
2022-09-19 09:06:15 浏览数 (2)



1. 如果设备和待测电路是共地的,请将探头上的接地线连接到这个地上。 (如图2)

2. 将连接设备的PC机或被测电路中的任何一方使用隔离电源,这样测试也将是安全的。

3. 使用仅电池供电的笔记本电脑连接示波器进行测试,这是方法2的一种特殊情况,因为电池供电的笔记本电脑和被测试电路是隔离的。

4. 如果示波器和待测电路是共地A的,但您要测试的电路是浮地的,这时您需要使用示波器的两个通道,分别将两个探头的接地线连接到共同的地上,两个探头分别连接到待测电路的两端,然后使用将两个探头的波形进行数学减运算,这样您将会得到您想要的结果。

Handling Precautions

The product will share one reference which is typically connected to earth ground through the power cord with your PC after you connect the product to your PC with USB cable. The probe ground lead is at ground potential.

Do not connect the ground lead to an elevated voltage. If you connect the probe as Figer 1, it will break the product and your PC. If measuring the floating potential, we will recommend the measurement as follows.


1. If product and your circuit share one ground, make sure that connect the ground lead of the probe to earth ground only. (As Figure 2).

2. Use isolated power supply for your PC or your circuit.

3. Use a notebook PC which use battery power supply only.

4. Use differential motion method using CH1 and CH2. (Figuerr2)


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