
2022-05-12 11:08:03 浏览数 (1)



tcpdump -i eth0 -s 0 -w s2_s.cap port 3006

strace  -T -tt -e trace=all -p 21231  

strace  -T -tt -e trace=all -o file -p 21231  

perf top --call-graph=fp --dsos=/data01/bin/pg1017/bin/postgres

# Sample on-CPU functions for the specified command, at 99 Hertz:
perf record -F 99 command

# Sample on-CPU functions for the specified PID, at 99 Hertz, until Ctrl-C:
perf record -F 99 -p PID

# Sample on-CPU functions for the specified PID, at 99 Hertz, for 10 seconds:
perf record -F 99 -p PID sleep 10

# Sample CPU stack traces (via frame pointers) for the specified PID, at 99 Hertz, for 10 seconds:
perf record -F 99 -p PID -g -- sleep 10

# Sample CPU stack traces for the PID, using dwarf (dbg info) to unwind stacks, at 99 Hertz, for 10 seconds:
perf record -F 99 -p PID --call-graph dwarf sleep 10

# Sample CPU stack traces for the entire system, at 99 Hertz, for 10 seconds (< Linux 4.11):
perf record -F 99 -ag -- sleep 10

# Sample CPU stack traces for the entire system, at 99 Hertz, for 10 seconds (>= Linux 4.11):
perf record -F 99 -g -- sleep 10

# If the previous command didn't work, try forcing perf to use the cpu-clock event:
perf record -F 99 -e cpu-clock -ag -- sleep 10

# Sample CPU stack traces for a container identified by its /sys/fs/cgroup/perf_event cgroup:
perf record -F 99 -e cpu-clock --cgroup=docker/1d567f4393190204...etc... -a -- sleep 10

# Sample CPU stack traces for the entire system, with dwarf stacks, at 99 Hertz, for 10 seconds:
perf record -F 99 -a --call-graph dwarf sleep 10

# Sample CPU stack traces for the entire system, using last branch record for stacks, ... (>= Linux 4.?):
perf record -F 99 -a --call-graph lbr sleep 10

# Sample CPU stack traces, once every 10,000 Level 1 data cache misses, for 5 seconds:
perf record -e L1-dcache-load-misses -c 10000 -ag -- sleep 5

# Sample CPU stack traces, once every 100 last level cache misses, for 5 seconds:
perf record -e LLC-load-misses -c 100 -ag -- sleep 5 

# Sample on-CPU kernel instructions, for 5 seconds:
perf record -e cycles:k -a -- sleep 5 

# Sample on-CPU user instructions, for 5 seconds:
perf record -e cycles:u -a -- sleep 5 

# Sample on-CPU user instructions precisely (using PEBS), for 5 seconds:
perf record -e cycles:up -a -- sleep 5 

# Perform branch tracing (needs HW support), for 1 second:
perf record -b -a sleep 1

# Sample CPUs at 49 Hertz, and show top addresses and symbols, live (no file):
perf top -F 49

# Sample CPUs at 49 Hertz, and show top process names and segments, live:
perf top -F 49 -ns comm,dso



select pg_size_pretty(pg_relation_size('xxx'));
-- pg_total_relation_size = pg_table_size   pg_indexes_size

-- 长事务
select pid,datname,usename,query,xact_start,now()-xact_start xact_duration,query_start,now()-query_start query_duration,state from pg_stat_activity where state<>$$idle$$ and (backend_xid is not null or backend_xmin is not null) and now()-xact_start > interval $$30 min$$ order by xact_start;

-- 创建的对象数
select current_database(),rolname,nspname,relkind,count(*) from pg_class a,pg_authid b,pg_namespace c where a.relnamespace=c.oid and a.relowner=b.oid and nspname !~ $$^pg_$$ and nspname<>$$information_schema$$ group by 1,2,3,4 order by 5 desc;

-- 库空间
select datname,pg_size_pretty(pg_database_size(oid)) from pg_database order by pg_database_size(oid) desc;

-- TOP 10 size
select current_database(),b.nspname,c.relname,c.relkind,pg_size_pretty(pg_relation_size(c.oid)),a.seq_scan,a.seq_tup_read,a.idx_scan,a.idx_tup_fetch,a.n_tup_ins,a.n_tup_upd,a.n_tup_del,a.n_tup_hot_upd,a.n_live_tup,a.n_dead_tup from pg_stat_all_tables a, pg_class c,pg_namespace b where c.relnamespace=b.oid and c.relkind=$$r$$ and a.relid=c.oid order by pg_relation_size(c.oid) desc limit 10

-- 活跃度
select now(),state,count(*) from pg_stat_activity group by 1,2;

-- 剩连接
select max_conn,used,res_for_super,max_conn-used-res_for_super res_for_normal from (select count(*) used from pg_stat_activity) t1,(select setting::int res_for_super from pg_settings where name=$$superuser_reserved_connections$$) t2,(select setting::int max_conn from pg_settings where name=$$max_connections$$) t3;

-- 用户连接数限制
select a.datname, a.datconnlimit, b.connects from pg_database a,(select datname,count(*) connects from pg_stat_activity group by datname) b where a.datname=b.datname order by b.connects desc;

-- 长事务
select datname,usename,query,xact_start,now()-xact_start xact_duration,query_start,now()-query_start query_duration,state from pg_stat_activity where state<>$$idle$$ and (backend_xid is not null or backend_xmin is not null) and now()-xact_start > interval $$30 min$$ order by xact_start;

