1. 介绍
1.1 准备
- 安装 Groovy Post 插件。(可以通过jenkins插件市场进行搜索)
- 安装 Upload to pgyer插件。(可以通过jenkins插件市场进行搜索)
- 蒲公英账户,并得到APIKey 。(可以通过 后台页面头像点击,弹出的菜单中,选择API信息。可以看到我们的APIKey)
- 钉钉机器人的webhook 和加密Sgin信息。(只有钉钉群才能创建机器人。配置一个普通机器人就可以了)(我们也可以下载DingTalk 插件)
https://plugins.jenkins.io/dingding-notifications/ 2.4.10版本
https://plugins.jenkins.io/upload-pgyer/ v2.1 版本
https://plugins.jenkins.io/groovy-postbuild/ v 2.5版本
如何安装Jenkins 插件,这里就不做介绍了。系统设置里面的插件功能。
以下内容都基于jenkins 2.X系统。
2. 上传APK到蒲公英
jenkins 自动配置APk的过程,我就不展开进行介绍了。
当我们执行打包编译完成后,(可以不进行归档成品。)在构建后操作模块中: 增加构建后操作步骤中选择:
Upload to pgyer with apiV2
注意: 如果你的插件比较老,可能还有 Upload to pgyer with apiV1 等。(建议升级。老版本接口会封) 老版本的apiV2 使用的上传http://www.pgyer.com/apiv2/app/upload 也即将废弃。 最新的上传接口:http://www.pgyer.com/apiv2/app/getCOSToken (速度很快)
那么在 Upload to pgyer with apiV2的面板中配置:
- pgyer api_key: 蒲公英的
(必填)。https://www.pgyer.com/account/api 可以查询你自己的蒲公英API Key,是一串32位字符串。例如:7s016c61234ec35239247e5c3ac24a19。 - scandir:apk 所在目录 (必填) (如果是ios 那么就是ipa的所在目录)。通常是固定的例如:
我们如果有不同的渠道包,那么可以将apk替换为变量。 - file wildcard :上传文件的通配符 (必填)。新的2.1版本插件需要配置成:
- buildType:上传的应用程序类型,(接口注释上写的选填,蒲公英上官网介绍说是必填。)填写:
。 - buildInstallType:上传的应用安装方式(选填),值为(1,2,3)默认值为1。1: 公开安装 2:密码安装,3:邀请安装。
- buildPassword:应用安装密码(选填),我们只有buildInstallType设置为密码安装的时候,就需要配置该参数。其他情况可以不用配置。
- buildUpdateDescription:更新内容(选填),我们上传到蒲公英的时候,填写的应用更新日志。可以通过Jenkins全局变量将git日志,或者我们每次编译自己填写的日志赋值到这里来实现。访问全局变量的方式为:
。 - buildChannelShortcut:构建指定的下载短链接(选填),例如我们想更新到指定短链(你原先已经有了该短链的项目了。),那么就将该短链写上来。那么这两个apk即使不一致,也会将新的apk上传到这个项目中去。
2.1.1 老版本蒲公英插件
如果我们的 Upload to pgyer 插件属于v1.34 等版本。
那么在file wildcard
******************************** UPLOAD TO PGYER ********************************
******************************** https://www.pgyer.com ********************************
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - upload:app-release.apk to https://www.pgyer.com/apiv2/app/upload
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - upload file size: 47.9 MB
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - upload progress: 0 %
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - upload progress: 0 %
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - upload progress: 3 %
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - upload progress: 6 %
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - upload progress: 9 %
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - upload progress: 11 %
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - upload progress: 14 %
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - upload progress: 17 %
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - upload progress: 20 %
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - upload progress: 23 %
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - upload progress: 26 %
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - upload progress: 28 %
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - upload progress: 31 %
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - upload progress: 34 %
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - upload progress: 37 %
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - upload progress: 40 %
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - upload progress: 43 %
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - upload progress: 46 %
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - upload progress: 49 %
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - upload progress: 52 %
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - upload progress: 54 %
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - upload progress: 57 %
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - upload progress: 60 %
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - upload progress: 63 %
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - upload progress: 67 %
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - upload progress: 70 %
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - upload progress: 72 %
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - upload progress: 75 %
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - upload progress: 78 %
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - upload progress: 81 %
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - upload progress: 84 %
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - upload progress: 87 %
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - upload progress: 90 %
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - upload progress: 93 %
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - upload progress: 96 %
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - upload progress: 99 %
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - upload progress: 100 %
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - Uploaded successfully!
