
2022-05-12 08:57:15 浏览数 (2)

function flow

// 最顶层的循环在ExecutePlan总,转一次拿一条
      【1】index_beginscan: (scandesc = index_beginscan 生成scandesc可以)
          btbeginscan: 初始化IndexScanDesc和BTScanOpaque
            IndexScanDesc scan = ...
            BTScanOpaque so = ...
            scan->opaque = so
            return scan

      【3】index_getnext(scandesc, direction)   
        index_getnext_tid : 开始索引遍历,拿到一个符合要求的ctid(found = ...->amgettuple(scan, direction) 
          btgettuple      : 调用_bt_first拿到第一个符合条件的,再调用_bt_next顺序扫描后面符合条件的

      【3】index_getnext(scandesc, direction)
        index_getnext_tid : 开始索引遍历,拿到一个符合要求的ctid(found = ...->amgettuple(scan, direction) 
          btgettuple      : 调用_bt_first拿到第一个符合条件的,再调用_bt_next顺序扫描后面符合条件的


2 点查案例



postgres=# select * from t8 limit 10;
 id |               info               
---- ----------------------------------
  1 | 0dc60cfa723e1b809c45bdb31dfc698e
  2 | 99863eeb157c1fc246d4109c469cf2d6
  3 | 82a08a276210c48d8216f09e207f8f9c
  4 | cb8f3c118a48c13e9be54585ca804b9f
  5 | 4dcbfbf43c397b61076d3b638d7ae4f2
  6 | 396881e5fc07b4156bfe31480a1adf8f
  7 | 9c95a4f04931f4cae8ed6e451b9f12f2
  8 | 90571ab1bcb3b22ccb6e03aadee103de
  9 | 9ac75d7b5342b0021294779f3c4e8028
 10 | 6e61f764b610594004651f188dcc78a0


select * from bt_page_items('t8_pkey', 4);
 itemoffset |  ctid   | itemlen | nulls | vars |          data           
------------ --------- --------- ------- ------ -------------------------
          1 | (9,19)  |      16 | f     | f    | 4b 04 00 00 00 00 00 00
          2 | (6,13)  |      16 | f     | f    | dd 02 00 00 00 00 00 00
          3 | (6,14)  |      16 | f     | f    | de 02 00 00 00 00 00 00
          4 | (6,15)  |      16 | f     | f    | df 02 00 00 00 00 00 00

select * from bt_page_items('t8_pkey', 6);
 itemoffset |   ctid   | itemlen | nulls | vars |          data           
------------ ---------- --------- ------- ------ -------------------------
          1 | (15,31)  |      16 | f     | f    | 27 07 00 00 00 00 00 00
          2 | (12,25)  |      16 | f     | f    | b9 05 00 00 00 00 00 00
          3 | (12,26)  |      16 | f     | f    | ba 05 00 00 00 00 00 00
          4 | (12,27)  |      16 | f     | f    | bb 05 00 00 00 00 00 00
          5 | (12,28)  |      16 | f     | f    | bc 05 00 00 00 00 00 00
          6 | (12,29)  |      16 | f     | f    | bd 05 00 00 00 00 00 00
          7 | (12,30)  |      16 | f     | f    | be 05 00 00 00 00 00 00
          8 | (12,31)  |      16 | f     | f    | bf 05 00 00 00 00 00 00
          9 | (12,32)  |      16 | f     | f    | c0 05 00 00 00 00 00 00
         10 | (12,33)  |      16 | f     | f    | c1 05 00 00 00 00 00 00


postgres=# select * from t8 where ctid='(6,15)';
 id  |               info               
----- ----------------------------------
 735 | 9a0a17271e0f8331f6d18ac8a0d99992

postgres=# select * from t8 where ctid='(12,27)';
  id  |               info               
------ ----------------------------------
 1467 | b0994a3ab67d39f0a651ca0e34cf8c52


select * from t8 where id>735 and id<1467 and id>500 and id<2000;
  id  |               info               
------ ----------------------------------
  736 | 193a511bacc34d12956b3c74cdcc18e7
  737 | f64a6019fa7ef376f750c22881e0e75e
  738 | 35837c259964bcef7ebf50f11f30ccda
  739 | 8a66aea4f98f6cff1134b86d8b580925
  740 | 72e70c6f57e80cf74dd92699c4bd9940
 1462 | 62fa0351c94047c3d5ed64149aafe50a
 1463 | 1abed4413570355d624762db49d88541
 1464 | 2c8b8e624e15b4147110480311b6b5ae
 1465 | 0ea46790a9180bd0254f673a8cb90275
 1466 | 86e2ad07cbb0b4fca0cadd234387f52f

