
2023-06-08 16:54:03 浏览数 (2)




# 以下是通过 Go 语言重新实现 ffmpeg 的 filter_audio.c 功能的步骤:

1. 导入必要的依赖包和定义常量和变量。

2. 初始化 FFmpeg 库文件路径。

3. 创建一个音频滤镜图,并将 abuffer、volume 和 aformat 滤镜连接起来。其中,abuffer 滤镜用于获取输入音频采样,volume 滤镜用于调节音频音量,aformat 滤镜用于设置输出音频格式。

4. 创建输出音频流的 AVCodecContext 上下文,并设置相关属性。

5. 使用 avcodec_find_encoder_by_name 函数查找 PCM S16LE 编码器,然后创建编码器的 AVCodec 上下文。

6. 打开编码器并写入头部信息。

7. 循环读取音频帧,将其发送到音频滤镜图进行处理。

8. 从滤镜图中获取输出音频帧,并将其编码为 PCM S16LE 格式。

9. 计算输出音频帧的 MD5 校验和,并将其打印到标准输出上。

10. 释放资源,结束程序运行。

以上就是使用 Go 语言对 filter_audio.c 文件进行重新实现的步骤。

# 命令如下:

go run ./examples/internalexamples/filter_audio/main.go 1

# go代码如下:

package main

import (


func main0() (ret ffcommon.FInt) {
  var md5 *libavutil.AVMD5
  var graph *libavfilter.AVFilterGraph
  var src, sink *libavfilter.AVFilterContext
  var frame *libavutil.AVFrame
  var errstr [1024]ffcommon.FUint8T
  var duration ffcommon.FFloat
  var err, nb_frames, i ffcommon.FInt

  if len(os.Args) < 2 {
    fmt.Printf("Usage: %s <duration>n", os.Args[0])
    return 1

  f, err2 := strconv.ParseFloat(os.Args[1], 32)
  if err2 != nil {
    // handle error
    return 1
  duration = float32(f)
  nb_frames = int32(float64(duration) * INPUT_SAMPLERATE / FRAME_SIZE)
  if nb_frames <= 0 {
    fmt.Printf("Invalid duration: %sn", os.Args[1])
    return 1

  /* Allocate the frame we will be using to store the data. */
  frame = libavutil.AvFrameAlloc()
  if frame == nil {
    fmt.Printf("Error allocating the framen")
    return 1

  md5 = libavutil.AvMd5Alloc()
  if md5 == nil {
    fmt.Printf("Error allocating the MD5 contextn")
    return 1

  /* Set up the filtergraph. */
  err = init_filter_graph(&graph, &src, &sink)
  if err < 0 {
    fmt.Printf("Unable to init filter graph:")
    goto fail

  /* the main filtering loop */
  for i = 0; i < nb_frames; i   {
    // /* get an input frame to be filtered */
    err = get_input(frame, i)
    if err < 0 {
      fmt.Printf("Error generating input frame:")
      goto fail

    /* Send the frame to the input of the filtergraph. */
    err = src.AvBuffersrcAddFrame(frame)
    if err < 0 {
      fmt.Printf("Error submitting the frame to the filtergraph:")
      goto fail

    /* Get all the filtered output that is available. */
    err = sink.AvBuffersinkGetFrame(frame)
    for err >= 0 {
      /* now do something with our filtered frame */
      err = process_output(md5, frame)
      if err < 0 {
        fmt.Printf("Error processing the filtered frame:")
        goto fail
      err = sink.AvBuffersinkGetFrame(frame)

    if err == -libavutil.EAGAIN {
      /* Need to feed more frames in. */
    } else if err == libavutil.AVERROR_EOF {
      /* Nothing more to do, finish. */
    } else if err < 0 {
      /* An error occurred. */
      fmt.Printf("Error filtering the data:")
      goto fail


  return 0

  libavutil.AvStrerror(err, (*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&errstr)), uint64(len(errstr)))
  fmt.Printf("%sn", errstr)
  return 1

const INPUT_SAMPLERATE = 48000

const VOLUME_VAL = 0.90

func init_filter_graph(graph **libavfilter.AVFilterGraph, src **libavfilter.AVFilterContext,
  sink **libavfilter.AVFilterContext) ffcommon.FInt {
  var filter_graph *libavfilter.AVFilterGraph
  var abuffer_ctx *libavfilter.AVFilterContext
  var abuffer *libavfilter.AVFilter
  var volume_ctx *libavfilter.AVFilterContext
  var volume *libavfilter.AVFilter
  var aformat_ctx *libavfilter.AVFilterContext
  var aformat *libavfilter.AVFilter
  var abuffersink_ctx *libavfilter.AVFilterContext
  var abuffersink *libavfilter.AVFilter

  var options_dict *libavutil.AVDictionary
  var options_str string
  var ch_layout [64]ffcommon.FUint8T

  var err ffcommon.FInt

  /* Create a new filtergraph, which will contain all the filters. */
  filter_graph = libavfilter.AvfilterGraphAlloc()
  if filter_graph == nil {
    fmt.Printf("Unable to create filter graph.n")
    return libavutil.ENOMEM