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - 应用名称:[你的App的名称]
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - 应用类型:2
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - 版本号:1.0
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - build号:24
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - Build Key:219e5f3915fe71648b1d1c9b1245bf25
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - 版本编号:1
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - 文件大小:50229239
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - 应用主页:https://www.pgyer.com/ZINY
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - 应用短链接:30GE
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - 应用上传时间:2022-10-28 15:32:12
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - 应用更新时间:2022-10-28 15:32:12
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - 应用构建主页:https://www.pgyer.com/219e5f3915fe71648b1d1c9b1245bf25
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - 应用更新说明:
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - 是否是最新版:1
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - 应用程序包名:com.zinyan.demo
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - 应用截图的key:
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - 应用二维码地址:https://www.pgyer.com/app/qrcodeHistory/302ce905e75e78cf8336f2fe2302ce905e75e78cf8336f2fe2302ce905e75e78cf8336f2fe
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - 是否是第一个App:2
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - 应用的Icon图标key:https://www.pgyer.com/image/view/app_icons/18a924628542d3329c67aefa0d08e776
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - The Jenkins environment variable is being set.
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - The ${buildKey} set up successfully! You can use it anywhere now!
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - The ${buildType} set up successfully! You can use it anywhere now!
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - The ${buildIsFirst} set up successfully! You can use it anywhere now!
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - The ${buildIsLastest} set up successfully! You can use it anywhere now!
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - The ${buildFileKey} set up successfully! You can use it anywhere now!
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - The ${buildFileName} set up successfully! You can use it anywhere now!
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - The ${buildFileSize} set up successfully! You can use it anywhere now!
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - The ${buildName} set up successfully! You can use it anywhere now!
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - The ${buildVersion} set up successfully! You can use it anywhere now!
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - The ${buildVersionNo} set up successfully! You can use it anywhere now!
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - The ${buildBuildVersion} set up successfully! You can use it anywhere now!
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - The ${buildIdentifier} set up successfully! You can use it anywhere now!
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - The ${buildIcon} set up successfully! You can use it anywhere now!
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - The ${buildDescription} set up successfully! You can use it anywhere now!
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - The ${buildUpdateDescription} set up successfully! You can use it anywhere now!
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - The ${buildScreenshots} set up successfully! You can use it anywhere now!
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - The ${buildShortcutUrl} set up successfully! You can use it anywhere now!
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - The ${buildCreated} set up successfully! You can use it anywhere now!
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - The ${buildUpdated} set up successfully! You can use it anywhere now!
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - The ${buildQRCodeURL} set up successfully! You can use it anywhere now!
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - The ${appQRCodeURL} set up successfully! You can use it anywhere now.!
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - The ${appPgyerURL} set up successfully! You can use it anywhere now!
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - The ${appBuildURL} set up successfully! You can use it anywhere now!
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - congratulations!
我们会发现,老插件使用的https://www.pgyer.com/apiv2/app/upload 接口地址,而该接口地址在蒲公英官方介绍中,即将被删除。
后面的输出内容:The ${buildKey} set up successfully! You can use it anywhere now! 等等。
2.1.2 新版 2.1 插件
新版和老版本的插件区别并不大,就是file widcard 的参数值调整为:**/*.apk
******************************** UPLOAD TO PGYER ********************************
******************************** https://www.pgyer.com ********************************
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - upload:getToken to https://www.pgyer.com/apiv2/app/getCOSToken
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - upload:app-release.apk to Pgyer
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - upload file size: 47.9 MB
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - upload progress: 0 %
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - upload progress: 59 %
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - upload progress: 100 %
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - upload:Wait for the PGYER synchronization result
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - upload:Pgyer is synchronizing data……
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - upload:Pgyer is synchronizing data……
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - upload:Pgyer is synchronizing data……
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - Uploaded successfully!
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - 应用名称:[你的App的名称]
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - 应用类型:2
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - 版本号:1.0
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - build号:25
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - Build Key:219e5f3915fe71648b1d1c9b1245bf25
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - 版本编号:1
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - 文件大小:50229239
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - 应用主页:https://www.pgyer.com/ZINY
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - 应用短链接:30GE
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - 应用上传时间:2022-10-29 10:16:23
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - 应用更新时间:2022-10-29 10:16:23
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - 应用构建主页:https://www.pgyer.com/219e5f3915fe71648b1d1c9b1245bf25
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - 应用更新说明:蒲公英上传插件修改,使用getCosToken
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - 是否是最新版:1
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - 应用程序包名:com.dasoundgen.identification
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - 应用截图的key:
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - 应用二维码地址:https://www.pgyer.com/app/qrcodeHistory/302ce905e75e78cf8336f2fe2302ce905e75e78cf8336f2fe2302ce905e75e78cf8336f2fe
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - 是否是第一个App:2
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - 应用的Icon图标key:https://www.pgyer.com/image/view/app_icons/18a924628542d3329c67aefa0d08e776
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - The Jenkins environment variable is being set.