2.1 index_getnext_tid


  • 找到了:返回ctid
  • 没找到:放锁返回NULL
index_getnext_tid(IndexScanDesc scan, ScanDirection direction)
	bool		found;
	found = scan->indexRelation->rd_amroutine->amgettuple(scan, direction);
	/* If we're out of index entries, we're done */
	if (!found)
		/* ... but first, release any held pin on a heap page */
		if (BufferIsValid(scan->xs_cbuf))
			scan->xs_cbuf = InvalidBuffer;
		return NULL;
	return &scan->xs_ctup.t_self;

2.2 btgettuple

  1. 使用_bt_first拿到第一条符合条件的位置记录到so->currPos
  2. 继续循环_bt_next拿到后面符合条件位置
btgettuple(IndexScanDesc scan, ScanDirection dir)
	BTScanOpaque so = (BTScanOpaque) scan->opaque;
	bool		res;
		if (!BTScanPosIsValid(so->currPos))
			res = _bt_first(scan, dir);
			res = _bt_next(scan, dir);

		/* If we have a tuple, return it ... */
		if (res)
		/* ... otherwise see if we have more array keys to deal with */
	} while (so->numArrayKeys && _bt_advance_array_keys(scan, dir));

	return res;

2.3 _bt_first


 *	_bt_first() -- Find the first item in a scan.
 *		We need to be clever about the direction of scan, the search
 *		conditions, and the tree ordering.  We find the first item (or,
 *		if backwards scan, the last item) in the tree that satisfies the
 *		qualifications in the scan key.  On success exit, the page containing
 *		the current index tuple is pinned but not locked, and data about
 *		the matching tuple(s) on the page has been loaded into so->currPos.
 *		scan->xs_ctup.t_self is set to the heap TID of the current tuple,
 *		and if requested, scan->xs_itup points to a copy of the index tuple.
 * If there are no matching items in the index, we return FALSE, with no
 * pins or locks held.
 * Note that scan->keyData[], and the so->keyData[] scankey built from it,
 * are both search-type scankeys (see nbtree/README for more about this).
 * Within this routine, we build a temporary insertion-type scankey to use
 * in locating the scan start position.


  • 位置记录到so->currPos
  • tid记录到scan->xs_ctup.t_self
  • 如果需要,scan->xs_itup指向索引元组的副本。


_bt_first(IndexScanDesc scan, ScanDirection dir)
	Relation	rel = scan->indexRelation;
	BTScanOpaque so = (BTScanOpaque) scan->opaque;
	Buffer		buf;
	BTStack		stack;
	OffsetNumber offnum;
	StrategyNumber strat;
	bool		nextkey;
	bool		goback;
	ScanKey		startKeys[INDEX_MAX_KEYS];
	ScanKeyData scankeys[INDEX_MAX_KEYS];
	ScanKeyData notnullkeys[INDEX_MAX_KEYS];
	int			keysCount = 0;
	int			i;
	bool		status = true;
	StrategyNumber strat_total;
	BTScanPosItem *currItem;
	BlockNumber blkno;


	 * Examine the scan keys and eliminate any redundant keys; also mark the
	 * keys that must be matched to continue the scan.


