- 参考:
- Single-cell RNA-seq: Quality Control Analysis | Introduction to single-cell RNA-seq (hbctraining.github.io)[1]
- This dataset is available on GEO (GSE96583[2]), however the available counts matrix lacked mitochondrial reads, so we downloaded the BAM files from the SRA (SRP102802[3]). These BAM files were converted back to FASTQ files, then run through Cell Ranger[4] to obtain the count data that we will be using.
- 10X
- The count data for this dataset is also freely available from 10X Genomics and is used in the Seurat tutorial[5]
这里直接下载官方提供的this link[6].
使用的数据来自:Kang et al, 2017[7].
- 10X Genomics version 2 chemistry 建库;
- Illumina NextSeq 500 测序;
- 八个病人的PBMC 样本分成两组;
- One aliquot of PBMCs was activated by 100 U/mL of recombinant IFN-β for 6 hours.
- The second aliquot was left untreated.
- After 6 hours, the eight samples for each condition were pooled together in two final pools (stimulated cells and control cells). We will be working with these two, pooled samples. (We did not demultiplex the samples because SNP genotype information was used to demultiplex in the paper and the barcodes/sample IDs were not readily available for this data. Generally, you would demultiplex and perform QC on each individual sample rather than pooling the samples.)
- 控制与实验组细胞数分别为:12,138 and 12,167 cells were identified
- Since the samples are PBMCs, we will expect immune cells, such as:
- B cells
- T cells
- NK cells
- monocytes
- macrophages
- possibly megakaryocytes
首先是cellranger 给出的10x 的输出结果:
代码语言:javascript复制> dir("./data/ctrl_raw_feature_bc_matrix/")
[1] "barcodes.tsv.gz" "features.tsv.gz" "matrix.mtx.gz"
- barcodes.tsv
- contains all cellular barcodes present for that sample. Barcodes are listed in the order of data presented in the matrix file (i.e. these are the column names).
- features.tsv
- 基因名与基因ID
- matrix.mtx
- 表达矩阵
- mtx 是稀疏矩阵格式存储的矩阵数据
- 详细参见:03b-关于10x输出表达矩阵mtx格式[8]
- readMM(): This function is from the Matrix package and will convert our standard matrix into a sparse matrix. The features.tsv file and barcodes.tsv must first be individually loaded into R and then they can be combined. 详见these additional material[9]
- Read10X(): This function is from the Seurat package and will use the Cell Ranger output directory as input, directly. With this method individual files do not need to be loaded in, instead the function will load and combine them into a sparse matrix. 这个项目中,我们会使用这个函数。
,通常来说我们并不会使用cell ranger 的过滤方法,而是通过个性化的方案,进行过滤。
因此使用seruat 包的方法Read10X对其读取,我们直接指定cellranger输出的文件夹即可:
代码语言:javascript复制# How to read in 10X data for a single sample (output is a sparse matrix)
ctrl_counts <- Read10X(data.dir = "data/ctrl_raw_feature_bc_matrix")
# Turn count matrix into a Seurat object (output is a Seurat object)
ctrl <- CreateSeuratObject(counts = ctrl_counts,
min.features = 100)
这里我们使用CreateSeuratObject 将矩阵转换为seurat 对象时,就已经对表达矩阵执行一次过滤了:
- min.features 表示细胞最少被检测到的基因阈值,在该例中,检测基因不足100 的细胞就会被过滤掉了。
不难发现,seruat 对象包含的信息还是蛮多的:
代码语言:javascript复制> head(ctrl@meta.data)
orig.ident nCount_RNA nFeature_RNA
AAACATACAATGCC-1 SeuratProject 2344 874
AAACATACATTTCC-1 SeuratProject 3125 896
AAACATACCAGAAA-1 SeuratProject 2578 725
AAACATACCAGCTA-1 SeuratProject 3261 979
AAACATACCATGCA-1 SeuratProject 746 362
AAACATACCTCGCT-1 SeuratProject 3519 866
: 样本标记,默认名SeuratProjectnCount_RNA
: 每个细胞的UMI 检测数(每条mRNA的特定标记)nFeature_RNA
: 每个细胞的基因数
nFeature_RNA 数值必然是小于 nCount_RNA的,因为存在某个基因有多次被检测的情况。(生物学意义上考虑是,)
作者这里提到了一个批量读取的方法,其实也非常简单,利用assign 函数来批量命名对象:
代码语言:javascript复制# Create a Seurat object for each sample
for (file in c("ctrl_raw_feature_bc_matrix", "stim_raw_feature_bc_matrix")){
seurat_data <- Read10X(data.dir = paste0("data/", file))
seurat_obj <- CreateSeuratObject(counts = seurat_data,
min.features = 100,
project = file)
assign(file, seurat_obj)
代码语言:javascript复制stim_counts <- Read10X(data.dir = "data/ctrl_raw_feature_bc_matrix")
# Turn count matrix into a Seurat object (output is a Seurat object)
stim <- CreateSeuratObject(counts = ctrl_counts,
min.features = 100)
代码语言:javascript复制> dim(ctrl@meta.data)
[1] 15688 3
> dim(stim@meta.data)
[1] 15756 3
虽然通常cellranger 是10x 数据上游分析标配,但如果是使用其他分析流程,也有对应的R包:alevin
output can be read into R using the tximeta[10] package, while kallisto
output can be read using the BUSpaRse[11] package.