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - The ${buildKey} set up successfully! You can use it anywhere now!
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - The ${buildType} set up successfully! You can use it anywhere now!
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - The ${buildIsFirst} set up successfully! You can use it anywhere now!
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - The ${buildIsLastest} set up successfully! You can use it anywhere now!
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - The ${buildFileKey} set up successfully! You can use it anywhere now!
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - The ${buildFileName} set up successfully! You can use it anywhere now!
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - The ${buildFileSize} set up successfully! You can use it anywhere now!
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - The ${buildName} set up successfully! You can use it anywhere now!
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - The ${buildVersion} set up successfully! You can use it anywhere now!
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - The ${buildVersionNo} set up successfully! You can use it anywhere now!
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - The ${buildBuildVersion} set up successfully! You can use it anywhere now!
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - The ${buildIdentifier} set up successfully! You can use it anywhere now!
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - The ${buildIcon} set up successfully! You can use it anywhere now!
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - The ${buildDescription} set up successfully! You can use it anywhere now!
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - The ${buildUpdateDescription} set up successfully! You can use it anywhere now!
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - The ${buildScreenshots} set up successfully! You can use it anywhere now!
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - The ${buildShortcutUrl} set up successfully! You can use it anywhere now!
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - The ${buildCreated} set up successfully! You can use it anywhere now!
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - The ${buildUpdated} set up successfully! You can use it anywhere now!
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - The ${buildQRCodeURL} set up successfully! You can use it anywhere now!
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - The ${appQRCodeURL} set up successfully! You can use it anywhere now.!
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - The ${appPgyerURL} set up successfully! You can use it anywhere now!
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - The ${appBuildURL} set up successfully! You can use it anywhere now!
[UPLOAD TO PGYER] - congratulations!
参数 | 类型 | 说明 |
buildKey | String | Build Key是唯一标识应用的索引ID |
buildType | Integer | 应用类型(1:iOS; 2:Android) |
buildIsFirst | Integer | 是否是第一个App(1:是; 2:否) |
buildIsLastest | Integer | 是否是最新版(1:是; 2:否) |
buildFileSize | Integer | App 文件大小 |
buildName | String | 应用名称 |
buildVersion | String | 版本号, 默认为1.0 (是应用向用户宣传时候用到的标识,例如:1.1、8.2.1等。) |
buildVersionNo | String | 上传包的版本编号,默认为1 (即编译的版本号,一般来说,编译一次会变动一次这个版本号, 在 Android 上叫 Version Code。对于 iOS 来说,是字符串类型;对于 Android 来说是一个整数。例如:1001,28等。) |
buildBuildVersion | Integer | 蒲公英生成的用于区分历史版本的build号 |
buildIdentifier | String | 应用程序包名,iOS为BundleId,Android为包名 |
buildIcon | String | 应用的Icon图标key,访问地址为 https://www.pgyer.com/image/view/app_icons/[应用的Icon图标key] |
buildDescription | String | 应用介绍 |
buildUpdateDescription | String | 应用更新说明 |