(gdb) p scan->numberOfKeys
$3 = 4
(gdb) p scan->keyData[0]
$4 = {sk_flags = 0, sk_attno = 1, sk_strategy = 5, sk_subtype = 23, sk_collation = 0, sk_func = {fn_addr = 0x8f65ac <int4gt>, 
    fn_oid = 147, fn_nargs = 2, fn_strict = 1 '01', fn_retset = 0 '00', fn_stats = 2 '02', fn_extra = 0x0, fn_mcxt = 0x17cec40, 
    fn_expr = 0x0}, sk_argument = 735}
(gdb) p scan->keyData[1]
$5 = {sk_flags = 0, sk_attno = 1, sk_strategy = 1, sk_subtype = 23, sk_collation = 0, sk_func = {fn_addr = 0x8f6544 <int4lt>, 
    fn_oid = 66, fn_nargs = 2, fn_strict = 1 '01', fn_retset = 0 '00', fn_stats = 2 '02', fn_extra = 0x0, fn_mcxt = 0x17cec40, 
    fn_expr = 0x0}, sk_argument = 1467}
(gdb) p scan->keyData[2]
$6 = {sk_flags = 0, sk_attno = 1, sk_strategy = 5, sk_subtype = 23, sk_collation = 0, sk_func = {fn_addr = 0x8f65ac <int4gt>, 
    fn_oid = 147, fn_nargs = 2, fn_strict = 1 '01', fn_retset = 0 '00', fn_stats = 2 '02', fn_extra = 0x0, fn_mcxt = 0x17cec40, 
    fn_expr = 0x0}, sk_argument = 500}
(gdb) p scan->keyData[3]
$7 = {sk_flags = 0, sk_attno = 1, sk_strategy = 1, sk_subtype = 23, sk_collation = 0, sk_func = {fn_addr = 0x8f6544 <int4lt>, 
    fn_oid = 66, fn_nargs = 2, fn_strict = 1 '01', fn_retset = 0 '00', fn_stats = 2 '02', fn_extra = 0x0, fn_mcxt = 0x17cec40, 
    fn_expr = 0x0}, sk_argument = 2000}

函数内部依次遍历四个scanKey,每个不同的列都新增一条保存到xform中,如果遇到列的重复条件,调用_bt_compare_scankey_args保留一个更严格的key 类似于这样的流程

    if (xform[j] == NULL) // j 是列ID
        xform[j] = cur;
        if (_bt_compare_scankey_args(...))
            // 替换为范围更小、更严格的key

_bt_compare_scankey_args函数内部会找到合适的对比函数(数据类型可能是任意的),根据操作符判断哪个更严格(输入left scan key和right scan key,输出true和false)。


注意:当扫描键包含跨类型运算符时,_bt_preprocess_keys 可能无法消除冗余键。

(gdb) p ((BTScanOpaque)scan->opaque)->numberOfKeys
$18 = 2
(gdb) p ((BTScanOpaque)scan->opaque)->keyData[0]
$19 = {sk_flags = 131072, sk_attno = 1, sk_strategy = 5, sk_subtype = 23, sk_collation = 0, sk_func = {fn_addr = 0x8f65ac <int4gt>, 
    fn_oid = 147, fn_nargs = 2, fn_strict = 1 '01', fn_retset = 0 '00', fn_stats = 2 '02', fn_extra = 0x0, fn_mcxt = 0x17cec40, 
    fn_expr = 0x0}, sk_argument = 735}
(gdb) p ((BTScanOpaque)scan->opaque)->keyData[1]
$20 = {sk_flags = 65536, sk_attno = 1, sk_strategy = 1, sk_subtype = 23, sk_collation = 0, sk_func = {fn_addr = 0x8f6544 <int4lt>, 
    fn_oid = 66, fn_nargs = 2, fn_strict = 1 '01', fn_retset = 0 '00', fn_stats = 2 '02', fn_extra = 0x0, fn_mcxt = 0x17cec40, 
    fn_expr = 0x0}, sk_argument = 1467}```

注意:sk_argument保存具体值,这里就是>735 and <1467


	 * Quit now if _bt_preprocess_keys() discovered that the scan keys can
	 * never be satisfied (eg, x == 1 AND x > 2).
	if (!so->qual_ok)
		/* Notify any other workers that we're done with this scan key. */
		return false;

	 * For parallel scans, get the starting page from shared state. If the
	 * scan has not started, proceed to find out first leaf page in the usual
	 * way while keeping other participating processes waiting.  If the scan
	 * has already begun, use the page number from the shared structure.
	if (scan->parallel_scan != NULL)
		status = _bt_parallel_seize(scan, &blkno);
		if (!status)
			return false;
		else if (blkno == P_NONE)
			return false;
		else if (blkno != InvalidBlockNumber)
			if (!_bt_parallel_readpage(scan, blkno, dir))
				return false;
			goto readcomplete;



原来:(where id>735 and id<1467 and id>500 and id<2000) 现在:(where id>735 and id<1467)

内层循环for (cur = so->keyData, i = 0;; cur , i )遍历每一个key:

