12.Algorithm Gossip: 双色、三色河内塔
无论是双色河内塔或是三色河内塔,其解法观念与之前介绍过的河内塔是类似的,同样也是使用递回来解,不过这次递回解法的目的不同,我们先来看只有两个盘的情况,这很简单, 只要将第一柱的黄色移动至第二柱,而接下来第一柱的蓝色移动至第三柱。再来是四个盘的情况,首先必须用递回完成下图左上至右下的移动:
接下来最底层的就不用管它们了,因为它们已经就定位,只要再处理第一柱上面的四个盘子就可以了,这又与之前只有四盘的情况相同,接下来您就知道该如何进行解题了,无论是八个盘、 十个盘以上等,都是用这个观念来解题。
双色河内塔 C 实作
void hanoi(int disks, char source, char temp, char target) {
if (disks == 1) {
printf("move disk from %c to %cn", source, target);
printf("move disk from %c to %cn", source, target);
} else {
hanoi(disks - 1, source, target, temp);
hanoi(1, source, temp, target);
hanoi(disks - 1, temp, source, target);
void hanoi2colors(int disks) {
char source = 'A';
char temp = 'B';
char target = 'C';
int i;
for (i = disks / 2; i > 1; i--) {
hanoi(i - 1, source, temp, target);
printf("move disk from %c to %cn", source, temp);
printf("move disk from %c to %cn", source, temp);
hanoi(i - 1, target, temp, source);
printf("move disk from %c to %cn", temp, target);
printf("move disk from %c to %cn", source, temp);
printf("move disk from %c to %cn", source, target);
int main() {
int n;
scanf("%d", & n);
return 0;
三色河内塔 C 实作
void hanoi(int disks, char source, char temp, char target) {
if (disks == 1) {
printf("move disk from %c to %cn", source, target);
printf("move disk from %c to %cn", source, target);
printf("move disk from %c to %cn", source, target);
} else {
hanoi(disks - 1, source, target, temp);
hanoi(1, source, temp, target);
hanoi(disks - 1, temp, source, target);
void hanoi3colors(int disks) {
char source = 'A';
char temp = 'B';
char target = 'C';
int i;
if (disks == 3) {
printf("move disk from %c to %cn", source, temp);
printf("move disk from %c to %cn", source, temp);
printf("move disk from %c to %cn", source, target);
printf("move disk from %c to %cn", temp, target);
printf("move disk from %c to %cn", temp, source);
printf("move disk from %c to %cn", target, temp);
} else {
hanoi(disks / 3 - 1, source, temp, target);
printf("move disk from %c to %cn", source, temp);
printf("move disk from %c to %cn", source, temp);
printf("move disk from %c to %cn", source, temp);
hanoi(disks / 3 - 1, target, temp, source);
printf("move disk from %c to %cn", temp, target);
printf("move disk from %c to %cn", temp, target);
printf("move disk from %c to %cn", temp, target);
hanoi(disks / 3 - 1, source, target, temp);
printf("move disk from %c to %cn", target, source);
printf("move disk from %c to %cn", target, source);
hanoi(disks / 3 - 1, temp, source, target);
printf("move disk from %c to %cn", source, temp);
for (i = disks / 3 - 1; i > 0; i--) {
if (i > 1) {
hanoi(i - 1, target, source, temp);
printf("move disk from %c to %cn", target, source);
printf("move disk from %c to %cn", target, source);
if (i > 1) {
hanoi(i - 1, temp, source, target);
printf("move disk from %c to %cn", source, temp);
int main() {
int n;
scanf("%d", & n);
return 0;