2022-11-16 17:44:31 浏览数 (2)

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KVM Command

##The command I used to create virtual machine

  1. Enter KVM GUI


  1. Enter command interface


  1. Quit command interface


  1. Start virtual machine

virsh start host-name & start host-name

eg: if the host-name is control-1 and you are in normal shell command interface, use command : virsh start control-1 if the host-name is control-1 and you are in KVM command interface, use command : start control-1

  1. Stop virtual machine

virsh stop host-name & virsh stop host-name

eg: if the host-name is control-1 and you are in normal shell command interface, use command : virsh shutdown control-1 if the host-name is control-1 and you are in KVM command interface, use command : shutdown control-1

  1. Make a snapshot of a virtual machine

snapshot-create-as domain-name create-snapshot-name

Before execute this command,Please make sure you have shutdown the virtual machine, if you haven’t shutdown this machine, the created snapshot’s status is running. the domain-name is the host name of your virtual machine, and the create-snapshot-name is the name your given to the created snapshot.

  1. See a KVM’s virtual machine list

virsh list & list

the list show all the domain of virtual machine.

  1. See virtual machine’s snapshot

virsh snapshot-list host-name & snapshot-list host-name

  1. Delete a snapshot of a virtual machine

virsh snapshot-delete host-name snapshot-name & snapshot-delete host-name snapshot-name

The host-name is the machine's domain name ,you can ssh this machine and click shell command **hostname**
to see the domain name.The snapshot-name is the machine's snapshot name if you have created the snapshot.


  • If you are in normal shell environment, use virsh snapshot-delete host-name snapshot-name
  • If you are in virsh shell environment,use snapshot-delete host-name snapshot-name
  1. Revert a snapshot to a machine

virsh snapshot-revert host-name snapshot-name & snapshot-revert host-name snapshot-name

  1. Undefin a virt machine

virsh undefine host-name & undefin host-name

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