代码语言:javascript复制[root@centos6 ~]# cat /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-
CentOS-Base.repo CentOS-Debuginfo.repo CentOS-fasttrack.repo CentOS-Media.repo CentOS-Vault.repo
[root@centos6 ~]# cd /etc/yum.repos.d/
[root@centos6 yum.repos.d]# ls
CentOS-Base.repo CentOS-Debuginfo.repo CentOS-fasttrack.repo CentOS-Media.repo CentOS-Vault.repo
[root@centos6 yum.repos.d]# mkdir backup
[root@centos6 yum.repos.d]# mv * backup/
mv: 无法将目录"backup" 移动至自身的子目录"backup/backup" 下
[root@centos6 yum.repos.d]# ls
[root@centos6 yum.repos.d]#
[root@centos6 yum.repos.d]# vim CentOS-Base.repo
[root@centos6 yum.repos.d]#
[root@centos6 yum.repos.d]# vim epel.repo
name=Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux 6 - $basearch
[root@centos6 yum.repos.d]#
[root@centos6 yum.repos.d]# ls
backup CentOS-Base.repo epel.repo
[root@centos6 yum.repos.d]# yum clean all
已加载插件:fastestmirror, security
Cleaning repos: base epel extras updates
[root@centos6 yum.repos.d]# yum makecache
已加载插件:fastestmirror, security
Determining fastest mirrors
base | 3.7 kB 00:00
base/group_gz | 242 kB 00:00
base/filelists_db | 6.4 MB 00:01
base/primary_db | 4.7 MB 00:01
base/other_db | 2.8 MB 00:00
epel | 4.7 kB 00:00
epel/group_gz | 74 kB 00:00
epel/filelists_db | 7.9 MB 00:17
epel/updateinfo | 788 kB 00:00
epel/prestodelta | 574 B 00:00
epel/primary_db | 6.1 MB 00:01
epel/other_db | 3.0 MB 00:00
extras | 3.4 kB 00:00
extras/filelists_db | 24 kB 00:00
extras/prestodelta | 2.2 kB 00:00
extras/primary_db | 29 kB 00:00
extras/other_db | 14 kB 00:00
updates | 3.4 kB 00:00
updates/filelists_db | 8.4 MB 00:02
updates/prestodelta | 357 kB 00:00
updates/primary_db | 12 MB 00:02
updates/other_db | 479 kB 00:00
代码语言:javascript复制[root@centos6 ~]# mkdir packages
[root@centos6 ~]# cd packages/
[root@centos6 packages]# wget http://mirror.linux-ia64.org/gnu/gcc/releases/gcc-5.4.0/gcc-5.4.0.tar.gz
--2021-07-08 03:14:19-- http://mirror.linux-ia64.org/gnu/gcc/releases/gcc-5.4.0/gcc-5.4.0.tar.gz
正在解析主机 mirror.linux-ia64.org...
正在连接 mirror.linux-ia64.org||:80... 已连接。
已发出 HTTP 请求,正在等待回应... 200 OK
长度:123208571 (118M) [application/x-gzip]
正在保存至: “gcc-5.4.0.tar.gz”
3% [===> ] 4,846,713 1.41M/s eta(英国中部时
3% [===>
99% [====================================================================================================================> ] 122,555,257 2.45M/s eta(英国中部时99% [====================================================================================================================> ] 123,064,697 2.46M/s eta(英国中部时100%[=====================================================================================================================>] 123,208,571 2.47M/s in 62s
2021-07-08 03:15:21 (1.90 MB/s) - 已保存 “gcc-5.4.0.tar.gz” [123208571/123208571])
[root@centos6 packages]# ls
[root@centos6 packages]# wget ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/gmp/gmp-4.3.2.tar.bz2
--2021-07-08 03:17:06-- ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/gmp/gmp-4.3.2.tar.bz2
=> “gmp-4.3.2.tar.bz2”
正在解析主机 ftp.gnu.org..., 2001:470:142:3::b
正在连接 ftp.gnu.org||:21... 已连接。
正在以 anonymous 登录 ... 登录成功!
