日程规划实践 [Timebox是日程的基本单位] - Roadmap, Milestone, Sprint, Week, Day

2023-03-02 19:57:46 浏览数 (1)

时间盒是固定的时间段基本单位 !这是基本的。

时间 - 根据目标日期逆向切分 为Milestone, 然后可以切分为Sprint,Week,Day

滚动规划 = PI Planning

- 其实瀑布模型,也可以先出milestone。然后再每个milestone内使用sprint 来作为时间盒

渐进明细 =

- backlog 和 daily meeting

- milestone 到 detailed plan


Project Timeline – The third part of your risk management checklist should identify items like scheduling conflicts and if they are flexible. Will you and your team have enough time to complete all the tasks within the project? If any items are identified as a risk, list them here.

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