作者这里直接用merge 合并的,好家伙,还是个S3 对象:
代码语言:javascript复制# Create a merged Seurat object
merged_seurat <- merge(x = ctrl_raw_feature_bc_matrix,
y = stim_raw_feature_bc_matrix,
add.cell.id = c("ctrl", "stim"))
ps:merge 的话,是不是就不好批量了呢?
代码语言:javascript复制> head(merged_seurat@meta.data)
orig.ident nCount_RNA nFeature_RNA
ctrl_AAACATACAATGCC-1 SeuratProject 2344 874
ctrl_AAACATACATTTCC-1 SeuratProject 3125 896
ctrl_AAACATACCAGAAA-1 SeuratProject 2578 725
ctrl_AAACATACCAGCTA-1 SeuratProject 3261 979
ctrl_AAACATACCATGCA-1 SeuratProject 746 362
ctrl_AAACATACCTCGCT-1 SeuratProject 3519 866
> tail(merged_seurat@meta.data)
orig.ident nCount_RNA nFeature_RNA
stim_TTTGCATGCGACAT-1 SeuratProject 620 295
stim_TTTGCATGCTAAGC-1 SeuratProject 1641 545
stim_TTTGCATGGGACGA-1 SeuratProject 1233 518
stim_TTTGCATGGTGAGG-1 SeuratProject 1084 469
stim_TTTGCATGGTTTGG-1 SeuratProject 818 432
stim_TTTGCATGTCTTAC-1 SeuratProject 1104 438
果然数据框的cell barcode 加上了前缀。
代码语言:javascript复制> dirA <- "data/ctrl_raw_feature_bc_matrix"
> dirB <- "data/stim_raw_feature_bc_matrix"
> tmp <- Read10X(c(dirA,dirB))
不过需要注意的是,默认下,read10X 仅仅会将barcode 中多个样本存在的cell barcode 加上前缀用以标记,因此并不建议这样合并:
代码语言:javascript复制> head(merged_tmp@meta.data)
orig.ident nCount_RNA nFeature_RNA
AAACATACAATGCC-1 SeuratProject 2344 874
AAACATACATTTCC-1 SeuratProject 3125 896
AAACATACCAGAAA-1 SeuratProject 2578 725
AAACATACCAGCTA-1 SeuratProject 3261 979
AAACATACCATGCA-1 SeuratProject 746 362
AAACATACCTCGCT-1 SeuratProject 3519 866 > tail(merged_tmp@meta.data)
orig.ident nCount_RNA nFeature_RNA
2_TTTGCATGCGACAT-1 SeuratProject 620 295
2_TTTGCATGCTAAGC-1 SeuratProject 1641 545
2_TTTGCATGGGACGA-1 SeuratProject 1233 518
2_TTTGCATGGTGAGG-1 SeuratProject 1084 469
2_TTTGCATGGTTTGG-1 SeuratProject 818 432
2_TTTGCATGTCTTAC-1 SeuratProject 1104 438
参考:【单细胞测序数据分析-1】认识Seurat对象数据结构/数据格式及操作 - 简书[12]作者:森尼啊
我个人还是比较喜欢seurat 这种结构的,各种槽,用起来也很直观。
Single-cell RNA-seq: Quality Control Analysis | Introduction to single-cell RNA-seq (hbctraining.github.io): https://hbctraining.github.io/scRNA-seq_online/lessons/03_SC_quality_control-setup.html
GSE96583: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/query/acc.cgi?acc=GSE96583
SRP102802: https://www-ncbi-nlm-nih-gov.ezp-prod1.hul.harvard.edu/sra?term=SRP102802
Cell Ranger: https://support.10xgenomics.com/single-cell-gene-expression/software/pipelines/latest/what-is-cell-ranger
Seurat tutorial: https://satijalab.org/seurat/v3.0/immune_alignment.html
this link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/we1gmyb9c8jej2u/single_cell_rnaseq.zip?dl=1
Kang et al, 2017: https://www.nature.com/articles/nbt.4042
03b-关于10x输出表达矩阵mtx格式: 03b-关于10x输出表达矩阵mtx格式.md
these additional material: https://hbctraining.github.io/scRNA-seq_online/lessons/readMM_loadData.html
tximeta: https://bioconductor.org/packages/3.14/tximeta
BUSpaRse: https://bioconductor.org/packages/3.14/BUSpaRse
【单细胞测序数据分析-1】认识Seurat对象数据结构/数据格式及操作 - 简书: https://www.jianshu.com/p/0c4bc6a932b2