上次写了一篇 windows下VirtualBox vagrant的安装配置 之前因为要赶项目没继续往下操作,今继续操作时碰到了以下问题,记录如下。 在本地和虚拟机同步时,修改了配置文件 config.vm.synced_folder "E:/apiweb/git/viphper", "/home/wwwroot/default/viphper" 但是用 vagrant reload 重启时,总是在报错,数据没办法同步,错误如下: Vagrant was unable to mount VirtualBox shared folders. This is usually because the filesystem "vboxsf" is not available. This filesystem is made available via the VirtualBox Guest Additions and kernel module. Please verify that these guest additions are properly installed in the guest. This is not a bug in Vagrant and is usually caused by a faulty Vagrant box. For context, the command attempted was: 标红的是重点,说明不支持 vboxsf,需要安装相应的插件。 在window下的cmd中执行 vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest 然后重启:vagrant reload 看看具体效果是不是可以啦!
2022-08-03 14:06:53
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