PyAOS(Python for Atmosphere and Ocean Science)是面向大气和海洋科学的Python社区,由Damien Irving博士创建维护,旨在为大气和海洋科学领域的科研人员提供相关的Python资源。
PyAOS网站总结了大气和海洋科学领域所使用的Python工具,以及工作流,包括所涉及到的核心库、高级工具库等,比如 xarray
- GeoCAT-comp (GeoCAT project) Computational routines from the NCAR Command Language (NCL).
- PyFerret (PMEL) Quick exploration of oceanographic data.
- eofs (Andrew Dawson) EOF analysis of spatial-temporal data.
- windspharm (Andrew Dawson) Computations on global wind fields in spherical geometry.
- cf-xarray (Deepak Cherian) Lightweight accessor for xarray objects that interprets CF attributes.
- Siphon (UniData) Utilities for downloading data from remote data services.
- regionmask (Mathias Hauser) Masks for commonly used geographic regions (Giorgi, SREX, etc)
- Cartopy (SciTools project) Geographic map projections for plotting.
- geoviews (HoloViz project) Interactive exploration and visualisation of geographical, meteorological, and oceanographic datasets.
- cmocean (Kristen Thyng) Beautiful colormaps for oceanography.
- MetPy (UniData) Tools for reading, visualising and performing calculations with weather data.
- Satpy (PyTroll community) Reading, manipulating, and writing data from remote-sensing earth-observing meteorological satellite instruments.
- Py-ART (ARM User Facility) Weather radar algorithms and utilities.
- ACT (ARM User Facility) Toolkit for working with atmospheric time-series datasets of varying dimensions.
- PyDSD (Joseph Hardin and Nick Guy) Utilities for working with disdrometer data.
- pyPI (Daniel Gilford) Tropical cyclone potential intensity calculations.
- GSW-Python Python implementation of the Thermodynamic Equation of Seawater 2010 (TEOS-10).
- argopy (Guillaume Maze) Argo data access, visualisation and manipulation.
- mixsea (Jesse Cusack & Gunnar Voet) Turbulence parameter estimation from fine scale oceanographic data.
- climpred (Riley Brady and Aaron Spring) Verification of weather and climate forecasts.
- climtas (Scott Wales) Climtas is a package for working with large climate analyses. It focuses on the time domain with custom functions for Xarray and Dask data.
- climate-indices (James Adams) Various climate index algorithms relating to precipitation and temperature.
- xESMF (Jiawei Zhuang) Universal regridder for geospatial data.
- gridded (NOAA-ORR-ERD) A single way to work with results from any hydrodynamic/oceanographic model regardless of what type of grid it was computed on.
- pyResample (PyTroll community) Resampling geospatial image data.
- ESMPy Interface to the Earth System Modeling Framework (ESMF) regridding utility.
- pyproj Interface to PROJ (cartographic projections and coordinate transformations library).
- wrf-python (GeoCAT project) A collection of diagnostic and interpolation routines for use with output from the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF-ARW) Model.
- climlab (Brian Rose) Process-oriented climate modeling.
- climt (Joy Monteiro et al) Climate modelling and diagnostics toolkit.
- pyrcel (Daniel Rothenberg) Adiabatic cloud parcel model for studying aerosol activation.
- PyCLES (Kyle Pressel and Colleen Kaul) Atmospheric large eddy simulation infrastructure designed to simulate boundary layer clouds and deep convection.
- aospy (Spencer Hill) Automated climate data analysis and management.
- cmdline-provenance (Damien Irving) For keeping track of your data processing steps.