文章目录- 需求说明
- 代码分析
- 调优
- 总结
记一次SparkSql ETL 过程
1)input:json日志 2)ETL:根据IP解析出 省份,城市 3)stat: 地区分布指标计算, 满足条件的才算,满足条件的赋值为1,不满足的赋值为0 (如下图) 将统计结果写入MySQL中。 (就比如说这个广告请求要满足 requestmode=1 和 processnode =3 这两个条件)
代码语言:javascript复制val spark = SparkSession.builder().master("local[2]").appName("LogApp").getOrCreate()
import spark.implicits._
val inputDF = spark.read.json("inputdata/data-test.json")
// ETL: 一定保留原有的数据 最完整 而且要落地 (理由:要是数据出错好重新计算)
val newDF = inputDF.withColumn("province", MyUDF.getProvince(inputDF.col("ip")))
.withColumn("city", MyUDF.getCity($"ip"))//自定义udf 函数
.save("outparquet") // 最好保存parquet格式 (spark默认就是parquet snappy)
// 计算 重新去读取etl之后的数据源
val parquetDF = spark.read.parquet("outparquet/xxx.snappy.parquet")
val areaSQL01 = "select province,city, "
"sum(case when requestmode=1 and processnode >=1 then 1 else 0 end) origin_request,"
"sum(case when requestmode=1 and processnode >=2 then 1 else 0 end) valid_request,"
"sum(case when requestmode=1 and processnode =3 then 1 else 0 end) ad_request,"
"sum(case when adplatformproviderid>=100000 and iseffective=1 and isbilling=1 and isbid=1 and adorderid!=0 then 1 else 0 end) bid_cnt,"
"sum(case when adplatformproviderid>=100000 and iseffective=1 and isbilling=1 and iswin=1 then 1 else 0 end) bid_success_cnt,"
"sum(case when requestmode=2 and iseffective=1 then 1 else 0 end) ad_display_cnt,"
"sum(case when requestmode=3 and processnode=1 then 1 else 0 end) ad_click_cnt,"
"sum(case when requestmode=2 and iseffective=1 and isbilling=1 then 1 else 0 end) medium_display_cnt,"
"sum(case when requestmode=3 and iseffective=1 and isbilling=1 then 1 else 0 end) medium_click_cnt,"
"sum(case when adplatformproviderid>=100000 and iseffective=1 and isbilling=1 and iswin=1 and adorderid>20000 then 1*winprice/1000 else 0 end) ad_consumption,"
"sum(case when adplatformproviderid>=100000 and iseffective=1 and isbilling=1 and iswin=1 and adorderid>20000 then 1*adpayment/1000 else 0 end) ad_cost "
"from log group by province,city"
val areaSQL02 = "select province,city, "
"bid_success_cnt/bid_cnt bid_success_rate,"
"ad_click_cnt/ad_display_cnt ad_click_rate,"
"ad_cost from area_tmp "
"where bid_cnt!=0 and ad_display_cnt!=0"
// 写入MySQL (上一篇博客有介绍)
val config = ConfigFactory.load()
val url = config.getString("db.default.url")
val user = config.getString("db.default.user")
val password = config.getString("db.default.password")
.option("url", url)
.option("dbtable", "sparksql_test")
.option("user", user)
.option("password", password)
自定义udf 函数代码
代码语言:javascript复制object MyUDF {
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
def getProvince = udf((ip:String)=>{
val cityInfo = IPUtil.getCityInfo(ip)
val splits = cityInfo.split("\|")
var city = "未知"
if (splits.length == 5){
city = splits(2)
def getCity = udf((ip:String)=>{
val cityInfo = IPUtil.getCityInfo(ip)
val splits = cityInfo.split("\|")
var city = "未知"
if (splits.length == 5){
city = splits(3)
① ETL 落地过程中应该调用coalesce() 防止产生多个小文件
代码语言:javascript复制 val newDF = inputDF.withColumn("province", MyUDF.getProvince(inputDF.col("ip")))
.withColumn("city", MyUDF.getCity($"ip"))
② spark.conf.set(“spark.sql.shuffle.partitions”,“400”) 修改SparkSql shuffle task数量,默认是200
ETL过程: input:json 清洗 ==> ODS 大宽表 HDFS/Hive/SparkSQL output: 列式存储 ORC/Parquet (列式存储) (为啥要用这两种? 因为ETL清洗出来的是全字段,我们不可能使用到全部字段,所以采用列式存储,用到几列就获取几列,这样就能减少I/O,性能大大提升)
Stat ==> 一个非常简单的SQL搞定 ==> 复杂:多个SQL 或者 一个复杂SQL搞定
列式:ORC/Parquet 特点:把每一列的数据存放在一起 优点:减少IO 需要哪几列就直接获取哪几列 缺点:如果你还是要获取每一行中的所有列,那么性能比行式的差
行式:MySQL 一条记录有多个列 一行数据是存储在一起的 优点: 你每次查询都使用到所有的列 缺点: 大宽表有N多列,但是我们仅仅使用其中几列
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