""" ############################################################################### a "mixin" class for other frames: common methods for canned dialogs, spawning programs, simple text viewers, etc; this class must be mixed with a Frame (or a subclass derived from Frame) for its quit method ############################################################################### """
from tkinter import * from tkinter.messagebox import * from tkinter.filedialog import * from scrolledtext import ScrolledText # or tkinter.scrolledtext from launchmodes import PortableLauncher, System # or use multiprocessing
class GuiMixin: def infobox(self, title, text, *args): # use standard dialogs return showinfo(title, text) # *args for bkwd compat
代码语言:javascript复制def errorbox(self, text):
showerror('Error!', text)
def question(self, title, text, *args):
return askyesno(title, text) # return True or False
def notdone(self):
showerror('Not implemented', 'Option not available')
def quit(self):
ans = self.question('Verify quit', 'Are you sure you want to quit?')
if ans:
Frame.quit(self) # quit not recursive!
def help(self):
self.infobox('RTFM', 'See figure 1...') # override this better
def selectOpenFile(self, file="", dir="."): # use standard dialogs
return askopenfilename(initialdir=dir, initialfile=file)
def selectSaveFile(self, file="", dir="."):
return asksaveasfilename(initialfile=file, initialdir=dir)
def clone(self, args=()): # optional constructor args
new = Toplevel() # make new in-process version of me
myclass = self.__class__ # instance's (lowest) class object
myclass(new, *args) # attach/run instance to new window
def spawn(self, pycmdline, wait=False):
if not wait: # start new process
PortableLauncher(pycmdline, pycmdline)() # run Python progam
System(pycmdline, pycmdline)() # wait for it to exit
def browser(self, filename):
new = Toplevel() # make new window
view = ScrolledText(new, file=filename) # Text with Scrollbar
view.text.config(height=30, width=85) # config Text in Frame
view.text.config(font=('courier', 10, 'normal')) # use fixed-width font
new.title("Text Viewer") # set window mgr attrs
new.iconname("browser") # file text added auto
def browser(self, filename): # if tkinter.scrolledtext
new = Toplevel() # included for reference
text = ScrolledText(new, height=30, width=85)
text.config(font=('courier', 10, 'normal'))
text.pack(expand=YES, fill=BOTH)
new.title("Text Viewer")
text.insert('0.0', open(filename, 'r').read() )
if name == 'main': class TestMixin(GuiMixin, Frame): # standalone test def init(self, parent=None): Frame.init(self, parent) self.pack() Button(self, text='quit', command=self.quit).pack(fill=X) Button(self, text='help', command=self.help).pack(fill=X) Button(self, text='clone', command=self.clone).pack(fill=X) Button(self, text='spawn', command=self.other).pack(fill=X)
代码语言:javascript复制 def other(self):
self.spawn('guimixin.py') # spawn self as separate process
//launchmodes.py """ ################################################################################### launch Python programs with command lines and reusable launcher scheme classes; auto inserts "python" and/or path to Python executable at front of command line; some of this module may assume 'python' is on your system path (see Launcher.py);
subprocess module would work too, but os.popen() uses it internally, and the goal is to start a program running independently here, not to connect to its streams; multiprocessing module also is an option, but this is command-lines, not functions: doesn't make sense to start a process which would just do one of the options here;
new in this edition: runs script filename path through normpath() to change any / to for Windows tools where required; fix is inherited by PyEdit and others; on Windows, / is generally allowed for file opens, but not by all launcher tools; ################################################################################### """
import sys, os pyfile = (sys.platform[:3] == 'win' and 'python.exe') or 'python' pypath = sys.executable # use sys in newer pys
def fixWindowsPath(cmdline): """ change all / to in script filename path at front of cmdline; used only by classes which run tools that require this on Windows; on other platforms, this does not hurt (e.g., os.system on Unix); """ splitline = cmdline.lstrip().split(' ') # split on spaces fixedpath = os.path.normpath(splitline[0]) # fix forward slashes return ' '.join([fixedpath] splitline[1:]) # put it back together