-- 长2PC
select name,statement,prepare_time,now()-prepare_time,parameter_types,from_sql from pg_prepared_statements where now()-prepare_time > interval $$30 min$$ order by prepare_time;

-- 等锁
t_wait as    
  select a.mode,a.locktype,a.database,a.relation,,a.tuple,a.classid,a.granted,   
    from pg_locks a,pg_stat_activity b where and not a.granted   
t_run as   
  select a.mode,a.locktype,a.database,a.relation,,a.tuple,a.classid,a.granted,   
    from pg_locks a,pg_stat_activity b where and a.granted   
t_overlap as   
  select r.* from t_wait w join t_run r on   
    r.locktype is not distinct from w.locktype and   
    r.database is not distinct from w.database and   
    r.relation is not distinct from w.relation and is not distinct from and   
    r.tuple is not distinct from w.tuple and   
    r.virtualxid is not distinct from w.virtualxid and   
    r.transactionid is not distinct from w.transactionid and   
    r.classid is not distinct from w.classid and   
    r.objid is not distinct from w.objid and   
    r.objsubid is not distinct from w.objsubid and <>   
t_unionall as    
  select r.* from t_overlap r    
  union all    
  select w.* from t_wait w    
select locktype,datname,relation::regclass,page,tuple,virtualxid,transactionid::text,classid::regclass,objid,objsubid,   
'Pid: '||case when pid is null then 'NULL' else pid::text end||chr(10)||   
'Lock_Granted: '||case when granted is null then 'NULL' else granted::text end||' , Mode: '||case when mode is null then 'NULL' else mode::text end||' , FastPath: '||case when fastpath is null then 'NULL' else fastpath::text end||' , VirtualTransaction: '||case when virtualtransaction is null then 'NULL' else virtualtransaction::text end||' , Session_State: '||case when state is null then 'NULL' else state::text end||chr(10)||   
'Username: '||case when usename is null then 'NULL' else usename::text end||' , Database: '||case when datname is null then 'NULL' else datname::text end||' , Client_Addr: '||case when client_addr is null then 'NULL' else client_addr::text end||' , Client_Port: '||case when client_port is null then 'NULL' else client_port::text end||' , Application_Name: '||case when application_name is null then 'NULL' else application_name::text end||chr(10)||    
'Xact_Start: '||case when xact_start is null then 'NULL' else xact_start::text end||' , Query_Start: '||case when query_start is null then 'NULL' else query_start::text end||' , Xact_Elapse: '||case when (now()-xact_start) is null then 'NULL' else (now()-xact_start)::text end||' , Query_Elapse: '||case when (now()-query_start) is null then 'NULL' else (now()-query_start)::text end||chr(10)||    
'SQL (Current SQL in Transaction): '||chr(10)||  
case when query is null then 'NULL' else query::text end,    
order by    
  (  case mode    
    when 'INVALID' then 0   
    when 'AccessShareLock' then 1   
    when 'RowShareLock' then 2   
    when 'RowExclusiveLock' then 3   
    when 'ShareUpdateExclusiveLock' then 4   
    when 'ShareLock' then 5   
    when 'ShareRowExclusiveLock' then 6   
    when 'ExclusiveLock' then 7   
    when 'AccessExclusiveLock' then 8   
    else 0   
  end  ) desc,   
  (case when granted then 0 else 1 end)  
) as lock_conflict  
from t_unionall   
group by   
locktype,datname,relation,page,tuple,virtualxid,transactionid::text,classid,objid,objsubid ;  


SELECT n.nspname as "Schema", c.relname as "Name", c.relfrozenxid,age(c.relfrozenxid) 
FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c
LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace
WHERE c.relkind IN ('r','')
AND n.nspname <> 'information_schema' AND n.nspname !~ '^pg_toast'
AND pg_catalog.pg_table_is_visible(c.oid)
ORDER BY c.relfrozenxid::text::bigint DESC;

select datname,age(datfrozenxid),2^31-age(datfrozenxid) age_remain from pg_database order by age(datfrozenxid) desc;
select current_database(),rolname,nspname,relkind,relname,age(relfrozenxid),2^31-age(relfrozenxid) age_remain from pg_authid t1 join pg_class t2 on t1.oid=t2.relowner join pg_namespace t3 on t2.relnamespace=t3.oid where t2.relkind in ($$t$$,$$r$$) order by age(relfrozenxid) desc limit 5;

select datname,usename,query,xact_start,now()-xact_start xact_duration,query_start,now()-query_start query_duration,state from pg_stat_activity where state<>$$idle$$ and (backend_xid is not null or backend_xmin is not null) and now()-xact_start > interval $$30 min$$ order by xact_start;
select name,statement,prepare_time,now()-prepare_time,parameter_types,from_sql from pg_prepared_statements where now()-prepare_time > interval $$30 min$$ order by prepare_time;


## 聚合日志,非常实用(条数,日期,用户,数据库,QUERY,耗时ms)
cat *.csv | grep -E "^[0-9]" | grep -E "WARNING|ERROR|FATAL|PANIC" | awk -F "," '{print $12" , "$13" , "$14}'|sort|uniq -c|sort -rn

## 慢日志分析,非常实用
cat *.csv|awk -F "," '{print $1" "$2" "$3" "$8" "$14}' |grep "duration:"|grep -v "plan:"|awk '{print $1" "$4" "$5" "$6}'|sort|uniq -c|sort -rn

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