  /* Create the abuffer filter;
   * it will be used for feeding the data into the graph. */
  abuffer = libavfilter.AvfilterGetByName("abuffer")
  if abuffer == nil {
    fmt.Printf("Could not find the abuffer filter.n")
    return libavutil.AVERROR_FILTER_NOT_FOUND

  abuffer_ctx = filter_graph.AvfilterGraphAllocFilter(abuffer, "src")
  if abuffer_ctx == nil {
    fmt.Printf("Could not allocate the abuffer instance.n")
    return -libavutil.ENOMEM

  /* Set the filter options through the AVOptions API. */
  libavutil.AvGetChannelLayoutString((*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&ch_layout)), int32(len(ch_layout)), 0, INPUT_CHANNEL_LAYOUT)
  libavutil.AvOptSet(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(abuffer_ctx)), "channel_layout", ffcommon.StringFromPtr(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&ch_layout))), libavutil.AV_OPT_SEARCH_CHILDREN)
  libavutil.AvOptSet(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(abuffer_ctx)), "sample_fmt", libavutil.AvGetSampleFmtName(INPUT_FORMAT), libavutil.AV_OPT_SEARCH_CHILDREN)
  libavutil.AvOptSetQ(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(abuffer_ctx)), "time_base", libavutil.AVRational{1, INPUT_SAMPLERATE}, libavutil.AV_OPT_SEARCH_CHILDREN)
  libavutil.AvOptSetInt(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(abuffer_ctx)), "sample_rate", INPUT_SAMPLERATE, libavutil.AV_OPT_SEARCH_CHILDREN)

  /* Now initialize the filter; we pass NULL options, since we have already
   * set all the options above. */
  err = abuffer_ctx.AvfilterInitStr("")
  if err < 0 {
    fmt.Printf("Could not initialize the abuffer filter.n")
    return err

  /* Create volume filter. */
  volume = libavfilter.AvfilterGetByName("volume")
  if volume == nil {
    fmt.Printf("Could not find the volume filter.n")
    return libavutil.AVERROR_FILTER_NOT_FOUND

  volume_ctx = filter_graph.AvfilterGraphAllocFilter(volume, "volume")
  if volume_ctx == nil {
    fmt.Printf("Could not allocate the volume instance.n")
    return -libavutil.ENOMEM

  /* A different way of passing the options is as key/value pairs in a
   * dictionary. */
  libavutil.AvDictSet(&options_dict, "volume", fmt.Sprint(VOLUME_VAL), 0)
  err = volume_ctx.AvfilterInitDict(&options_dict)
  if err < 0 {
    fmt.Printf("Could not initialize the volume filter.n")
    return err

  /* Create the aformat filter;
   * it ensures that the output is of the format we want. */
  aformat = libavfilter.AvfilterGetByName("aformat")
  if aformat == nil {
    fmt.Printf("Could not find the aformat filter.n")
    return libavutil.AVERROR_FILTER_NOT_FOUND

  aformat_ctx = filter_graph.AvfilterGraphAllocFilter(aformat, "aformat")
  if aformat_ctx == nil {
    fmt.Printf("Could not allocate the aformat instance.n")
    return -libavutil.ENOMEM

  /* A third way of passing the options is in a string of the form
   * key1=value1:key2=value2.... */
  // snprintf(options_str, sizeof(options_str),
  //          "sample_fmts=%s:sample_rates=%d:channel_layouts=0x%"PRIx64,
  //          av_get_sample_fmt_name(AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S16), 44100,
  //          (uint64_t)AV_CH_LAYOUT_STEREO);
  options_str = fmt.Sprintf("sample_fmts=%s:sample_rates=%d:channel_layouts=0x%x",
    libavutil.AvGetSampleFmtName(libavutil.AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S16), 44100,
  err = aformat_ctx.AvfilterInitStr(options_str)
  if err < 0 {
    libavutil.AvLog(uintptr(0), libavutil.AV_LOG_ERROR, "Could not initialize the aformat filter.n")
    return err