class LaunchMode: """ on call to instance, announce label and run command; subclasses format command lines as required in run(); command should begin with name of the Python script file to run, and not with "python" or its full path; """ def init(self, label, command): self.what = label self.where = command def call(self): # on call, ex: button press callback self.announce(self.what) self.run(self.where) # subclasses must define run() def announce(self, text): # subclasses may redefine announce() print(text) # methods instead of if/elif logic def run(self, cmdline): assert False, 'run must be defined'
class System(LaunchMode): """ run Python script named in shell command line caveat: may block caller, unless & added on Unix """ def run(self, cmdline): cmdline = fixWindowsPath(cmdline) os.system('%s %s' % (pypath, cmdline))
class Popen(LaunchMode): """ run shell command line in a new process caveat: may block caller, since pipe closed too soon """ def run(self, cmdline): cmdline = fixWindowsPath(cmdline) os.popen(pypath ' ' cmdline) # assume nothing to be read
class Fork(LaunchMode): """ run command in explicitly created new process for Unix-like systems only, including cygwin """ def run(self, cmdline): assert hasattr(os, 'fork') cmdline = cmdline.split() # convert string to list if os.fork() == 0: # start new child process os.execvp(pypath, [pyfile] cmdline) # run new program in child
class Start(LaunchMode): """ run command independent of caller for Windows only: uses filename associations """ def run(self, cmdline): assert sys.platform[:3] == 'win' cmdline = fixWindowsPath(cmdline) os.startfile(cmdline)
class StartArgs(LaunchMode): """ for Windows only: args may require real start forward slashes are okay here """ def run(self, cmdline): assert sys.platform[:3] == 'win' os.system('start ' cmdline) # may create pop-up window
class Spawn(LaunchMode): """ run python in new process independent of caller for Windows or Unix; use P_NOWAIT for dos box; forward slashes are okay here """ def run(self, cmdline): os.spawnv(os.P_DETACH, pypath, (pyfile, cmdline))
class Top_level(LaunchMode): """ run in new window, same process tbd: requires GUI class info too """ def run(self, cmdline): assert False, 'Sorry - mode not yet implemented'
pick a "best" launcher for this platform
may need to specialize the choice elsewhere
if sys.platform[:3] == 'win': PortableLauncher = Spawn else: PortableLauncher = Fork
class QuietPortableLauncher(PortableLauncher): def announce(self, text): pass
def selftest(): file = 'echo.py' input('default mode...') launcher = PortableLauncher(file, file) launcher() # no block
代码语言:javascript复制input('system mode...')
System(file, file)() # blocks
if sys.platform[:3] == 'win':
input('DOS start mode...') # no block
StartArgs(file, file)()
if name == 'main': selftest()
//scrolledtext.py "a simple text or file viewer component"
print('PP4E scrolledtext') from tkinter import *
class ScrolledText(Frame): def init(self, parent=None, text='', file=None): Frame.init(self, parent) self.pack(expand=YES, fill=BOTH) # make me expandable self.makewidgets() self.settext(text, file)
代码语言:javascript复制def makewidgets(self):
sbar = Scrollbar(self)
text = Text(self, relief=SUNKEN)
sbar.config(command=text.yview) # xlink sbar and text
text.config(yscrollcommand=sbar.set) # move one moves other
sbar.pack(side=RIGHT, fill=Y) # pack first=clip last
text.pack(side=LEFT, expand=YES, fill=BOTH) # text clipped first
self.text = text
def settext(self, text='', file=None):
if file:
text = open(file, 'r').read()
self.text.delete('1.0', END) # delete current text
self.text.insert('1.0', text) # add at line 1, col 0
self.text.mark_set(INSERT, '1.0') # set insert cursor
self.text.focus() # save user a click
def gettext(self): # returns a string
return self.text.get('1.0', END '-1c') # first through last
if name == 'main': root = Tk() if len(sys.argv) > 1: st = ScrolledText(file=sys.argv[1]) # filename on cmdline else: st = ScrolledText(text='Wordsngo here') # or not: two lines def show(event): print(repr(st.gettext())) # show as raw string root.bind('<Key-Escape>', show) # esc = dump text root.mainloop()