为了不人云亦云,于是直接Google之,以why qwert搜索, 第二项就是维基百科关于QWERT键盘的由来:其中还着重声明了这一点:
A popular myth is that QWERTY was designed to “slow down” typists though this is incorrect – it was designed to prevent jams4 while typing at speed, allowing typists to type faster.5
With the Dvorak keyboard, a typist can type about 400 of the English language’s most common words without ever leaving the home row. The comparable figure on QWERTY is 100. The home row letters on Dvorak do a total of 70% of the work. On QWERTY they do only 32%. . The Dvorak keyboard sounds very good. However, a keyboard need to do more than just “sound” good, and unfortunately, Dvorak has failed to prove itself superior to QWERTY.
* 网站名称:obaby@mars
* 网址:https://h4ck.org.cn/
* 本文标题: 《为什么键盘排列顺序是“QWERT”》
* 本文链接:https://h4ck.org.cn/2012/06/为什么键盘排列顺序是qwert/
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