第一个key:where id>735

(1)switch (cur->sk_strategy) 
(3)chosen = cur


(1)switch (cur->sk_strategy) 
if (chosen == NULL) 
  if (ScanDirectionIsBackward(dir))
    chosen = cur;
    impliesNN = cur;

从上面逻辑来看: (1)如果是>的情况,是可以作为起始搜索key的,也就是chosen=cur当前scankey。 (2)如果是<的情况,如果是反向扫描是可以作为起始搜索key的,如果是正向搜索不可以。


	strat_total = BTEqualStrategyNumber;
	if (so->numberOfKeys > 0)
		AttrNumber	curattr;
		ScanKey		chosen;
		ScanKey		impliesNN;
		ScanKey		cur;

		 * chosen is the so-far-chosen key for the current attribute, if any.
		 * We don't cast the decision in stone until we reach keys for the
		 * next attribute.
		curattr = 1;
		chosen = NULL;
		/* Also remember any scankey that implies a NOT NULL constraint */
		impliesNN = NULL;

		 * Loop iterates from 0 to numberOfKeys inclusive; we use the last
		 * pass to handle after-last-key processing.  Actual exit from the
		 * loop is at one of the "break" statements below.
		for (cur = so->keyData, i = 0;; cur  , i  )
			if (i >= so->numberOfKeys || cur->sk_attno != curattr)
				 * Done looking at keys for curattr.  If we didn't find a
				 * usable boundary key, see if we can deduce a NOT NULL key.
				if (chosen == NULL && impliesNN != NULL &&
					((impliesNN->sk_flags & SK_BT_NULLS_FIRST) ?
					 ScanDirectionIsForward(dir) :
					/* Yes, so build the key in notnullkeys[keysCount] */
					chosen = &notnullkeys[keysCount];
											(impliesNN->sk_flags &
											 (SK_BT_DESC | SK_BT_NULLS_FIRST))),
										   ((impliesNN->sk_flags & SK_BT_NULLS_FIRST) ?
											BTGreaterStrategyNumber :
										   (Datum) 0);

				 * If we still didn't find a usable boundary key, quit; else
				 * save the boundary key pointer in startKeys.
				if (chosen == NULL)
				startKeys[keysCount  ] = chosen;

				 * Adjust strat_total, and quit if we have stored a > or <
				 * key.
				strat = chosen->sk_strategy;
				if (strat != BTEqualStrategyNumber)
					strat_total = strat;
					if (strat == BTGreaterStrategyNumber ||
						strat == BTLessStrategyNumber)

				 * Done if that was the last attribute, or if next key is not
				 * in sequence (implying no boundary key is available for the
				 * next attribute).
				if (i >= so->numberOfKeys ||
					cur->sk_attno != curattr   1)

				 * Reset for next attr.
				curattr = cur->sk_attno;
				chosen = NULL;
				impliesNN = NULL;

			 * Can we use this key as a starting boundary for this attr?
			 * If not, does it imply a NOT NULL constraint?  (Because
			 * SK_SEARCHNULL keys are always assigned BTEqualStrategyNumber,
			 * *any* inequality key works for that; we need not test.)
			switch (cur->sk_strategy)
				case BTLessStrategyNumber:
				case BTLessEqualStrategyNumber:
					if (chosen == NULL)
						if (ScanDirectionIsBackward(dir))
							chosen = cur;
							impliesNN = cur;
				case BTEqualStrategyNumber:
					/* override any non-equality choice */
					chosen = cur;
				case BTGreaterEqualStrategyNumber:
				case BTGreaterStrategyNumber:
					if (chosen == NULL)
						if (ScanDirectionIsForward(dir))
							chosen = cur;
							impliesNN = cur;

	 * If we found no usable boundary keys, we have to start from one end of
	 * the tree.  Walk down that edge to the first or last key, and scan from
	 * there.
	if (keysCount == 0)
		bool		match;

		match = _bt_endpoint(scan, dir);

		if (!match)
			/* No match, so mark (parallel) scan finished */

		return match;