==> SYST ... 完成。 ==> PWD ... 完成。
==> TYPE I ... 完成。 ==> CWD (1) /gnu/gmp ... 完成。
==> SIZE gmp-4.3.2.tar.bz2 ... 1897483
==> PASV ... 完成。 ==> RETR gmp-4.3.2.tar.bz2 ... 完成。
长度:1897483 (1.8M) (非正式数据)
13% [==============> ] 254,512 82.5K/s eta(英国中部时
14% [===============> ] 271,524 80.6K/s eta(英国中部时
15% [=================> ] 295,168 69.9K/s eta(英国中部时
99% [====================================================================================================================> ] 1,881,792 48.0K/s eta(英国中部时100%[=====================================================================================================================>] 1,897,483 48.8K/s eta(英国中部时100%[=====================================================================================================================>] 1,897,483 48.8K/s in 44s
2021-07-08 03:17:54 (42.1 KB/s) - “gmp-4.3.2.tar.bz2” 已保存 [1897483]
[root@centos6 packages]# ls
gcc-5.4.0.tar.gz gmp-4.3.2.tar.bz2
[root@centos6 packages]# wget http://www.mpfr.org/mpfr-2.4.2/mpfr-2.4.2.tar.bz2
--2021-07-08 03:19:30-- http://www.mpfr.org/mpfr-2.4.2/mpfr-2.4.2.tar.bz2
正在解析主机 www.mpfr.org...
正在连接 www.mpfr.org||:80... 已连接。
已发出 HTTP 请求,正在等待回应... 301 Moved Permanently
位置:https://www.mpfr.org/mpfr-2.4.2/mpfr-2.4.2.tar.bz2 [跟随至新的 URL]
--2021-07-08 03:19:32-- https://www.mpfr.org/mpfr-2.4.2/mpfr-2.4.2.tar.bz2
正在连接 www.mpfr.org||:443... 已连接。
已发出 HTTP 请求,正在等待回应... 200 OK
长度:1077886 (1.0M) [application/x-bzip2]
正在保存至: “mpfr-2.4.2.tar.bz2”
3% [===> ] 38,178 11.5K/s eta(英国中部时 4% [====> ] 46,178 12.7K/s eta(英国中部时 5% [====> ] 54,178 13.6K/s eta(英国中部时 6% [======> ] 65,536 15.2K/s eta(英国中部时 7% [=======> ] 78,178 16.9K/s eta(英国中部时 7% [========> ] 86,178 17.4K/s eta(英国中部时 9% [=========> ] 98,304 18.6K/s eta(英国中部时10% [===========> ] 110,178 19.6K/s eta(英国中部时11% [============> ] 122,880 20.7K/s eta(英国中部时12% [==============> ] 139,264 22.2K/s eta(英国中部时14% [================> ] 155,648 23.6K/s eta(英国中部时16% [==================> ] 174,178 25.2K/s eta(英国中部时18% [====================> ] 196,608 36.8K/s eta(英国中部时19% [======================> ] 214,178 40.3K/s eta(英国中部时22% [=========================> ] 245,760 46.2K/s eta(英国中部时25% [============================> ] 270,178 50.6K/s eta(英国中部时28% [================================> ] 310,178 58.8K/s eta(英国中部时31% [====================================> ] 344,064 68.1K/s eta(英国中部时36% [=========================================> ] 390,178 78.0K/s eta(英国中部时41% [===============================================> ] 442,368 95.6K/s eta(英国中部时47% [======================================================> ] 510,178 110K/s eta(英国中部时52% [============================================================> ] 566,178 129K/s eta(英国中部时59% [=====================================================================> ] 646,178 147K/s eta(英国中部时67% [==============================================================================> ] 729,088 166K/s eta(英国中部时74% [======================================================================================> ] 802,816 188K/s eta(英国中部时83% [=================================================================================================> ] 901,120 211K/s eta(英国中部时93% [=============================================================================================================> ] 1,007,616 234K/s eta(英国中部时100%[=====================================================================================================================>] 1,077,886 254K/s in 10s
2021-07-08 03:19:48 (102 KB/s) - 已保存 “mpfr-2.4.2.tar.bz2” [1077886/1077886])
[root@centos6 packages]# wget https://mirrors.sjtug.sjtu.edu.cn/gnu/mpc/mpc-1.0.1.tar.gz
--2021-07-08 03:20:44-- https://mirrors.sjtug.sjtu.edu.cn/gnu/mpc/mpc-1.0.1.tar.gz
正在解析主机 mirrors.sjtug.sjtu.edu.cn...
