代码语言:javascript复制 """
thread basics: start 5 copies of a function running in parallel;
uses time.sleep so that the main thread doesn't die too early--
this kills all other threads on some platforms; stdout is shared:
thread outputs may be intermixed in this version arbitrarily.
import _thread as thread, time
def counter(myId, count): # function run in threads
for i in range(count):
time.sleep(1) # simulate real work
print('[%s] => %s' % (myId, i))
for i in range(5): # spawn 5 threads
thread.start_new_thread(counter, (i, 5)) # each thread loops 5 times
print('Main thread exiting.') # don't exit too early
2、 mutex.accquire()/release() thread.allocate_lock()
代码语言:javascript复制 """
synchronize access to stdout: because it is shared global,
thread outputs may be intermixed if not synchronized
import _thread as thread, time
def counter(myId, count): # function run in threads
for i in range(count):
time.sleep(1) # simulate real work
print('[%s] => %s' % (myId, i)) # print isn't interrupted now
mutex = thread.allocate_lock() # make a global lock object
for i in range(5): # spawn 5 threads
thread.start_new_thread(counter, (i, 5)) # each thread loops 5 times
print('Main thread exiting.') # don't exit too early
代码语言:javascript复制 """
uses simple shared global data (not mutexes) to know when threads
are done in parent/main thread; threads share list but not its items,
assumes list won't move in memory once it has been created initially
import _thread as thread
stdoutmutex = thread.allocate_lock()
exitmutexes = [False] * 10
def counter(myId, count):
for i in range(count):
print('[%s] => %s' % (myId, i))
exitmutexes[myId] = True # signal main thread
for i in range(10):
thread.start_new_thread(counter, (i, 100))
while False in exitmutexes: pass
print('Main thread exiting.')
代码语言:javascript复制 """
passed in mutex object shared by all threads instead of globals;
use with context manager statement for auto acquire/release;
sleep calls added to avoid busy loops and simulate real work
import _thread as thread, time
stdoutmutex = thread.allocate_lock()
numthreads = 5
exitmutexes = [thread.allocate_lock() for i in range(numthreads)]
def counter(myId, count, mutex): # shared object passed in
for i in range(count):
time.sleep(1 / (myId 1)) # diff fractions of second
with mutex: # auto acquire/release: with
print('[%s] => %s' % (myId, i))
exitmutexes[myId].acquire() # global: signal main thread
for i in range(numthreads):
thread.start_new_thread(counter, (i, 5, stdoutmutex))
while not all(mutex.locked() for mutex in exitmutexes): time.sleep(0.25)
print('Main thread exiting.')
代码语言:javascript复制 """
thread class instances with state and run() for thread's action;
uses higher-level Java-like threading module object join method (not
mutexes or shared global vars) to know when threads are done in main
parent thread; see library manual for more details on threading;
import threading
class Mythread(threading.Thread): # subclass Thread object
def init(self, myId, count, mutex):
self.myId = myId
self.count = count # per-thread state information
self.mutex = mutex # shared objects, not globals
def run(self): # run provides thread logic
for i in range(self.count): # still sync stdout access
with self.mutex:
print('[%s] => %s' % (self.myId, i))
stdoutmutex = threading.Lock() # same as thread.allocate_lock()
threads = []
for i in range(10):
thread = Mythread(i, 100, stdoutmutex) # make/start 10 threads
thread.start() # starts run method in a thread
for thread in threads:
thread.join() # wait for thread exits
print('Main thread exiting.')
7 共享对象需要加锁:
"prints 200 each time, because shared resource access synchronized"
import threading, time
count = 0
def adder(addlock): # shared lock object passed in
global count
with addlock:
count = count 1 # auto acquire/release around stmt
with addlock:
count = count 1 # only 1 thread updating at once
addlock = threading.Lock()
threads = []
for i in range(100):
thread = threading.Thread(target=adder, args=(addlock,))
for thread in threads: thread.join()
8、Timer 5秒后运行程序
11 bufsize ~
13 threadss.daemon=True
14 time.ctime(time.time()) ///now
15 import signal,捕获信号
16 signal.alarm几秒后发送信号
17、multiprocess 使用
代码语言:javascript复制 """
multiprocess basics: Process works like threading.Thread, but
runs function call in parallel in a process instead of a thread;
locks can be used to synchronize, e.g. prints on some platforms;
starts new interpreter on windows, forks a new process on unix;
import os
from multiprocessing import Process, Lock
def whoami(label, lock):
msg = '%s: name:%s, pid:%s'
with lock:
print(msg % (label, name, os.getpid()))
if name == 'main':
lock = Lock()
whoami('function call', lock)
代码语言:javascript复制p = Process(target=whoami, args=('spawned child', lock))
for i in range(5):
Process(target=whoami, args=(('run process %s' % i), lock)).start()
with lock:
print('Main process exit.')
代码语言:javascript复制 "Use multiprocessing to start independent programs, os.fork or not"
import os
from multiprocessing import Process
def runprogram(arg):
os.execlp('python', 'python', 'child.py', str(arg))
if name == 'main':
for i in range(5):
Process(target=runprogram, args=(i,)).start()
print('parent exit')
19| pool使用
"Plus much more: process pools, managers, locks, condition,..."
import os
from multiprocessing import Pool
def powers(x):
#print(os.getpid()) # enable to watch children
return 2 ** x
if name == 'main':
workers = Pool(processes=5)
代码语言:javascript复制results = workers.map(powers, [2]*100)
results = workers.map(powers, range(100))
21 os.spawnv使用
22 os.startfile