
2022-09-02 13:40:12 浏览数 (1)



经过调研和讨论,还是觉得用关键点的方式比较靠谱,最终选择了 COCO 数据集,它有 17 个关键点标注,我们可以利用左右肩和左右臀这四个关键点来实现上半身的检测,整一个流程的 pipeline 如下图,先用一个矩形框将关键点给包围起来,再用一个 scale 稍微放大一点,就是最终得到的上半身的检测框了。

这里是 COCO 对人体标注的所有关键点,我们只需要取其中的四个就行了,注意 COCO 的一个关键点对应着数组中的三个数,也就是 (x, y, flag),其中 flag 为 0 代表关键点没有标注,为 1 代表关键点标注了但是被遮挡了,为 2 代表关键点标注了并且也没有遮挡。

所以接下去就直接遍历训练集的所有图片找到有关键点标注的图片并且修改成 bounding box 了,代码贴在下面,完整的代码可以在我的 GitHub 仓库找到

import json
import numpy as np 
import os.path as osp

root = '/NAS_REMOTE/PUBLIC/data/coco2017/annotations'
json_file = osp.join(root, 'person_keypoints_train2017.json')
scale_w = 1.55
scale_h = 1.33
results = []
image_name = []
json_list = []
annto_cnt = 0
viz_mode = True

with open(json_file, 'r') as f:
    f = json.load(f)
    annotations = f['annotations']
    annotations = sorted(annotations, key=lambda x: x['image_id'])
    for item in annotations[:1000]:
        image_id = item['image_id']
        keypoints = item['keypoints']
        num_keypoints = item['num_keypoints']
        fn = '# '   str(image_id).zfill(12)   '.jpg'

        left_shoulder = 5*3
        right_shoulder = 6*3
        left_hip = 11*3
        right_hip = 12*3
        if num_keypoints < 4:

        flag1 = keypoints[left_shoulder 2]
        flag2 = keypoints[right_shoulder 2]
        flag3 = keypoints[left_hip 2]
        flag4 = keypoints[right_hip 2]
        if flag1 == 0 or flag2 == 0 or flag3 == 0 or flag4 == 0:

        x1 = keypoints[left_shoulder]
        y1 = keypoints[left_shoulder 1]
        x2 = keypoints[right_shoulder]
        y2 = keypoints[right_shoulder 1]
        x3 = keypoints[left_hip]
        y3 = keypoints[left_hip 1]
        x4 = keypoints[right_hip]
        y4 = keypoints[right_hip 1]
        x5 = (x1   x2   x3   x4) / 4
        y5 = (y1   y2   y3   y4) / 4

        bbox_x = min(x1, x2, x3, x4)
        bbox_y = min(y1, y2, y3, y4)

        bbox_w = max(x1, x2, x3, x4) - bbox_x
        bbox_h = max(y1, y2, y3, y4) - bbox_y
        bbox_ctl_x = bbox_x   bbox_w / 2
        bbox_ctl_y = bbox_y   bbox_h / 2
        bbox_w = scale_w * bbox_w
        bbox_h = scale_h * bbox_h
        bbox_x = bbox_ctl_x - bbox_w / 2
        bbox_y = bbox_ctl_y - bbox_h / 2
        bbox_x = max(0, bbox_x)
        bbox_y = max(0, bbox_y)

        if viz_mode:
            data = {}
            data['img_id'] = str(image_id)
            data['bbox_x'] = bbox_x
            data['bbox_y'] = bbox_y
            data['bbox_w'] = bbox_w
            data['bbox_h'] = bbox_h
            data['left_shoulder'] = (x1, y1)
            data['right_shoulder'] = (x2, y2)
            data['left_hip'] = (x3, y3)
            data['right_hip'] = (x4, y4)
            data['center_point'] = (x5, y5)

            if flag1 == 1 or flag2 == 1 or flag3 == 1 or flag4 == 1:
                data = bbox_x, bbox_y, bbox_w, bbox_h, -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1
                data = bbox_x, bbox_y, bbox_w, bbox_h,
                        x1, y1, 2, x2, y2, 2, x5, y5, 2, x3, y3, 2, x4, y4, 2
            results = np.array([data])
            with open('result.txt', 'a') as f:
                if image_id in image_name:
                    f.write(fn 'n')
                np.savetxt(f, results, delimiter=' ')
            annto_cnt  = 1
            print('anno_cnt', annto_cnt)
    if viz_mode:
        with open('results/viz_data.json', 'w') as f:
            json.dump(json_list, f)


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