正在连接 mirrors.sjtug.sjtu.edu.cn||:443... 已连接。
已发出 HTTP 请求,正在等待回应... 200 OK
长度:624125 (609K) [application/gzip]
正在保存至: “mpc-1.0.1.tar.gz”
100%[=====================================================================================================================>] 624,125 1.87M/s in 0.3s
2021-07-08 03:20:45 (1.87 MB/s) - 已保存 “mpc-1.0.1.tar.gz” [624125/624125])
[root@centos6 packages]# ls
gcc-5.4.0.tar.gz gmp-4.3.2.tar.bz2 mpc-1.0.1.tar.gz mpfr-2.4.2.tar.bz2
[root@centos6 packages]# tar xf gcc-5.4.0.tar.gz
[root@centos6 packages]# tar xf gmp-4.3.2.tar.bz2
[root@centos6 packages]# tar xf mpc-1.0.1.tar.gz
[root@centos6 packages]# tar xf mpfr-2.4.2.tar.bz2
代码语言:javascript复制[root@centos6 packages]# cd gmp-4.3.2
[root@centos6 gmp-4.3.2]# mkdir build
[root@centos6 gmp-4.3.2]# cd build/
[root@centos6 build]#
[root@centos6 build]# ../configure --prefix=/usr/local/gmp-4.3.2
checking compiler icc -no-gcc ... no
checking compiler cc -O ... no
configure: error: could not find a working compiler, see config.log for details
[root@centos6 build]# yum install gcc gcc-c -y
已加载插件:fastestmirror, security
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
--> 执行事务检查
gcc.x86_64 0:4.4.7-23.el6 gcc-c .x86_64 0:4.4.7-23.el6
cloog-ppl.x86_64 0:0.15.7-1.2.el6 cpp.x86_64 0:4.4.7-23.el6 libstdc -devel.x86_64 0:4.4.7-23.el6 mpfr.x86_64 0:2.4.1-6.el6 ppl.x86_64 0:0.10.2-11.el6
[root@centos6 build]# ../configure --prefix=/usr/local/gmp-4.3.2
config.status: linking ../mpn/generic/addsub_n.c to mpn/addsub_n.c
config.status: linking ../mpn/x86_64/addaddmul_1msb0.asm to mpn/addaddmul_1msb0.asm
config.status: linking ../mpn/x86_64/gmp-mparam.h to gmp-mparam.h
[root@centos6 build]#
[root@centos6 build]# make && make install
| |
| If you have not already run "make check", then we strongly |
| recommend you do so. |
| |
| GMP has been carefully tested by its authors, but compilers |
| are all too often released with serious bugs. GMP tends to |
| explore interesting corners in compilers and has hit bugs |
| on quite a few occasions. |
| |
make[4]: Leaving directory `/root/packages/gmp-4.3.2/build'
make[3]: Leaving directory `/root/packages/gmp-4.3.2/build'
make[2]: Leaving directory `/root/packages/gmp-4.3.2/build'
make[1]: Leaving directory `/root/packages/gmp-4.3.2/build'
[root@centos6 build]# cd ../..
[root@centos6 packages]# cd mpfr-2.4.2
[root@centos6 mpfr-2.4.2]# mkdir build
[root@centos6 mpfr-2.4.2]# cd build/
[root@centos6 build]# ../configure --prefix=/usr/local/mpfr-2.4.2 --with-gmp=/usr/local/gmp-4.3.2
checking if gmp_printf supports "%td"... yes
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Makefile
config.status: creating tests/Makefile
config.status: creating mparam.h
config.status: executing depfiles commands
config.status: executing libtool commands
[root@centos6 build]# make && make install
test -z "/usr/local/mpfr-2.4.2/share/doc/mpfr" || /bin/mkdir -p "/usr/local/mpfr-2.4.2/share/doc/mpfr"
/bin/mkdir -p '/usr/local/mpfr-2.4.2/share/doc/mpfr/examples'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../examples/ReadMe ../examples/divworst.c ../examples/rndo-add.c ../examples/sample.c '/usr/local/mpfr-2.4.2/share/doc/mpfr/examples'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../AUTHORS ../BUGS ../COPYING ../COPYING.LIB ../FAQ.html ../NEWS ../TODO '/usr/local/mpfr-2.4.2/share/doc/mpfr/.'
make[2]: Leaving directory `/root/packages/mpfr-2.4.2/build'
make[1]: Leaving directory `/root/packages/mpfr-2.4.2/build'
[root@centos6 build]# cd ../..
