- React-native组件库列表
- react-native
- 对
- react
- 对
- 数据管理
- mobx-react
- 对
- mobx
- mobx-react
- UI
- @ant-design/react-native
- 对
- Toast
- 加入Provider
- 其他不清楚
- 对
- @ant-design/react-native
- 模糊效果
- @react-native-community/blur
- 对
- @react-native-community/blur
- 视频
- https://github.com/chaimPaneth/react-native-jw-media-player
- 获取原生图片
- react-native-image-picker
- 对
- react-native-image-picker
- 网络
- axios
- 错
- 需要fetch替代
- 是否必改
- 是
- 原因
- 无法进行登录
- 错
- axios
- ios底部菜单
- react-native-actionsheet
- 对
- react-native-actionsheet
- 直播
- react-native-agora
- 对
- 但是需要改。。。
- react-native-agora
- 卡片组建
- react-native-cardview
- 对
- react-native-cardview
- 原生手势
- react-native-gesture-handler
- 官网
- https://software-mansion.github.io/react-native-gesture-handler/
- 官网
- react-native-gesture-handler
- 权限获取
- react-native-permissions
- 动画
- react-native-reanimated
- 路由
- react-native-router-flux
- 对
- react-native-router-flux
- 全屏
- react-native-screens
- 闪屏页
- react-native-splash-screen
- 存储
- @react-native-community/async-storage
- react-native-storage
- 导航
- 功能齐全的导航库的依赖项
- react-native-screens
- react-native-router-flux
- 功能齐全的导航库的依赖项
- svg
- react-native-svg
- 读取xml
- xmldom
- 矢量图形
- @react-native-community/art
- tab
- react-native-tab-view
- expo系列
- 基础
- once and then you will be able to use most of the packages from the Expo SDK
- react-native-unimodules
- 停止休眠
- expo-keep-awake
- 基础
- 截图
- react-native-view-shot
- web
- react-native-webview
- socket
- socket.io-client
- 支持修饰符
- @babel/plugin-proposal-decorators
- babel-plugin-import
- 待完成
- 大列表
- react-native