Koch Curve

2022-09-05 13:44:29 浏览数 (2)


Write a program which reads an integer n and draws a Koch curve based on recursive calles of depth n.

The Koch curve is well known as a kind of fractals.

You can draw a Koch curve in the following algorithm:

Divide a given segment (p1, p2) into three equal segments.

Replace the middle segment by the two sides of an equilateral triangle (s, u, t) of the same length as the segment.

Repeat this procedure recursively for new segments (p1, s), (s, u), (u, t), (t, p2).

You should start (0, 0), (100, 0) as the first segment.


An integer n is given.


Print each point (x, y) of the Koch curve. Print a point in a line. You should start the point(0, 0), which is the endpoint of the first segment and end with the point (100, 0), the other endpoint so that you can draw the Koch curve as an unbroken line. Each solution should be given as a decimal with an arbitrary number of fractional digits, and with an absolute error of at most 10-4.


0 ≤ n ≤ 6

Sample Input 1


Sample Output 1

0.00000000 0.00000000

33.33333333 0.00000000

50.00000000 28.86751346

66.66666667 0.00000000

100.00000000 0.00000000

Sample Input 2


Sample Output 2

0.00000000 0.00000000

11.11111111 0.00000000

16.66666667 9.62250449

22.22222222 0.00000000

33.33333333 0.00000000

38.88888889 9.62250449

33.33333333 19.24500897

44.44444444 19.24500897

50.00000000 28.86751346

55.55555556 19.24500897

66.66666667 19.24500897

61.11111111 9.62250449

66.66666667 0.00000000

77.77777778 0.00000000

83.33333333 9.62250449

88.88888889 0.00000000

100.00000000 0.00000000





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