[root@centos6 packages]# cd mpc-1.0.1
[root@centos6 mpc-1.0.1]# mkdir build
[root@centos6 mpc-1.0.1]# cd build/
[root@centos6 build]# ../configure --prefix=/usr/local/mpc-1.0.1 --with-gmp=/usr/local/gmp-4.3.2 --with-mpfr=/usr/local/mpfr-2.4.2
checking gcc version... 4.4.7
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Makefile
config.status: creating src/Makefile
config.status: creating tests/Makefile
config.status: creating doc/Makefile
config.status: creating config.h
config.status: executing depfiles commands
config.status: executing libtool commands
[root@centos6 build]# make && make install
make[2]: Leaving directory `/root/packages/mpc-1.0.1/build/doc'
make[1]: Leaving directory `/root/packages/mpc-1.0.1/build/doc'
make[1]: Entering directory `/root/packages/mpc-1.0.1/build'
make[2]: Entering directory `/root/packages/mpc-1.0.1/build'
make[2]: Nothing to be done for `install-exec-am'.
/bin/mkdir -p '/usr/local/mpc-1.0.1/include'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../src/mpc.h '/usr/local/mpc-1.0.1/include'
make[2]: Leaving directory `/root/packages/mpc-1.0.1/build'
make[1]: Leaving directory `/root/packages/mpc-1.0.1/build'
[root@centos6 ~]# vim .bashrc
# .bashrc
# User specific aliases and functions
alias rm='rm -i'
alias cp='cp -i'
alias mv='mv -i'
# Source global definitions
if [ -f /etc/bashrc ]; then
. /etc/bashrc
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/gmp-4.3.2/lib:/usr/local/mpc-1.0.1/lib:/usr/local/mpfr-2.4.2/lib
[root@centos6 ~]# source .bashrc
[root@centos6 build]# cd ../..
[root@centos6 packages]# cd gcc-5.4.0
[root@centos6 gcc-5.4.0]# mkdir build
[root@centos6 gcc-5.4.0]# cd build/
[root@centos6 build]# ../configure --prefix=/usr/local/gcc-5.4.0 --enable-threads=posix --disable-checking --disable-multilib --enable-languages=c,c --with-gmp=/usr/local/gmp-4.3.2 --with-mpfr=/usr/local/mpfr-2.4.2 --with-mpc=/usr/local/mpc-1.0.1
checking where to find the target windmc... host tool
checking whether to enable maintainer-specific portions of Makefiles... no
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Makefile
[root@centos6 build]# make && make install
pecify the full pathname of the library, or use the `-LLIBDIR'
flag during linking and do at least one of the following:
- add LIBDIR to the `LD_LIBRARY_PATH' environment variable
during execution
- add LIBDIR to the `LD_RUN_PATH' environment variable
during linking
- use the `-Wl,-rpath -Wl,LIBDIR' linker flag
- have your system administrator add LIBDIR to `/etc/ld.so.conf'
See any operating system documentation about shared libraries for
more information, such as the ld(1) and ld.so(8) manual pages.
make[4]: Nothing to be done for `install-data-am'.