(gdb) p *startKeys[0]
$39 = {sk_flags = 131072, sk_attno = 1, sk_strategy = 5, sk_subtype = 23, sk_collation = 0, sk_func = {fn_addr = 0x8f65ac <int4gt>, 
    fn_oid = 147, fn_nargs = 2, fn_strict = 1 '01', fn_retset = 0 '00', fn_stats = 2 '02', fn_extra = 0x0, fn_mcxt = 0x17cec40, 
    fn_expr = 0x0}, sk_argument = 735}


第三步:比较函数转换为通用的row comparisons


但是考虑这样的情况:create index x on tbl(a,b)。数据:(1,1)、(1,5)、(2,1)、(2,2)、(2,10)



(gdb) p startKeys[0]
$39 = {sk_flags = 131072, sk_attno = 1, sk_strategy = 5, sk_subtype = 23, sk_collation = 0, sk_func = {fn_addr = 0x8f65ac <int4gt>, 
    fn_oid = 147, fn_nargs = 2, fn_strict = 1 '01', fn_retset = 0 '00', fn_stats = 2 '02', fn_extra = 0x0, fn_mcxt = 0x17cec40, 
    fn_expr = 0x0}, sk_argument = 735}
(gdb) p scankeys[0]
$52 = {sk_flags = 131072, sk_attno = 1, sk_strategy = 0, sk_subtype = 23, sk_collation = 0, sk_func = {fn_addr = 0x4f2f5d <btint4cmp>, 
    fn_oid = 351, fn_nargs = 2, fn_strict = 1 '01', fn_retset = 0 '00', fn_stats = 2 '02', fn_extra = 0x0, fn_mcxt = 0x17cec40, 
    fn_expr = 0x0}, sk_argument = 735}

替换前的函数返回值bool 替换后的函数返回值-1、0、1,可以用于后续二分查找


 * About row comparisons:
 * The ScanKey data structure also supports row comparisons, that is ordered
 * tuple comparisons like (x, y) > (c1, c2), having the SQL-spec semantics
 * "x > c1 OR (x = c1 AND y > c2)".  Note that this is currently only
 * implemented for btree index searches, not for heapscans or any other index
 * type.  A row comparison is represented by a "header" ScanKey entry plus
 * a separate array of ScanKeys, one for each column of the row comparison.
 * The header entry has these properties:
 *		sk_flags = SK_ROW_HEADER
 *		sk_attno = index column number for leading column of row comparison
 *		sk_strategy = btree strategy code for semantics of row comparison
 *				(ie, < <= > or >=)
 *		sk_subtype, sk_collation, sk_func: not used
 *		sk_argument: pointer to subsidiary ScanKey array
 * If the header is part of a ScanKey array that's sorted by attno, it
 * must be sorted according to the leading column number.
 * The subsidiary ScanKey array appears in logical column order of the row
 * comparison, which may be different from index column order.  The array
 * elements are like a normal ScanKey array except that:
 *		sk_flags must include SK_ROW_MEMBER, plus SK_ROW_END in the last
 *				element (needed since row header does not include a count)
 *		sk_func points to the btree comparison support function for the
 *				opclass, NOT the operator's implementation function.
 * sk_strategy must be the same in all elements of the subsidiary array,
 * that is, the same as in the header entry.

 * ScanKeyData sk_flags
 * sk_flags bits 0-15 are reserved for system-wide use (symbols for those
 * bits should be defined here).  Bits 16-31 are reserved for use within
 * individual index access methods.
#define SK_ISNULL			0x0001	/* sk_argument is NULL */
#define SK_UNARY			0x0002	/* unary operator (not supported!) */
#define SK_ROW_HEADER		0x0004	/* row comparison header (see above) */
#define SK_ROW_MEMBER		0x0008	/* row comparison member (see above) */
#define SK_ROW_END			0x0010	/* last row comparison member */
#define SK_SEARCHARRAY		0x0020	/* scankey represents ScalarArrayOp */
#define SK_SEARCHNULL		0x0040	/* scankey represents "col IS NULL" */
#define SK_SEARCHNOTNULL	0x0080	/* scankey represents "col IS NOT NULL" */
#define SK_ORDER_BY			0x0100	/* scankey is for ORDER BY op */


	 * We want to start the scan somewhere within the index.  Set up an
	 * insertion scankey we can use to search for the boundary point we
	 * identified above.  The insertion scankey is built in the local
	 * scankeys[] array, using the keys identified by startKeys[].
	Assert(keysCount <= INDEX_MAX_KEYS);
	for (i = 0; i < keysCount; i  )
		ScanKey		cur = startKeys[i];