buildScreenShots | String | 应用截图的key,获取地址为 https://www.pgyer.com/image/view/app_screenshots/[应用截图的key] |
buildShortcutUrl | String | 应用短链接 |
buildQRCodeURL | String | 应用二维码地址 |
buildCreated | String | 应用上传时间 |
buildUpdated | String | 应用更新时间 |
3 发送到钉钉群
还有一种是使用DingTalk 插件。(其实也是作者封装了一个groovy脚本而已。)
执行发送的前提,需要我们在钉钉群里面创建了一个自定义机器人。创建方式可以参考;https://open.dingtalk.com/document/robots/custom-robot-access 了解哦。
3.1 groovy脚本发送
我们如果通过Groovy脚本发送,那需要安装插件:groovy postbuild
然后在 构建后操作中选择: Groovy Postbuild
。在打开的Groovy Script面板中输入:
import javax.crypto.Mac
import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec
//构建结果 - 这个是jenkins 默认就有的全局属性
def buildResult = manager.getResult()
//构建用户 - 这个是jenkins 默认就有的全局属性
def buildUser= manager.getEnvVariable("BUILD_USER")
//项目名称 - 这个是jenkins 默认就有的全局属性
def jobName= manager.getEnvVariable("JOB_NAME")
//构建结果页面- 这个是jenkins 默认就有的全局属性
def buildUrl= manager.getEnvVariable("BUILD_URL")
//GIT分支-这个是jenkins 默认就有的全局属性
def gitBranch = manager.getEnvVariable("GIT_BRANCH")
def DingTalkWebHook="可以配置我们自己的钉钉机器人的WebHook地址"
def DingTalkSecret="配置我们自己的钉钉机器人的群加签值"
if(buildResult == "SUCCESS"){
apkDownloadUrl = "https://www.pgyer.com/" manager.getEnvVariable("buildShortcutUrl") //apk下载地址
apkQrCode = manager.getEnvVariable("buildQRCodeURL")//apk二维码
apkbuildIdentifier = manager.getEnvVariable("buildIdentifier")//apk应用程序包
apkbuildVersion = manager.getEnvVariable("buildVersion")//apk 版本号
apkbuildVersionNo= manager.getEnvVariable("buildVersionNo")
apkbuildCreateTime = manager.getEnvVariable("buildCreated")
apkbuildUpdateDescription = manager.getEnvVariable("buildUpdateDescription")
dingdingTask("Zinyan自动构建工具","## [ZinyanApp] 构建成功"
"nn**下载地址:**" apkDownloadUrl
"nn**构建日期:**" apkbuildCreateTime
"nn**构建用户:**" buildUser
"nn**应用程序包:**" apkbuildIdentifier
"nn**应用版本号:**" apkbuildVersion
"nn**应用版本编号:**" apkbuildVersionNo
"nn**更新内容:**" apkbuildUpdateDescription
"nn**查看详情:**[项目地址](" buildUrl ")"
"nn![扫码下载](" apkQrCode ")"
dingdingTask("Zinyan自动构建工具","## [ZinyanApp] 构建失败n分支:" gitBranch "nn" " " " nn[查看失败详情](" buildUrl ")",DingTalkWebHook,DingTalkSecret)
//发送钉钉任务 ,第一个为钉钉消息,第二个参数为 消息内容主体
def dingdingTask(mk_title,mk_test,webhook,secret){
def json = new groovy.json.JsonBuilder()
msgtype "markdown"
markdown {
title mk_title
text mk_test
at {
isAtAll false
manager.listener.logger.println("钉钉内容:" json)
def timestamp =System.currentTimeMillis() //得到系统时间
def sign = getSign(timestamp,secret)
def url =webhook "&sign=" sign "×tamp=" timestamp
manager.listener.logger.println("钉钉请求参数:" url )
def connection = new URL(url).openConnection()
connection.doOutput = true
connection.setRequestProperty('Content-Type', 'application/json')
def writer = new OutputStreamWriter(connection.outputStream)
def respText = connection.content.text
manager.listener.logger.println("钉钉服务器返回结果:" respText )
def getSign(timestamp,secret){
def stringToSign = timestamp "n" secret
Mac mac = Mac.getInstance("HmacSHA256")
mac.init(new SecretKeySpec(secret.getBytes("UTF-8"), "HmacSHA256"))
byte[] signData = mac.doFinal(stringToSign.getBytes("UTF-8"))
return URLEncoder.encode(new String(Base64.encoder.encode(signData)),"UTF-8")
3.2 DingTalk 插件
使用插件就比较简单了。当我们安装插件完毕后,在系统管理界面滑动到最后,你就会发现一个未分类的项目 : 钉钉。效果图如下:
id值,可以默认不进行填写。(但是如果我们通过pipeline 进行主动调用,那么建议配置一个id,手写需要确保唯一性。不手写,插件会自动生成一个)。
webhook :从钉钉群里面获取
然后在自定义内容中,填写文本信息了。该文本信息需要使用markdown 格式填写哦。
蒲公英文档中心-API 2.0 接口说明 https://www.pgyer.com/doc/view/api#fastUploadApp
蒲公英文档中心-Jenkins插件使用 https://www.pgyer.com/doc/view/jenkins_plugin
jenkins-DingTalk插件官方使用说明 https://jenkinsci.github.io/dingtalk-plugin/
钉钉开放平台-自定义机器人接口 https://open.dingtalk.com/document/robots/custom-robot-access
钉钉开放平台-自定义机器人安全设置 https://open.dingtalk.com/document/robots/customize-robot-security-settings