GSM/GPRS PA的功率控制的组合拳:闭环+集电极电压

2022-05-16 17:21:06 浏览数 (2)

By Paul McCambridge, Xindium Technologies, andBrian Whitaker, Maxim Integrated Products


如果有人在讨论GSM PA的功率控制方式的话,那么这个人要么15年以前是RF工程师, 要么现在是一个难得的射频人才。



Power control is an important performance specification for GSM/GPRS wireless handsets. This article shows how the MAX4002 low-cost, low-power logarithmic amplifier and power detector, and the XIN9133 quad-bandGSM/GPRS power amplifier (PA) are combined in a closed loop power control system with the added advantage of PA protection through supply voltage power control. This results in significant advantages over today’spredominant GSM power control solutions on the market.


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