  /* Finally create the abuffersink filter;
   * it will be used to get the filtered data out of the graph. */
  abuffersink = libavfilter.AvfilterGetByName("abuffersink")
  if abuffersink == nil {
    fmt.Printf("Could not find the abuffersink filter.n")
    return libavutil.AVERROR_FILTER_NOT_FOUND

  abuffersink_ctx = filter_graph.AvfilterGraphAllocFilter(abuffersink, "sink")
  if abuffersink_ctx == nil {
    fmt.Printf("Could not allocate the abuffersink instance.n")
    return -libavutil.ENOMEM

  /* This filter takes no options. */
  err = abuffersink_ctx.AvfilterInitStr("")
  if err < 0 {
    fmt.Printf("Could not initialize the abuffersink instance.n")
    return err

  /* Connect the filters;
   * in this simple case the filters just form a linear chain. */
  err = abuffer_ctx.AvfilterLink(0, volume_ctx, 0)
  if err >= 0 {
    err = volume_ctx.AvfilterLink(0, aformat_ctx, 0)
  if err >= 0 {
    err = aformat_ctx.AvfilterLink(0, abuffersink_ctx, 0)
  if err < 0 {
    fmt.Printf("Error connecting filtersn")
    return err

  /* Configure the graph. */
  err = filter_graph.AvfilterGraphConfig(uintptr(0))
  if err < 0 {
    libavutil.AvLog(uintptr(0), libavutil.AV_LOG_ERROR, "Error configuring the filter graphn")
    return err

  *graph = filter_graph
  *src = abuffer_ctx
  *sink = abuffersink_ctx

  return 0

/* Do something useful with the filtered data: this simple
 * example just prints the MD5 checksum of each plane to stdout. */
func process_output(md5 *libavutil.AVMD5, frame *libavutil.AVFrame) ffcommon.FInt {
  planar := libavutil.AvSampleFmtIsPlanar(libavutil.AVSampleFormat(frame.Format))
  channels := libavutil.AvGetChannelLayoutNbChannels(frame.ChannelLayout)
  planes := channels
  if planar == 0 {
    planes = 1
  bps := libavutil.AvGetBytesPerSample(libavutil.AVSampleFormat(frame.Format))
  plane_size := bps * frame.NbSamples
  if planar == 0 {
    plane_size = plane_size * channels
  var i, j ffcommon.FInt

  for i = 0; i < planes; i   {
    var checksum [16]ffcommon.FUint8T

    ptr := *(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(frame.ExtendedData))   uintptr(i*8)))
    libavutil.AvMd5Sum((*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&checksum)), (*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(ptr)), plane_size)

    fmt.Printf("plane %d: 0x", i)
    for j = 0; j < int32(len(checksum)); j   {
      fmt.Printf("X", checksum[j])

  return 0

const FRAME_SIZE = 1024

/* Construct a frame of audio data to be filtered;
 * this simple example just synthesizes a sine wave. */
func get_input(frame *libavutil.AVFrame, frame_num ffcommon.FInt) ffcommon.FInt {
  var err, i, j ffcommon.FInt

  // #define FRAME_SIZE 1024

  /* Set up the frame properties and allocate the buffer for the data. */
  frame.SampleRate = INPUT_SAMPLERATE
  frame.Format = INPUT_FORMAT
  frame.ChannelLayout = INPUT_CHANNEL_LAYOUT
  frame.NbSamples = FRAME_SIZE
  frame.Pts = int64(frame_num) * FRAME_SIZE

  err = frame.AvFrameGetBuffer(0)
  if err < 0 {
    return err

  /* Fill the data for each channel. */
  for i = 0; i < 5; i   {
    // float *data = (float*)frame->extended_data[i];
    ptr := *(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(frame.ExtendedData))   uintptr(i*8)))
    data := (*ffcommon.FFloat)(unsafe.Pointer(ptr))

    for j = 0; j < frame.NbSamples; j   {
      *(*ffcommon.FFloat)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(data))   uintptr(4*j))) = float32(math.Sin(2 * libavutil.M_PI * (float64(frame_num   j)) * float64((i 1)/FRAME_SIZE)))

  return 0

func main() {
  // go run ./examples/internalexamples/filter_audio/main.go 1
  os.Setenv("Path", os.Getenv("Path") ";./lib")

  genDir := "./out"
  _, err := os.Stat(genDir)
  if err != nil {
    if os.IsNotExist(err) {
      os.Mkdir(genDir, 0777) //  Everyone can read write and execute


# 运行结果如下:

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