
2022-07-20 13:43:11 浏览数 (3)


1、Unable to resolve modules lodash  (这里举例lodash,这个lodash也可以是别的。意思就是缺少当前模块,所以需要安装)

npm install lodash --save

 或(制定版本的命令): npm install lodash@3.10.1 

2、babel@5.8.38 should be installed with -g

npm install babel@5.8.38 -g

3、Unable to resolve module react from  ... (同1)

npm install react --save

npm install --save react@^0.14.5

4、Command `run-ios` unrecognized. Did you mean to run this inside a react-native project?

npm install -g react-native-cli

npm install --save react-native@latest

5、Rails is not currently installed on this system. 

sudo gem install rails  //安装

6、终端install pod报错:

pod not found after install, “pod setup” returns: Could not find 'cocoapods' (>= 0) among 64 total gem(s) (Gem::LoadError)

sudo gem install cocoapods

7、 is a function

"react-native-router-flux": "3.30.0",  (没有^)

npm list | grep router-flux

8、unable to resolve module app/reducers/reducer_utils from /Users/moxiaoyan/kuban/kuban-amdmin/KubanAdmin/app/

cd app

nam install

9、require react@15.1.0

npm install --save react@15.0.0-rc.1 react-dom@15.0.0-rc.1

10、Unable to resolve modules lodash

npm install lodash --save

npm install lodash@3.10.1

11、babel@5.8.38 should be installed with -g

npm install babel@5.8.38 -g

12、Unable to resolve module react from  ***

npm install react --save

npm install --save react@^0.14.5

13、Command `run-ios` unrecognized. Did you mean to run this inside a react-native project?

npm install -g react-native-cli

npm install --save react-native@latest

14、Rails is not currently installed on this system. 

sudo gem install rails  //安装

15、终端install pod报错:

pod not found after install, “pod setup” returns: Could not find 'cocoapods' (>= 0) among 64 total gem(s) (Gem::LoadError)

sudo gem install cocoapods

16、Xcode: 报错RCTRootView not found

项目目录 sudo npm install

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