composer search 搜索 依赖包

2023-01-10 09:41:06 浏览数 (2)

1. search 命令简介

search 命令用于搜索 上的依赖包

使用场景 : 忘记了依赖包名还不想去 上搜索


2. search 命令使用示例

搜索 thinkphp官方依赖包

  1. composer search topthink
  2. $ composer search topthink
  3. topthink/framework The ThinkPHP Framework.
  4. topthink/think-captcha captcha package for thinkphp
  5. topthink/think-helper The ThinkPHP6 Helper Package
  6. topthink/think-multi-app thinkphp6 multi app support
  7. topthink/think-orm think orm
  8. topthink/think-template the php template engine
  9. topthink/think-trace thinkphp debug trace
  10. topthink/think-view thinkphp template driver
  11. topthink/think the new thinkphp framework
  12. topthink/framework The ThinkPHP Framework.
  13. topthink/think-orm think orm
  14. topthink/think-worker workerman extend for thinkphp6.0
  15. topthink/think-template the php template engine
  16. topthink/think-swoole Swoole extend for thinkphp
  17. topthink/think-queue The ThinkPHP6 Queue Package
  18. topthink/think-migration
  19. topthink/think-helper The ThinkPHP6 Helper Package
  20. topthink/think-captcha captcha package for thinkphp
  21. topthink/think-view thinkphp template driver
  22. topthink/think-trace thinkphp debug trace
  23. topthink/think-testing
  24. topthink/think-multi-app thinkphp6 multi app support
  25. topthink/think-mongo mongodb driver for thinkphp6.0


composer require topthink/think-view topthink/think-multi-app topthink/think-captcha

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