
2023-03-06 11:19:17 浏览数 (1)


knative 0.14.0 实际修改可能与贴出来的代码不符,贴出来的代码只是为了方便快速实现功能



原生通过url来区分不同版本,实现方式是通过在生成vs时,设置其Match的条件Authroty为对应的url prefix即可。显然无法满足我们当前统一使用一个url的场景。但是我们可以参考其实现方式,换一个维度,靠header实现即可,但是又不能影响正常访问,即不添加header的时候,流量按照设置的比例打到不同的revision上,添加了header后,需要将流量打到指定版本,所以不能简单的在Match中添加Header,需要分别设置正常访问的情况和访问指定版本的情况,且访问指定版本的配置应该顺序靠前

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// MakeIngressSpec creates a new IngressSpec func MakeIngressSpec( ctx context.Context, r *servingv1.Route, tls []v1alpha1.IngressTLS, targets map[string]traffic.RevisionTargets, visibility map[string]netv1alpha1.IngressVisibility, acmeChallenges ...v1alpha1.HTTP01Challenge, ) (v1alpha1.IngressSpec, error) { ... // add custom external domains customHostStr := r.Annotations[""] // 倒序,否则不生效,因为访问指定版本时name不为空,不区分版本时name默认为空 sort.Sort(sort.Reverse(sort.StringSlice(names))) if len(customHostStr) > 0 { customHosts := strings.Split(customHostStr, ";") for _, name := range names { if name != "default" { visibility := netv1alpha1.IngressVisibilityExternalIP rule := *makeIngressRule(customHosts, r.Namespace, visibility, name, targets[name]) // If this is a public rule, we need to configure ACME challenge paths. rule.HTTP.Paths = append( makeACMEIngressPaths(challengeHosts, customHosts), rule.HTTP.Paths...) rules = append(rules, rule) } } } ... } func makeIngressRule(domains []string, ns string, visibility netv1alpha1.IngressVisibility, name string, targets traffic.RevisionTargets) *v1alpha1.IngressRule { ... return &v1alpha1.IngressRule{ Hosts: domains, Visibility: visibility, HTTP: &v1alpha1.HTTPIngressRuleValue{ Paths: []v1alpha1.HTTPIngressPath{ { Splits: splits, // TODO(lichuqiang): #2201, plumbing to config timeout and retries. // 把tag name保存下来,传递给vs,用来区分是否需要设置header AppendHeaders: map[string]string{ "RevisionName": name, }, }, }, }, } } func makeVirtualServiceRoute(hosts sets.String, usn string, http *v1alpha1.HTTPIngressPath, gateways map[v1alpha1.IngressVisibility]sets.String, visibility v1alpha1.IngressVisibility) *istiov1alpha3.HTTPRoute { ... // add revision tag header to custom domain // 获取传递过来的tag,设置match header if tag := http.AppendHeaders["RevisionName"]; tag != "" { for i := 0; i < len(matches); i { if matches[i].Headers == nil { matches[i].Headers = make(map[string]*istiov1alpha3.StringMatch) } matches[i].Headers["RevisionName"] = &istiov1alpha3.StringMatch{ MatchType: &istiov1alpha3.StringMatch_Exact{ Exact: http.Splits[0].ServiceName, }, } } } ... }



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