python ftp工具类 上传、下载文件夹 封装类

2022-05-13 09:56:01 浏览数 (1)


!/bin/env python

import os, sys, ftplib from getpass import getpass from mimetypes import guess_type, add_type

dfltSite = '' dfltRdir = '.' dfltUser = 'lutz'

class FtpTools:

def getlocaldir(self):
    return (len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1]) or '.'

def getcleanall(self):
    return input('Clean target dir first?')[:1] in ['y','Y']

def getpassword(self):
    return getpass(
           'Password for %s on %s:' % (self.remoteuser, self.remotesite))

def configTransfer(self, site=dfltSite, rdir=dfltRdir, user=dfltUser):
    self.nonpassive = False             # passive FTP on by default in 2.1 
    self.remotesite = site              # transfer to/from this site
    self.remotedir  = rdir              # and this dir ('.' means acct root)
    self.remoteuser = user
    self.localdir   = self.getlocaldir()
    self.cleanall   = self.getcleanall()
    self.remotepass = self.getpassword()

def isTextKind(self, remotename, trace=True):
    add_type('text/x-python-win', '.pyw')                    # not in tables
    mimetype, encoding = guess_type(remotename, strict=False)# allow extras
    mimetype  = mimetype or '?/?'                            # type unknown?
    maintype  = mimetype.split('/')[0]                       # get 1st part
    if trace: print(maintype, encoding or '')
    return maintype == 'text' and encoding == None           # not compressed

def connectFtp(self):
    connection = ftplib.FTP(self.remotesite)           # connect to FTP site
    connection.login(self.remoteuser, self.remotepass) # log in as user/pswd
    connection.cwd(self.remotedir)                     # cd to dir to xfer
    if self.nonpassive:                                # force active mode
        connection.set_pasv(False)                     # most do passive
    self.connection = connection

def cleanLocals(self):
    if self.cleanall:
        for localname in os.listdir(self.localdir):    # local dirlisting
            try:                                       # local file delete
                print('deleting local', localname)
                os.remove(os.path.join(self.localdir, localname))
                print('cannot delete local', localname)

def cleanRemotes(self):
    if self.cleanall:
        for remotename in self.connection.nlst():       # remote dir listing
            try:                                        # remote file delete
                print('deleting remote', remotename)
                print('cannot delete remote', remotename)

def downloadOne(self, remotename, localpath):
    if self.isTextKind(remotename):
        localfile = open(localpath, 'w', encoding=self.connection.encoding)
        def callback(line): localfile.write(line   'n')
        self.connection.retrlines('RETR '   remotename, callback)
        localfile = open(localpath, 'wb')
        self.connection.retrbinary('RETR '   remotename, localfile.write)

def uploadOne(self, localname, localpath, remotename):
    if self.isTextKind(localname):
        localfile = open(localpath, 'rb')
        self.connection.storlines('STOR '   remotename, localfile)
        localfile = open(localpath, 'rb')
        self.connection.storbinary('STOR '   remotename, localfile)

def downloadDir(self):
    remotefiles = self.connection.nlst()         # nlst is remote listing
    for remotename in remotefiles:
        if remotename in ('.', '..'): continue
        localpath = os.path.join(self.localdir, remotename)
        print('downloading', remotename, 'to', localpath, 'as', end=' ')
        self.downloadOne(remotename, localpath)
    print('Done:', len(remotefiles), 'files downloaded.')

def uploadDir(self):
    localfiles = os.listdir(self.localdir)       # listdir is local listing
    for localname in localfiles:
        localpath = os.path.join(self.localdir, localname)
        print('uploading', localpath, 'to', localname, 'as', end=' ')
        self.uploadOne(localname, localpath, localname)
    print('Done:', len(localfiles), 'files uploaded.')

def run(self, cleanTarget=lambda:None, transferAct=lambda:None):

if name == 'main': ftp = FtpTools() xfermode = 'download' if len(sys.argv) > 1: xfermode = sys.argv.pop(1) # get del 2nd arg if xfermode == 'download': ftp.configTransfer(), transferAct=ftp.downloadDir) elif xfermode == 'upload': ftp.configTransfer(site='', rdir='books', user='lutz'), transferAct=ftp.uploadDir) else: print('Usage: ["download" | "upload"] [localdir]')


!/bin/env python

import os, ftptools

class UploadAll(ftptools.FtpTools): def init(self): self.fcount = self.dcount = 0

def getcleanall(self):
    return False  # don't even ask

def uploadDir(self, localdir):
    localfiles = os.listdir(localdir)
    for localname in localfiles:
        localpath = os.path.join(localdir, localname)
        print('uploading', localpath, 'to', localname, end=' ')
        if not os.path.isdir(localpath):
            self.uploadOne(localname, localpath, localname)
            self.fcount  = 1
                print('directory created')
                print('directory not created')
            self.connection.cwd(localname)             # change remote dir
            self.uploadDir(localpath)                  # upload local subdir
            self.connection.cwd('..')                  # change back up
            self.dcount  = 1
            print('directory exited')

if name == 'main': ftp = UploadAll() ftp.configTransfer(site='', rdir='training', user='lutz') = lambda: ftp.uploadDir(ftp.localdir)) print('Done:', ftp.fcount, 'files and', ftp.dcount, 'directories uploaded.')


!/bin/env python

from ftptools import FtpTools

class CleanAll(FtpTools): """ delete an entire remote tree of subdirectories """ def init(self): self.fcount = self.dcount = 0

def getlocaldir(self):
    return None  # irrelevent here

def getcleanall(self):
    return True  # implied here

def cleanDir(self):
    lines = []                                   # each level has own lines
    self.connection.dir(lines.append)            # list current remote dir
    for line in lines:
        parsed  = line.split()                   # split on whitespace
        permiss = parsed[0]                      # assume 'drw... ... filename'
        fname   = parsed[-1]
        if fname in ('.', '..'):                 # some include cwd and parent
        elif permiss[0] != 'd':                  # simple file: delete
            print('file', fname)
            self.fcount  = 1
        else:                                    # directory: recur, del
            print('directory', fname)
            self.connection.cwd(fname)           # chdir into remote dir
            self.cleanDir()                      # clean subdirectory
            self.connection.cwd('..')            # chdir remote back up
            self.connection.rmd(fname)           # delete empty remote dir
            self.dcount  = 1
            print('directory exited')

if name == 'main': ftp = CleanAll() ftp.configTransfer(site='', rdir='training', user='lutz') print('Done:', ftp.fcount, 'files and', ftp.dcount, 'directories cleaned.')

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