Apereo CAS 通过使用bridge模式来支持多个协议:CAS、SAML2、OAuth2、OpenID Connect等。 CAS可部署软件包中已经包含了可以使用SAML2、OAuth2等协议的plugin/bridges/modules,这些plugins模块都是和CAS通信。可参考:https://apereo.github.io/cas/6.5.x/protocol/Protocol-Overview.html。
The right-hand side of that equation is always CAS when you consider, as an example, the following authentication flow with an OAuth2-enabled client application:
- The CAS deployment has turned on the OAuth2 plugin.
- An OAuth2 authorization request is submitted to the relevant CAS endpoint.
- The OAuth2 plugin verifies the request and translates it to a CAS authentication request!
- The authentication request is routed to the relevant CAS login endpoint.
- User authenticates and CAS routes the flow back to the OAuth2 plugin, having issued a service ticket for the plugin.
- The OAuth2 plugin attempts to validate that ticket to retrieve the necessary user profile and attributes.
- The OAuth2 plugin then proceeds to issue the right OAuth2 response by translating and transforming the profile and validated assertions into what the client application may need.
1. 添加依赖库
代码语言:javascript复制implementation "org.apereo.cas:cas-server-support-oauth-webflow"
2. Enable Actuator Endpoints (Optional)
代码语言:javascript复制implementation "org.apereo.cas:cas-server-support-reports"
通过访问 https://localhost:8443/cas/actuator/ 应该可以看到OAuth相关endpoints。
3. 定义一个OAuth Client
在 cas-overlay-template的 resources/services 下定义文件 OAuth2DemoClient-2001.json 包含以下内容来把这个OAuth2 Client ‘OAuth2DemoClient’ 自动导入到MongoDB 的 cas_serviceregistry collection。
"@class" : "org.apereo.cas.support.oauth.services.OAuthRegisteredService",
"clientId": "oauth2DemoClientID",
"clientSecret": "clientSecret",
"serviceId" : "^(https|imaps)://<redirect-uri>.*",
"name" : "OAuth2DemoClient",
"id" : 2001,
"supportedGrantTypes": [ "java.util.HashSet", [ "password", "authorization_code", "client_credentials", "refresh_token"] ],
"supportedResponseTypes": [ "java.util.HashSet", [ "token", "code", "device_code"] ]
4. 重启、查看
运行 ./gradlew clean copyCasConfiguration build run
后,查看 db.getCollection('cas_serviceregistry').find({})
应该可以看到id为2001的 OAutho client定义。
通过CAS Management UI也可以看到刚刚添加的‘OAuth2DemoClient’: