Use multiprocess anonymous pipes to communicate. Returns 2 connection
object representing ends of the pipe: objects are sent on one end and
received on the other, though pipes are bidirectional by default
import os
from multiprocessing import Process, Pipe
def sender(pipe):
send object to parent on anonymous pipe
pipe.send(['spam'] [42, 'eggs'])
def talker(pipe):
send and receive objects on a pipe
pipe.send(dict(name='Bob', spam=42))
reply = pipe.recv()
print('talker got:', reply)
if name == 'main':
(parentEnd, childEnd) = Pipe()
Process(target=sender, args=(childEnd,)).start() # spawn child with pipe
print('parent got:', parentEnd.recv()) # receive from child
parentEnd.close() # or auto-closed on gc
代码语言:javascript复制(parentEnd, childEnd) = Pipe()
child = Process(target=talker, args=(childEnd,))
print('parent got:', parentEnd.recv()) # receieve from child
parentEnd.send({x * 2 for x in 'spam'}) # send to child
child.join() # wait for child exit
print('parent exit')