
2022-12-17 22:31:12 浏览数 (3)




鉴于Android平台video数据采集分camera和camera2(Android 5.0 )接口,我们单独说明:

public void onPreviewFrame(byte[] data, Camera camera) {
    frameCount  ;
    if (frameCount % 3000 == 0) {
        Log.i("OnPre", "gc ");
        Log.i("OnPre", "gc-");

    if (data == null) {
        Parameters params = camera.getParameters();
        Size size = params.getPreviewSize();
        int bufferSize = (((size.width | 0x1f)   1) * size.height * ImageFormat.getBitsPerPixel(params.getPreviewFormat())) / 8;
        camera.addCallbackBuffer(new byte[bufferSize]);
    } else {
        if (isRTSPPublisherRunning || isPushingRtmp || isRecording || isGB28181StreamRunning) {
            if (1 == video_opt_) {
                  /* byte[] i420_data = new byte[videoWidth*videoHeight*3/2];

                 libPublisher.SmartPublisherNV21ToI420Rotate(publisherHandle, data, videoWidth, videoWidth,i420_data, videoHeight, videoHeight/2, videoHeight/2,
                    videoWidth, videoHeight, 90);

                 libPublisher.SmartPublisherOnCaptureVideoI420DataV2(publisherHandle, i420_data, videoHeight, videoWidth,videoHeight, videoHeight/2, videoHeight/2);

                libPublisher.SmartPublisherOnCaptureVideoData(publisherHandle, data, data.length, currentCameraType, currentOrigentation);

            } else if (3 == video_opt_) {
                int w = videoWidth, h = videoHeight;
                int y_stride = videoWidth, uv_stride = videoWidth;
                int y_offset = 0, uv_offset = videoWidth * videoHeight;
                int is_vertical_flip = 0, is_horizontal_flip = 0;
                int rotation_degree = 0;

                // 镜像只用在前置摄像头场景下
                if (is_mirror && FRONT == currentCameraType) {
                    // 竖屏, (垂直翻转->顺时旋转270度)等价于(顺时旋转旋转270度->水平翻转)
                    if (PORTRAIT == currentOrigentation)
                        is_vertical_flip = 1;
                        is_horizontal_flip = 1;

                if (PORTRAIT == currentOrigentation) {
                    if (BACK == currentCameraType)
                        rotation_degree = 90;
                        rotation_degree = 270;
                } else if (LANDSCAPE_LEFT_HOME_KEY == currentOrigentation) {
                    rotation_degree = 180;

                if (640 == w && 480 == h && PORTRAIT == currentOrigentation) {
                    // 480 * 640 竖屏情况下裁剪到 368 * 640, 均匀裁剪掉视频的上下两部分
                    h = 368;
                    y_offset = 56 * y_stride;
                    uv_offset  = (56 >> 1) * uv_stride;

                int scale_w = 0, scale_h = 0, scale_filter_mode = 0;

                // 缩放测试  
                if (w >= 1280 && h >= 720) {
                    scale_w = align((int)(w * 0.8   0.5), 2);
                    scale_h = align((int)(h * 0.8   0.5), 2);
                } else {
                    scale_w = align((int)(w * 1.5   0.5), 2);
                    scale_h = align((int)(h * 1.5   0.5), 2);

                if(scale_w >0 && scale_h >0) {
                    scale_filter_mode = 3;
                 Log.i(TAG, "onPreviewFrame w:"   w   ", h:"   h   " s_w:"   scale_w   ", s_h:"   scale_h);
                // 缩放测试---

                libPublisher.PostLayerImageNV21ByteArray(publisherHandle, 0, 0, 0,
                        data, y_offset, y_stride, data, uv_offset, uv_stride, w, h,
                        is_vertical_flip, is_horizontal_flip, scale_w, scale_h, scale_filter_mode, rotation_degree);

                // i420接口测试  
                byte[] i420_data = new byte[videoWidth*videoHeight*3/2];

                int u_stride = videoWidth >> 1;
                int v_stride = u_stride;

                libPublisher.SmartPublisherNV21ToI420Rotate(publisherHandle, data, y_stride, uv_stride, i420_data, y_stride, u_stride, v_stride,
                        videoWidth, videoHeight, 0);

                y_offset = 0;
                int u_offset = y_offset   videoWidth * videoHeight;
                int v_offset = u_offset   videoWidth*videoHeight/4;

                libPublisher.PostLayerImageI420ByteArray(publisherHandle, 0, 0, 0,
                        i420_data, y_offset, y_stride, i420_data, u_offset, u_stride, i420_data, v_offset, v_stride,
                        w, h, is_vertical_flip, is_horizontal_flip, scale_w, scale_h, scale_filter_mode, rotation_degree);
                // i420接口测试--