make[4]: Leaving directory `/root/packages/gcc-5.4.0/build/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/libatomic'
make[3]: Leaving directory `/root/packages/gcc-5.4.0/build/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/libatomic'
make[2]: Leaving directory `/root/packages/gcc-5.4.0/build/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/libatomic'
make[1]: Leaving directory `/root/packages/gcc-5.4.0/build'
[root@centos6 build]# cd
[root@centos6 ~]#
[root@centos6 ~]# mkdir /usr/gcc447backup/
[root@centos6 ~]# mv /usr/bin/{gcc,g } /usr/gcc447backup
[root@centos6 ~]# ln -s /usr/local/gcc-5.4.0/bin/gcc /usr/bin/gcc
[root@centos6 ~]# ln -s /usr/local/gcc-5.4.0/bin/g /usr/bin/g
[root@centos6 ~]# gcc -v
使用内建 specs。
配置为:../configure --prefix=/usr/local/gcc-5.4.0 --enable-threads=posix --disable-checking --disable-multilib --enable-languages=c,c --with-gmp=/usr/local/gmp-4.3.2 --with-mpfr=/usr/local/mpfr-2.4.2 --with-mpc=/usr/local/mpc-1.0.1
gcc 版本 5.4.0 (GCC)
代码语言:javascript复制[root@centos6 ~]# cd packages/
[root@centos6 packages]# wget https://mirrors.edge.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v4.x/linux-4.13.2.tar.gz
--2021-07-09 01:02:26-- https://mirrors.edge.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v4.x/linux-4.13.2.tar.gz
正在解析主机 mirrors.edge.kernel.org..., 2604:1380:3000:1500::1
正在连接 mirrors.edge.kernel.org||:443... 已连接。
已发出 HTTP 请求,正在等待回应... 200 OK
长度:155505752 (148M) [application/x-gzip]
正在保存至: “linux-4.13.2.tar.gz”
2% [=> ] 3,243,629 1.03M/s eta(英国中部时
2% [=> ] 3,440,237 1020K/s eta(英国中部时
2021-07-09 01:20:15 (142 KB/s) - 已保存 “linux-4.13.2.tar.gz” [155505752/155505752])
[root@centos6 packages]# tar xf linux-4.13.2.tar.gz
[root@centos6 packages]# cd linux-4.13.2
[root@centos6 linux-4.13.2]# ls
arch certs CREDITS Documentation firmware include ipc Kconfig lib Makefile net samples security tools virt
block COPYING crypto drivers fs init Kbuild kernel MAINTAINERS mm README scripts sound usr
# 以系统上原有的操作系统为模板,拷一个模板文件到我们的目录,并命名为.config的隐藏文件
[root@centos6 linux-4.13.2]# cp /boot/config-2.6.32-754.el6.x86_64 ./.config
[root@centos6 linux-4.13.2]# make menuconfig
HOSTCC scripts/basic/fixdep
*** Unable to find the ncurses libraries or the
*** required header files.
*** 'make menuconfig' requires the ncurses libraries.
*** Install ncurses (ncurses-devel) and try again.
make[1]: *** [scripts/kconfig/dochecklxdialog] 错误 1
make: *** [menuconfig] 错误 2
[root@centos6 linux-4.13.2]# yum install ncurses-devel ncurses -y
已加载插件:fastestmirror, security
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
base | 3.7 kB 00:00
epel | 4.7 kB 00:00
extras | 3.4 kB 00:00
updates | 3.4 kB 00:00
包 ncurses-5.7-4.20090207.el6.x86_64 已安装并且是最新版本
--> 执行事务检查
---> Package ncurses-devel.x86_64 0:5.7-4.20090207.el6 will be 安装
--> 完成依赖关系计算
正在安装 : ncurses-devel-5.7-4.20090207.el6.x86_64 1/1
Verifying : ncurses-devel-5.7-4.20090207.el6.x86_64 1/1
ncurses-devel.x86_64 0:5.7-4.20090207.el6
[root@centos6 linux-4.13.2]# make menuconfig
代码语言:javascript复制*** End of the configuration.
