结论先行: 1,此表的创建用户权限无问题,表上有其他用户创建的索引 2,报错时,这个索引的创建用户在表空间上无权限或配额 3,dba权限的回收,会导致UNLIMITED TABLESPACE系统权限被回收 4,处理方法:给索引创建用户授予权限或配额 grant UNLIMITED TABLESPACE to username; 或 alter user username quota unlimited on tablespace_name;
报错官方解释: Oracle@oel:/home/oracle>oerr ora 01950 01950, 00000, "no privileges on tablespace '%s'" // *Cause: User does not have privileges to allocate an extent in the // specified tablespace. // *Action: Grant the user the appropriate system privileges or grant the user // space resource on the tablespace.
测试过程如下: 1,创建测试表 TEST@regan1> create table test tablespace test as select * from sys.dba_objects;
Table created.
TEST@regan1> create index idx_test_01 on test(OBJECT_NAME) tablespace test;
Index created.
TABLESPACE_NAME TABLESPACE_T SUM_SPACE(M) SUM_BLOCKS USED_SPACE(M) USED_RATE(%) FREE_SPACE(M) -------------------- ------------ ------------ ---------- ------------- ------------ ------------- USERS PERMANENT 1399 179040 1330 95.05 69 TEST PERMANENT 200 25600 4 1.94 196
2,创建测试用户 SYS@regan1> create user test02 identified by test;
User created.
SYS@regan1> select username,default_tablespace from dba_users where username like 'TEST%';
USERNAME DEFAULT_TABLESPACE ------------------------------ ------------------------------ TEST TEST TEST02 USERS
SYS@regan1> grant connect to test02;
Grant succeeded.
SYS@regan1> grant resource to test02;
Grant succeeded.
3,创建测试用户下索引 TEST@regan1> grant index on test to test02;
Grant succeeded.
SYS@regan1> grant unlimited tablespace to test02;
Grant succeeded.
TEST02@regan1> create index idx_test_02 on test.test(OBJECT_ID) tablespace test;
Index created.
TEST@regan1> select index_name,tablespace_name,status from dba_indexes where table_name='TEST';
INDEX_NAME TABLESPACE_NAME STATUS ------------------------------ -------------------- -------- IDX_TEST_01 TEST VALID IDX_TEST_02 TEST VALID
4,查看索引extent TEST@regan1> select OWNER,EXTENT_ID,BYTES/1024 from dba_extents where SEGMENT_NAME='IDX_TEST_02';
OWNER EXTENT_ID BYTES/1024 ------------------------------ ---------- ---------- TEST02 0 64 TEST02 1 64 TEST02 2 64 TEST02 3 64 TEST02 4 64
5,插入测试 TEST@regan1> insert into test select * from test;
14082 rows created.
TEST@regan1> COMMIT;
Commit complete.
TEST@regan1> select OWNER,EXTENT_ID,BYTES/1024 from dba_extents where SEGMENT_NAME='IDX_TEST_02';
OWNER EXTENT_ID BYTES/1024 ------------------------------ ---------- ---------- TEST02 0 64 TEST02 1 64 TEST02 2 64 TEST02 3 64 TEST02 4 64 TEST02 5 64 TEST02 6 64 TEST02 7 64 TEST02 8 64
9 rows selected.
6,授予dba权限并回收 SYS@regan1> select * from dba_sys_privs where grantee='TEST02';
GRANTEE PRIVILEGE ADM ------------------------------ ---------------------------------------- --- TEST02 UNLIMITED TABLESPACE NO
SYS@regan1> grant dba to test02;
Grant succeeded.
SYS@regan1> revoke dba from test02;
Revoke succeeded.
SYS@regan1> select * from dba_sys_privs where grantee='TEST02';
no rows selected
7,插入测试 TEST@regan1> insert into test select * from test; insert into test select * from test * ERROR at line 1: ORA-01950: no privileges on tablespace 'TEST'
TEST@regan1> select OWNER,EXTENT_ID,BYTES/1024 from dba_extents where SEGMENT_NAME='IDX_TEST_02';
OWNER EXTENT_ID BYTES/1024 ------------------------------ ---------- ---------- TEST02 0 64 TEST02 1 64 TEST02 2 64 TEST02 3 64 TEST02 4 64 TEST02 5 64 TEST02 6 64 TEST02 7 64 TEST02 8 64
9 rows selected.
8,授予配额或权限 上面是授予UNLIMITED TABLESPACE权限,以下使用配额。 SYS@regan1> alter user test02 quota unlimited on test;
User altered.
SYS@regan1> select * from dba_ts_quotas where username='TEST02';
TABLESPACE_NAME USERNAME BYTES MAX_BYTES BLOCKS MAX_BLOCKS DRO -------------------- ------------------------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- --- TEST TEST02 589824 -1 72 -1 NO
9,插入测试 TEST@regan1> insert into test select * from test;
28173 rows created.
TEST@regan1> select OWNER,EXTENT_ID,BYTES/1024 from dba_extents where SEGMENT_NAME='IDX_TEST_02';
OWNER EXTENT_ID BYTES/1024 ------------------------------ ---------- ---------- TEST02 0 64 TEST02 1 64 TEST02 2 64 TEST02 3 64 TEST02 4 64 TEST02 5 64 TEST02 6 64 TEST02 7 64 TEST02 8 64 TEST02 9 64 TEST02 10 64 TEST02 11 64 TEST02 12 64 TEST02 13 64 TEST02 14 64 TEST02 15 64 TEST02 16 1024
17 rows selected.
TEST@regan1> rollback;
Rollback complete.
TEST@regan1> select OWNER,EXTENT_ID,BYTES/1024 from dba_extents where SEGMENT_NAME='IDX_TEST_02';
OWNER EXTENT_ID BYTES/1024 ------------------------------ ---------- ---------- TEST02 0 64 TEST02 1 64 TEST02 2 64 TEST02 3 64 TEST02 4 64 TEST02 5 64 TEST02 6 64 TEST02 7 64 TEST02 8 64 TEST02 9 64 TEST02 10 64 TEST02 11 64 TEST02 12 64 TEST02 13 64 TEST02 14 64 TEST02 15 64 TEST02 16 1024
17 rows selected. ----这步可以看到,rollback后索引的extent依然处于分配状态。
SYS@regan1> alter user test02 quota 0 on test;
User altered.
SYS@regan1> select * from dba_ts_quotas where username='TEST02';
no rows selected
TEST@regan1> insert into test select * from test;
28164 rows created. ----这步可以看到,索然权限和配额都已经没有,但是之前已分配的extent仍然可以使用。
TEST@regan1> insert into test select * from test; insert into test select * from test * ERROR at line 1: ORA-01950: no privileges on tablespace 'TEST' ----继续插入则由于缺少权限和配额,插入报错。