Boot电容是chargepump升压的充电电容,因为高边MOS要导通,g极电压需要高过s极(导通时即输入电压Vin), 所以这里需要这个升压电路。
Boot电容用以给上管提供开启电压。 由于开启MOS需要给栅极快速充电使其电压超过阈值, 根据公式I=C*dV/dt(I=dq/dt)可知,假设开启电压5V, 开启时间10nS,开启时栅极所需电荷2nC, 则I=200mA。而内部的LDO无法提供这么大的电流,所以需要增加BOOT电容。如果移除Boot电容,栅极电压处可能会出现震荡波形,从而引起MOS管的损坏。
Selecting The Bootstrap Capacitor
The selection of the bootstrap capacitor is written as
Equation 26:
- Qg is the total gate charge required to turn on the high-side MOSFET
- ΔVBOOT, is the maximum allowed voltage decay across the boot capacitor each time the high-side MOSFET is switched on
As an example, suppose the high-side MOSFET has a total gate charge Qg, of 25nC at VGS = 5V, and a ΔVBOOT of 200mV. The calculated bootstrap capacitance is 0.125μF; for a comfortable margin, select a capacitor that is double the calculated capacitance. In this example, 0.22μF will suffice.
Use an X7R or X5R ceramic capacitor.