		Assert(cur->sk_attno == i   1);

		if (cur->sk_flags & SK_ROW_HEADER)
			 * Row comparison header: look to the first row member instead.
			 * The member scankeys are already in insertion format (ie, they
			 * have sk_func = 3-way-comparison function), but we have to watch
			 * out for nulls, which _bt_preprocess_keys didn't check. A null
			 * in the first row member makes the condition unmatchable, just
			 * like qual_ok = false.
			ScanKey		subkey = (ScanKey) DatumGetPointer(cur->sk_argument);

			Assert(subkey->sk_flags & SK_ROW_MEMBER);
			if (subkey->sk_flags & SK_ISNULL)
				return false;
			memcpy(scankeys   i, subkey, sizeof(ScanKeyData));

			 * If the row comparison is the last positioning key we accepted,
			 * try to add additional keys from the lower-order row members.
			 * (If we accepted independent conditions on additional index
			 * columns, we use those instead --- doesn't seem worth trying to
			 * determine which is more restrictive.)  Note that this is OK
			 * even if the row comparison is of ">" or "<" type, because the
			 * condition applied to all but the last row member is effectively
			 * ">=" or "<=", and so the extra keys don't break the positioning
			 * scheme.  But, by the same token, if we aren't able to use all
			 * the row members, then the part of the row comparison that we
			 * did use has to be treated as just a ">=" or "<=" condition, and
			 * so we'd better adjust strat_total accordingly.
			if (i == keysCount - 1)
				bool		used_all_subkeys = false;

				Assert(!(subkey->sk_flags & SK_ROW_END));
				for (;;)
					subkey  ;
					Assert(subkey->sk_flags & SK_ROW_MEMBER);
					if (subkey->sk_attno != keysCount   1)
						break;	/* out-of-sequence, can't use it */
					if (subkey->sk_strategy != cur->sk_strategy)
						break;	/* wrong direction, can't use it */
					if (subkey->sk_flags & SK_ISNULL)
						break;	/* can't use null keys */
					Assert(keysCount < INDEX_MAX_KEYS);
					memcpy(scankeys   keysCount, subkey, sizeof(ScanKeyData));
					keysCount  ;
					if (subkey->sk_flags & SK_ROW_END)
						used_all_subkeys = true;
				if (!used_all_subkeys)
					switch (strat_total)
						case BTLessStrategyNumber:
							strat_total = BTLessEqualStrategyNumber;
						case BTGreaterStrategyNumber:
							strat_total = BTGreaterEqualStrategyNumber;
				break;			/* done with outer loop */
			 * Ordinary comparison key.  Transform the search-style scan key
			 * to an insertion scan key by replacing the sk_func with the
			 * appropriate btree comparison function.
			 * If scankey operator is not a cross-type comparison, we can use
			 * the cached comparison function; otherwise gotta look it up in
			 * the catalogs.  (That can't lead to infinite recursion, since no
			 * indexscan initiated by syscache lookup will use cross-data-type
			 * operators.)
			 * We support the convention that sk_subtype == InvalidOid means
			 * the opclass input type; this is a hack to simplify life for
			 * ScanKeyInit().
			if (cur->sk_subtype == rel->rd_opcintype[i] ||
				cur->sk_subtype == InvalidOid)
				FmgrInfo   *procinfo;

				procinfo = index_getprocinfo(rel, cur->sk_attno, BTORDER_PROC);
				ScanKeyEntryInitializeWithInfo(scankeys   i,
				RegProcedure cmp_proc;

				cmp_proc = get_opfamily_proc(rel->rd_opfamily[i],
				if (!RegProcedureIsValid(cmp_proc))
					elog(ERROR, "missing support function %d(%u,%u) for attribute %d of index "%s"",
						 BTORDER_PROC, rel->rd_opcintype[i], cur->sk_subtype,
						 cur->sk_attno, RelationGetRelationName(rel));
				ScanKeyEntryInitialize(scankeys   i,


nextkey = false:取第一个item >= scan key nextkey = true:取第一个item > scan key

goback = true:从前一个开始扫 goback = false:从当前一个开始扫



nextkey = true;
goback = false;
	 * Examine the selected initial-positioning strategy to determine exactly
	 * where we need to start the scan, and set flag variables to control the
	 * code below.
	 * If nextkey = false, _bt_search and _bt_binsrch will locate the first
	 * item >= scan key.  If nextkey = true, they will locate the first
	 * item > scan key.
	 * If goback = true, we will then step back one item, while if
	 * goback = false, we will start the scan on the located item.
	switch (strat_total)
		case BTLessStrategyNumber:

