异步 挑战一 sayHowdy 问题:
题解: / CHALLENGE 1 /
function sayHowdy() { console.log('Howdy'); }
function testMe() { setTimeout(sayHowdy, 0); console.log('Partnah'); } // After thinking it through, uncomment the following line to check your guess! // testMe(); // what order should these log out? Howdy or Partnah first? 挑战二 delayedGreet 问题:
题解: / CHALLENGE 2 /
function delayedGreet() { // ADD CODE HERE setTimeout(()=>console.log('welcome'), 3000); } // Uncomment the following line to check your work! // delayedGreet(); // should log (after 3 seconds): welcome 挑战三 helloGoodbye 问题:
构建helloGoodbye函数。其会立刻打印”hello”,然后2秒后打印“good bye”。
代码: / CHALLENGE 3 /
function helloGoodbye() { // ADD CODE HERE setTimeout(()=>console.log('good bye'), 2000); console.log('hello'); } // Uncomment the following line to check your work! // helloGoodbye(); // should log: hello // should also log (after 3 seconds): good bye 挑战四 brokenRecord 问题:
构建brokenRecord函数。其会每秒钟都打印一次”hi again“。使用”End Code“按钮结束打印如果你对代码的运行满意的话。(译注:原题库网页上的按钮)
题解: / CHALLENGE 4 /
function brokenRecord() { // ADD CODE HERE setInterval(()=>console.log('hi again'), 1000); } // Uncomment the following line to check your work! // brokenRecord(); // should log (every second): hi again 挑战五 limitedRepeat 问题:
构建limitedRepeat函数。其会每秒钟打印一次”hi for now”,但仅仅持续5秒钟。如果你感到困难的话,研究clearInterval。
题解: / CHALLENGE 5 /
function limitedRepeat() { // ADD CODE HERE const intervalId = setInterval(()=>console.log('hi for now'), 1000); setTimeout(()=>clearInterval(intervalId), 5000); } // Uncomment the following line to check your work! // limitedRepeat(); // should log (every second, for 5 seconds): hi for now 挑战六 everyXsecsForYsecs 问题:
题解: / CHALLENGE 6 /
function everyXsecsForYsecs(func, interval, duration) { // ADD CODE HERE const intervalId = setInterval(func, interval * 1000); setTimeout(() => clearInterval(intervalId), duration * 1000);
} // Uncomment the following lines to check your work! function theEnd() { console.log('This is the end!'); } everyXsecsForYsecs(theEnd, 2, 20); // should invoke theEnd function every 2 seconds, for 20 seconds): This is the end! 挑战七 delayCounter 问题:
题解: / CHALLENGE 7 /
function delayCounter(target, wait) {
代码语言:javascript复制// Solution 1:
let intervalId;
let counter = 0;
return function inner() {
if (counter === 0) {
counter ;
intervalId = setInterval(() => console.log(inner()), wait);
} else if (counter === target) {
return counter;
} else {
return counter ;
// Solution 2:
//return function inner() {
// for(let i = 1; i<=target; i ){
// setTimeout(()=>console.log(i), wait * i);
// }
// UNCOMMENT THESE TO TEST YOUR WORK! // const countLogger = delayCounter(3, 1000) // countLogger(); // After 1 second, log 1 // After 2 seconds, log 2 // After 3 seconds, log 3 挑战八 promised 问题:
题解: / CHALLENGE 8 /
function promised (val) { // ADD CODE HERE const promiseObj = new Promise((resolve) => {
代码语言:javascript复制setTimeout(() => resolve(val), 2000);
}); return promiseObj; }
// UNCOMMENT THESE TO TEST YOUR WORK! // const createPromise = promised('wait for it...'); // createPromise.then((val) => console.log(val)); // will log "wait for it..." to the console after 2 seconds 挑战九 SecondClock 问题:
题解: / CHALLENGE 9 /
class SecondClock { constructor(cb) {
代码语言:javascript复制// ADD CODE HERE
this.counter = 0
this.intervalId = 0
this.cb = cb
} // ADD METHODS HERE start () {
代码语言:javascript复制this.intervalId = setInterval(()=>this.cb( this.counter), 1000);
reset () {
this.counter = 0;
this.intervalId = 0;
} }
// UNCOMMENT THESE TO TEST YOUR WORK! // const clock = new SecondClock((val) => { console.log(val) }); // console.log("Started Clock."); // clock.start(); // setTimeout(() => { // clock.reset(); // console.log("Stopped Clock after 6 seconds."); // }, 6000); 挑战十 debounce 问题:
在interval毫秒时间内调用返回函数不会被响应或列入队列,然而时间信息会被重置( 译注:interval时间重新开始计算)。
有关防抖函数的例子:请查看这个链接 https://css-tricks.com/debouncing-throttling-explained-examples/
题解: / CHALLENGE 10 /
function debounce(callback, interval) { // ADD CODE HERE // Solution 1: let timeCounter = 0 let timeoutId = null return function() {
代码语言:javascript复制if (timeCounter === 0) {
timeoutId = setTimeout(()=>{timeoutId = null;timeCounter = 0;}, interval);
timeCounter ;
return callback();
} else {
if (timeoutId) {
timeoutId = setTimeout(()=>{timeoutId = null; timeCounter = 0;}, interval);
timeCounter ;
} else {
timeCounter ;
return callback();
// // Solution 2 (Not efficient): // return function (){ // if (timeoutId) { // clearTimeout(timeoutId); // timeoutId = setTimeout(() => timeoutId = null, interval); // } else { // timeoutId = setTimeout(() => timeoutId = null, interval); // return callback();
// } // } }
// UNCOMMENT THESE TO TEST YOUR WORK! function giveHi() { return 'hi'; } const giveHiSometimes = debounce(giveHi, 3000); console.log(giveHiSometimes()); // -> 'hi' setTimeout(function() { console.log(giveHiSometimes()); }, 2000); // -> undefined setTimeout(function() { console.log(giveHiSometimes()); }, 4000); // -> undefined setTimeout(function() { console.log(giveHiSometimes()); }, 8000); // -> 'hi'