k, 7])), (int(res[k, 0]), int(res[k, 1])), (0, 255, 0), 3)

此代码实现了通过手机摄像头实时检测图像中的文本行,首先初始化 AidLite,并加载 R-RetinaNet 模型。然后进入摄像头读取和处理的循环中,先调用 process_img 对图像进行预处理,然后将预处理后的图像输入给模型进行推理,再根据模型输出进行解析、过滤和转换坐标,最后在原图上绘制文本行框并显示出来。其中使用了 opencv 绘制框和显示图片。

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