AntDesign UI 库
代码语言:javascript复制yarn add antd
代码语言:javascript复制npm install antd --save
代码语言:javascript复制import {Button} from 'antd'
代码语言:javascript复制import 'antd/dist/antd.css'
代码语言:javascript复制import React, {Component} from 'react';
import {Button} from 'antd'
import 'antd/dist/antd.css'
class App extends Component {
render() {
return (
<h2>Antd 的基本使用</h2>
<Button type='primary'>Antd button</Button>
export default App;
其他的使用步骤一样, 参考样例, 其实其他的UI库的使用方式都一样, 没有啥好记得, 用的时候翻翻文档,就可以了
代码语言:javascript复制yarn eject
代码语言:javascript复制E:jsreact_antd>yarn eject
yarn run v1.22.19
$ react-scripts eject
NOTE: Create React App 2 supports TypeScript, Sass, CSS Modules and more without ejecting:
√ Are you sure you want to eject? This action is permanent. ... yes
Copying files into E:jsreact_antd
Adding configenv.js to the project
Adding configgetHttpsConfig.js to the project
Adding configmodules.js to the project
Adding configpaths.js to the project
Adding configwebpack.config.js to the project
Adding configwebpackDevServer.config.js to the project
Adding configjestbabelTransform.js to the project
Adding configjestcssTransform.js to the project
Adding configjestfileTransform.js to the project
Adding scriptsbuild.js to the project
Adding scriptsstart.js to the project
Adding scriptstest.js to the project
Adding configwebpackpersistentCachecreateEnvironmentHash.js to the project
Updating the dependencies
Removing react-scripts from dependencies
Adding @babel/core to dependencies
Adding @pmmmwh/react-refresh-webpack-plugin to dependencies
Adding @svgr/webpack to dependencies
Adding babel-jest to dependencies
Adding babel-loader to dependencies
Adding babel-plugin-named-asset-import to dependencies
Adding babel-preset-react-app to dependencies
Adding bfj to dependencies
Adding browserslist to dependencies
Adding camelcase to dependencies
Adding case-sensitive-paths-webpack-plugin to dependencies
Adding css-loader to dependencies
Adding css-minimizer-webpack-plugin to dependencies
Adding dotenv to dependencies
Adding dotenv-expand to dependencies
Adding eslint to dependencies
Adding eslint-config-react-app to dependencies
Adding eslint-webpack-plugin to dependencies
Adding file-loader to dependencies
Adding fs-extra to dependencies
Adding html-webpack-plugin to dependencies
Adding identity-obj-proxy to dependencies
Adding jest to dependencies
Adding jest-resolve to dependencies
Adding jest-watch-typeahead to dependencies
Adding mini-css-extract-plugin to dependencies
Adding postcss to dependencies
Adding postcss-flexbugs-fixes to dependencies
Adding postcss-loader to dependencies
Adding postcss-normalize to dependencies
Adding postcss-preset-env to dependencies
Adding prompts to dependencies
Adding react-app-polyfill to dependencies
Adding react-dev-utils to dependencies
Adding react-refresh to dependencies
Adding resolve to dependencies
Adding resolve-url-loader to dependencies
Adding sass-loader to dependencies
Adding semver to dependencies
Adding source-map-loader to dependencies
Adding style-loader to dependencies
Adding tailwindcss to dependencies
Adding terser-webpack-plugin to dependencies
Adding webpack to dependencies
Adding webpack-dev-server to dependencies
Adding webpack-manifest-plugin to dependencies
Adding workbox-webpack-plugin to dependencies
Updating the scripts
Replacing "react-scripts start" with "node scripts/start.js"
Replacing "react-scripts build" with "node scripts/build.js"
Replacing "react-scripts test" with "node scripts/test.js"
Configuring package.json
Adding Jest configuration
Adding Babel preset
Running npm install...
npm WARN config global `--global`, `--local` are deprecated. Use `--location=global` instead.
up to date in 2s
207 packages are looking for funding
run `npm fund` for details
Ejected successfully!
fatal: not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git
Staged ejected files for commit.
Please consider sharing why you ejected in this survey:
Done in 4.99s.
按需导入Antd CSS样式
上面是直接引入全部的antd css样式, 但是有很多是用不到的, 所以需要按需引入, 虽然可以直击改默认的配置,但是不推荐, 容易把项目搞崩溃....
因为最新的版本工具已经改成了craco, 所以基于craco去做
代码语言:javascript复制yarn add @craco/craco babel-plugin-import craco-less
代码语言:javascript复制/* package.json */
"scripts": {
- "start": "react-scripts start", //去除
- "build": "react-scripts build", //去除
- "test": "react-scripts test", //去除
"start": "craco start", //添加
"build": "craco build", //添加
"test": "craco test", //添加
代码语言:javascript复制const CracoLessPlugin = require("craco-less");
module.exports = {
babel: {
plugins: [["import",
"libraryName": "antd",
"libraryDirectory": "es",
"style": true
plugins: [{
plugin: CracoLessPlugin,
options: {
// 此处根据 less-loader 版本的不同会有不同的配置,详见 less-loader 官方文档
lessLoaderOptions: {
lessOptions: {
modifyVars: {'@primary-color': 'blue'},
javascriptEnabled: true