 * 投递层NV21图像
 * @param index: 层索引, 必须大于等于0
 * @param left: 层叠加的左上角坐标, 对于第0层的话传0
 * @param top: 层叠加的左上角坐标, 对于第0层的话传0
 * @param y_plane: y平面图像数据
 * @param y_offset: 图像偏移, 这个主要目的是用来做clip的,一般传0
 * @param y_row_stride: stride information
 * @param uv_plane: uv平面图像数据
 * @param uv_offset: 图像偏移, 这个主要目的是用来做clip的,一般传0
 * @param uv_row_stride: stride information
 * @param width: width, 必须大于1, 且必须是偶数
 * @param height: height, 必须大于1, 且必须是偶数
 * @param  is_vertical_flip: 是否垂直翻转, 0不翻转, 1翻转
 * @param  is_horizontal_flip:是否水平翻转, 0不翻转, 1翻转
 * @param  scale_width: 缩放宽,必须是偶数, 0或负数不缩放
 * @param  scale_height: 缩放高, 必须是偶数, 0或负数不缩放
 * @param  scale_filter_mode: 缩放质量, 传0使用默认速度,可选等级范围是:[1,3],值越大缩放质量越好, 但速度越慢
 * @param  rotation_degree: 顺时针旋转, 必须是0, 90, 180, 270, 注意:旋转是在缩放, 垂直/水品反转之后再做, 请留意顺序
 * @return {0} if successful
public native int PostLayerImageNV21ByteArray(long handle, int index, int left, int top,
                         byte[] y_plane, int y_offset, int y_row_stride,
                         byte[] uv_plane, int uv_offset, int uv_row_stride,
                         int width, int height, int is_vertical_flip,  int is_horizontal_flip,
                         int scale_width,  int scale_height, int scale_filter_mode,
                         int rotation_degree);
public void onCameraImageData(Image image) {
    Rect crop_rect = image.getCropRect();

    if (isPushingRtmp || isRTSPPublisherRunning || isGB28181StreamRunning || isRecording) {
        if (libPublisher != null) {
            Image.Plane[] planes = image.getPlanes();

            int w = image.getWidth(), h = image.getHeight();
            int y_offset = 0, u_offset = 0, v_offset = 0;

            if (!crop_rect.isEmpty()) {
                // 裁剪测试  , 视频中心裁剪320*180一块区域
                        /*crop_rect.left = image.getWidth()/2 - 320/2;
                = image.getHeight()/2 - 180/2;
                        crop_rect.right = crop_rect.left   320;
                        crop_rect.bottom =   180;
                // 裁剪测试--

                w = crop_rect.width();
                h = crop_rect.height();
                y_offset  = * planes[0].getRowStride()   crop_rect.left * planes[0].getPixelStride();
                u_offset  = ( / 2) * planes[1].getRowStride()   (crop_rect.left / 2) * planes[1].getPixelStride();
                v_offset  = ( / 2) * planes[2].getRowStride()   (crop_rect.left / 2) * planes[2].getPixelStride();

                // Log.i(TAG, "crop w:"   w   " h:"   h   " y_offset:"  y_offset   " u_offset:"   u_offset   " v_offset:"   v_offset);

            int scale_w = 0, scale_h = 0, scale_filter_mode = 0;
            scale_filter_mode = 3;

            int rotation_degree = cameraImageRotationDegree_;
            if (rotation_degree < 0) {
                Log.i(TAG, "onCameraImageData rotation_degree < 0, may need to set orientation_ to 0, 90, 180 or 270");

            libPublisher.PostLayerImageYUV420888ByteBuffer(publisherHandle, 0, 0, 0,
                    planes[0].getBuffer(), y_offset, planes[0].getRowStride(),
                    planes[1].getBuffer(), u_offset, planes[1].getRowStride(),
                    planes[2].getBuffer(), v_offset, planes[2].getRowStride(), planes[1].getPixelStride(),
                    w, h, 0, 0,
                    scale_w, scale_h, scale_filter_mode, rotation_degree);


 * 投递层YUV420888图像, 专门为的格式提供的接口
 * @param index: 层索引, 必须大于等于0
 * @param left: 层叠加的左上角坐标, 对于第0层的话传0
 * @param top: 层叠加的左上角坐标, 对于第0层的话传0
 * @param y_plane: 对应[0].getBuffer()
 * @param y_offset: 图像偏移, 这个主要目的是用来做clip的,一般传0
 * @param y_row_stride: 对应[0].getRowStride()
 * @param u_plane:[1].getBuffer()
 * @param u_offset: 图像偏移, 这个主要目的是用来做clip的,一般传0
 * @param u_row_stride:[1].getRowStride()
 * @param v_plane: 对应[2].getBuffer()
 * @param v_offset: 图像偏移, 这个主要目的是用来做clip的,一般传0
 * @param v_row_stride: 对应[2].getRowStride()
 * @param uv_pixel_stride: 对应[1].getPixelStride()
 * @param width: width, 必须大于1, 且必须是偶数
 * @param height: height, 必须大于1, 且必须是偶数
 * @param  is_vertical_flip: 是否垂直翻转, 0不翻转, 1翻转
 * @param  is_horizontal_flip:是否水平翻转, 0不翻转, 1翻转
 * @param  scale_width: 缩放宽,必须是偶数, 0或负数不缩放
 * @param  scale_height: 缩放高, 必须是偶数, 0或负数不缩放
 * @param  scale_filter_mode: 缩放质量, 传0使用默认速度,可选等级范围是:[1,3],值越大缩放质量越好, 但速度越慢
 * @param  rotation_degree: 顺时针旋转, 必须是0, 90, 180, 270, 注意:旋转是在缩放, 垂直/水品反转之后再做, 请留意顺序
 * @return {0} if successful
public native int PostLayerImageYUV420888ByteBuffer(long handle, int index, int left, int top,
                           ByteBuffer y_plane, int y_offset, int y_row_stride,
                             ByteBuffer u_plane, int u_offset, int u_row_stride,
                           ByteBuffer v_plane, int v_offset, int v_row_stride, int uv_pixel_stride,
                           int width, int height, int is_vertical_flip,  int is_horizontal_flip,
                           int scale_width,  int scale_height, int scale_filter_mode,
                             int rotation_degree);



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