
2022-11-17 16:52:31 浏览数 (2)

traceroute [-46dFITUnrAV] [-f first_ttl] [-g gate,…]

[-i device] [-m max_ttl] [-p port] [-s src_addr]

[-q nqueries] [-N squeries] [-t tos]

[-l flow_label] [-w waittime] [-z sendwait]

host [packetlen]

traceroute6 [options]

tracert [options]

tcptraceroute [options]


traceroute tracks the route packets take across an IP network on their way to a given host. It utilizes

the IP protocol’s time to live (TTL) field and attempts to elicit an ICMP TIME_EXCEEDED response from

each gateway along the path to the host.

traceroute6 = traceroute -6

tracert = traceroute -I

tcptraceroute = traceroute -T -p 80


唯一所必须的参数host是目的主机的名字或 IP 地址。在这个参数之后可以选择跟上探测包的大小[packetlen](默认是40)。 改变包的大小并使用 -F 参数 可以用于获得个别网络跳的 MTU 信息。(探测包大小的参数对于TCP探测来说无用)。

其余的选项 :

–help 打印帮助信息,并退出。

-4, -6 显示地指定使用IPv4或IPv6 traceroute。默认情况下,traceroute会解析给定的主机名,并自动选择合适的协议。如果解析主机名既得到了IPv4的地址,又得到了IPv6的地址,traceroute会使用IPv4。

-I 使用ICMP ECHO进行探测。

-T 使用TCP SYN进行探测。

-U 使用UDP报文进行探测(默认情况)。对于无特权用户来说,只允许使用UDP报文进行探测。

-d 允许进行socket级别的调试(当Linux kernel支持它的时候)Enable socket level debugging (when the Linux kernel supports it)

-F 将“不要分段Don’t Fragment”位置位。这将告诉中间路由器不要将该包分段(当路由器发现该探测包对于网络中MTU来说太大的时候)


设置第一个检测数据包的存活数值TTL的大小。默认是1 。









-n 显示的时候无需将IP地址和主机名相对应。直接使用IP地址而非主机名称。






对于IPv4,设置服务类型(Type of Service,TOS)及优先值。有用的数值有16(低延迟)和8(高吞吐量)。注意在使用某些TOS优先值时,你必须是超级用户。





设置每一跳的探测包数量。默认是3 。

-r 忽略普通的路由表,直接发送到所在网络(attacked network)的远端主机上。如果该主机不是直接附在网络(directly-attached network)中,会返回一个错误。该选项可用于ping一个本地主机,而该主机所经过的端口没有路由。





-A 在路由注册中查找AS path,并将结果直接打印在相应的地址后面

-V 打印出版本并退出。

This program attempts to trace the route an IP packet would follow to some internet host by launching a

probe packets with a small ttl (time to live) then listening for an ICMP “time exceeded” reply from a

gateway. We start our probes with a ttl of one and increase by one until we get an ICMP “port unreach-

able” (or TCP reset), which means we got to “host”, or hit a max (which defaults to 30 hops). Three (by

default) probes are sent at each ttl setting and a line is printed showing the ttl, address of the gate-

way and round trip time of each probe. If the probe answers come from different gateways, the address of

each responding system will be printed. If there is no response within a 5.0 (default) seconds, a “*” is

printed for that probe.

We don’t want the destination host to process the UDP probe packets so the destination port is set to an

unlikely value (you can change it with the -p flag). There is no such problem for ICMP or TCP tracerout-

ing (for TCP we close sessions immediately after connect).

After the time some additional annotation can be printed: !H, !N, or !P (host, network or protocol

unreachable), !S (source route failed), !F (fragmentation needed), !X (communication administratively

prohibited), !V (host precedence violation), !C (precedence cutoff in effect), or ! (ICMP unreach-

able code ). If almost all the probes result in some kind of unreachable, traceroute will give up

and exit.


ping(8), ping6(8), tracepath(8), netstat(8).

Fedora Project 11 October 2006 TRACEROUTE(8)

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