			 * Find first item >= scankey, then back up one to arrive at last
			 * item < scankey.  (Note: this positioning strategy is only used
			 * for a backward scan, so that is always the correct starting
			 * position.)
			nextkey = false;
			goback = true;

		case BTLessEqualStrategyNumber:

			 * Find first item > scankey, then back up one to arrive at last
			 * item <= scankey.  (Note: this positioning strategy is only used
			 * for a backward scan, so that is always the correct starting
			 * position.)
			nextkey = true;
			goback = true;

		case BTEqualStrategyNumber:

			 * If a backward scan was specified, need to start with last equal
			 * item not first one.
			if (ScanDirectionIsBackward(dir))
				 * This is the same as the <= strategy.  We will check at the
				 * end whether the found item is actually =.
				nextkey = true;
				goback = true;
				 * This is the same as the >= strategy.  We will check at the
				 * end whether the found item is actually =.
				nextkey = false;
				goback = false;

		case BTGreaterEqualStrategyNumber:

			 * Find first item >= scankey.  (This is only used for forward
			 * scans.)
			nextkey = false;
			goback = false;

		case BTGreaterStrategyNumber:

			 * Find first item > scankey.  (This is only used for forward
			 * scans.)
			nextkey = true;
			goback = false;

			/* can't get here, but keep compiler quiet */
			elog(ERROR, "unrecognized strat_total: %d", (int) strat_total);
			return false;




	 * Use the manufactured insertion scan key to descend the tree and
	 * position ourselves on the target leaf page.
	stack = _bt_search(rel, keysCount, scankeys, nextkey, &buf, BT_READ,

	/* don't need to keep the stack around... */

	if (!BufferIsValid(buf))
		 * We only get here if the index is completely empty. Lock relation
		 * because nothing finer to lock exists.
		PredicateLockRelation(rel, scan->xs_snapshot);

		 * mark parallel scan as done, so that all the workers can finish
		 * their scan

		return false;
		PredicateLockPage(rel, BufferGetBlockNumber(buf),

	_bt_initialize_more_data(so, dir);

	/* position to the precise item on the page */
	offnum = _bt_binsrch(rel, buf, keysCount, scankeys, nextkey);

	 * If nextkey = false, we are positioned at the first item >= scan key, or
	 * possibly at the end of a page on which all the existing items are less
	 * than the scan key and we know that everything on later pages is greater
	 * than or equal to scan key.
	 * If nextkey = true, we are positioned at the first item > scan key, or
	 * possibly at the end of a page on which all the existing items are less
	 * than or equal to the scan key and we know that everything on later
	 * pages is greater than scan key.
	 * The actually desired starting point is either this item or the prior
	 * one, or in the end-of-page case it's the first item on the next page or
	 * the last item on this page.  Adjust the starting offset if needed. (If
	 * this results in an offset before the first item or after the last one,
	 * _bt_readpage will report no items found, and then we'll step to the
	 * next page as needed.)
	if (goback)
		offnum = OffsetNumberPrev(offnum);

	/* remember which buffer we have pinned, if any */
	so->currPos.buf = buf;

	 * Now load data from the first page of the scan.
	if (!_bt_readpage(scan, dir, offnum))
		 * There's no actually-matching data on this page.  Try to advance to
		 * the next page.  Return false if there's no matching data at all.
		LockBuffer(so->currPos.buf, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK);
		if (!_bt_steppage(scan, dir))
			return false;
		/* Drop the lock, and maybe the pin, on the current page */
		_bt_drop_lock_and_maybe_pin(scan, &so->currPos);

	/* OK, itemIndex says what to return */
	currItem = &so->currPos.items[so->currPos.itemIndex];
	scan->xs_ctup.t_self = currItem->heapTid;
	if (scan->xs_want_itup)
		scan->xs_itup = (IndexTuple) (so->currTuples   currItem->tupleOffset);

	return true;

2.4 _bt_next


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