*** Execute 'make' to start the build or try 'make help'.
[root@centos6 linux-4.13.2]# make
HOSTCC scripts/sortextable
HOSTCC scripts/asn1_compiler
HOSTCC scripts/sign-file
scripts/sign-file.c:25:30: 致命错误:openssl/opensslv.h:没有那个文件或目录
make[1]: *** [scripts/sign-file] 错误 1
make: *** [scripts] 错误 2
[root@centos6 linux-4.13.2]# yum install openssl openssl-devel -y
已加载插件:fastestmirror, security
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
--> 执行事务检查
---> Package openssl.x86_64 0:1.0.1e-57.el6 will be 升级
---> Package openssl.x86_64 0:1.0.1e-58.el6_10 will be an update
keyutils-libs-devel.x86_64 0:1.4-5.el6 krb5-devel.x86_64 0:1.10.3-65.el6 libcom_err-devel.x86_64 0:1.41.12-24.el6 libselinux-devel.x86_64 0:2.0.94-7.el6
libsepol-devel.x86_64 0:2.0.41-4.el6 zlib-devel.x86_64 0:1.2.3-29.el6
openssl.x86_64 0:1.0.1e-58.el6_10
[root@centos6 linux-4.13.2]# make
IHEX firmware/ti_3410.fw
IHEX firmware/ti_5052.fw
IHEX firmware/mts_cdma.fw
IHEX firmware/mts_gsm.fw
IHEX firmware/mts_edge.fw
H16TOFW firmware/edgeport/boot.fw
H16TOFW firmware/edgeport/boot2.fw
H16TOFW firmware/edgeport/down.fw
H16TOFW firmware/edgeport/down2.fw
IHEX firmware/edgeport/down3.bin
IHEX2FW firmware/whiteheat_loader.fw
IHEX2FW firmware/whiteheat.fw
IHEX2FW firmware/keyspan_pda/keyspan_pda.fw
IHEX2FW firmware/keyspan_pda/xircom_pgs.fw
[root@centos6 linux-4.13.2]# make modules_install
INSTALL arch/x86/crypto/aes-x86_64.ko
INSTALL arch/x86/crypto/aesni-intel.ko
INSTALL arch/x86/crypto/crc32c-intel.ko
INSTALL arch/x86/crypto/ghash-clmulni-intel.ko
INSTALL /lib/firmware/edgeport/down.fw
INSTALL /lib/firmware/edgeport/down2.fw
INSTALL /lib/firmware/edgeport/down3.bin
INSTALL /lib/firmware/whiteheat_loader.fw
INSTALL /lib/firmware/whiteheat.fw
INSTALL /lib/firmware/keyspan_pda/keyspan_pda.fw
INSTALL /lib/firmware/keyspan_pda/xircom_pgs.fw
DEPMOD 4.13.2
[root@centos6 linux-4.13.2]# make install
sh ./arch/x86/boot/install.sh 4.13.2 arch/x86/boot/bzImage
System.map "/boot"
ERROR: modinfo: could not find module ib_sa
ERROR: modinfo: could not find module ib_mad
ERROR: modinfo: could not find module ib_addr
ERROR: modinfo: could not find module microcode
ERROR: modinfo: could not find module snd_page_alloc
ERROR: modinfo: could not find module crc_t10dif
[root@centos6 linux-4.13.2]# ls /boot
config-2.6.32-754.el6.x86_64 initramfs-2.6.32-754.el6.x86_64.img symvers-2.6.32-754.el6.x86_64.gz System.map-4.13.2 vmlinuz-4.13.2
efi initramfs-4.13.2.img System.map vmlinuz
grub initrd-2.6.32-754.el6.x86_64kdump.img System.map-2.6.32-754.el6.x86_64 vmlinuz-2.6.32-754.el6.x86_64
[root@centos6 linux-4.13.2]#
[root@centos6 ~]# cat /boot/grub/grub.conf
# grub.conf generated by anaconda
# Note that you do not have to rerun grub after making changes to this file
# NOTICE: You do not have a /boot partition. This means that
# all kernel and initrd paths are relative to /, eg.
# root (hd0,0)
# kernel /boot/vmlinuz-version ro root=/dev/sda1
# initrd /boot/initrd-[generic-]version.img
title CentOS (4.13.2)
root (hd0,0)
kernel /boot/vmlinuz-4.13.2 ro root=UUID=4a87122f-01fc-4cb4-8c05-85664b6478d2 rd_NO_LUKS KEYBOARDTYPE=pc KEYTABLE=us rd_NO_MD crashkernel=auto LANG=zh_CN.UTF-8 rd_NO_LVM rd_NO_DM rhgb quiet
initrd /boot/initramfs-4.13.2.img
title CentOS 6 (2.6.32-754.el6.x86_64)
root (hd0,0)
kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.32-754.el6.x86_64 ro root=UUID=4a87122f-01fc-4cb4-8c05-85664b6478d2 rd_NO_LUKS KEYBOARDTYPE=pc KEYTABLE=us rd_NO_MD crashkernel=auto LANG=zh_CN.UTF-8 rd_NO_LVM rd_NO_DM rhgb quiet
initrd /boot/initramfs-2.6.32-754.el6.x86_64.img
代码语言:javascript复制[root@centos6 /]# uname -a
Linux centos6 4.13.2 #1 SMP Fri Jul 9 02:25:51 CST 2021 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux