
2022-05-28 15:26:40 浏览数 (1)


%% Global Variables
global CFL r_time theta dt dtdx nx
global w k nv
global gamma etpfix

%% Controling Parameters
name        ='SBBGK1d'; % Simulation Name
CFL         = 0.05;     % CFL condition
r_time      = 1/10000;  % Relaxation time
tEnd        = 0.04;      % End time
theta       = 0;        % {-1} BE, {0} MB, {1} FD.
quad        = 2;        % for NC = 1 , GH = 2
method      = 1;        % for TVD = 1, WENO3 = 2, WENO5 = 3
IC_case     = 1;        % IC: {1}Sod's, {2}LE, {3}RE, {4}DS, {5}SS, {6}Cavitation
plot_figs   = 1;        % 0: no, 1: yes please!
write_ans   = 0;        % 0: no, 1: yes please!
gamma       = 2;      % Ratio of specific heats
flxtype     = 2;        % {1} Roe, {2} LF, {3} LLF, {4} Upwind <-non-conservative!
etpfix      = 0.90;     % {#} Harten's sonic entropy fix value, {0} no entropy fix

%% Space Discretization
nx  = 100;                      % number of cells
x   = linspace(0,1,nx);         % Physical domain -x
dx  = max(x(2:end)-x(1:end-1)); % delta x

%% Load Initial Condition
[z0,ux0,t0,p0,rho0,E0] = SSBGK_IC1d(x,IC_case);

%% Load Initial Cut Function
 xa = 0.5;   % buffer left boundary
 xb = 0.5125;   % buffer right boundary
 h0  = cutfunc(x,xa,xb);  % Physical Cut Function
%  h0 = ones(size(x));
%  h0 = zeros(size(x));

%% Discretization of the Velocity Space
% Microscopic Velocity Discretization (using Discrete Ordinate Method)
% that is to make coincide discrete values of microscopic velocities with
% values as the value points for using a quadrature method, so that we can
% integrate the velocity probability distribution to recover our
% macroscopics properties.
switch quad

    case{1} % Newton Cotes Quadrature:
    V  = [-20,20];  % range: a to b
    nv = 200;       % nodes desired (may not the actual value)
    [c,w,k] = cotes_xw(V(1),V(2),nv,5); % Using Netwon Cotes Degree 5
    case{2} % Gauss Hermite Quadrature:
    nv = 100;          % nodes desired (the actual value)
    [c,w] = GaussHermite(nv); % for integrating range: -inf to inf
    k = 1;            % quadrature constant.
    w = w.*exp(c.^2); % weighting function of the Gauss-Hermite quadrature
        error('Order must be between 1 and 2');

%% Applying DOM
% The actual nv value will be computed using 'lenght' vector function:
nv = length(c); 
% Remap velocity points
    c = repmat(c,1,nx);     w = repmat(w,1,nx);
% Remap classical IC
    [rho0,ux0,p0] = apply_DOM(rho0,ux0,p0,nv);
% Remap Semiclassical IC
    [z0,t0,E0] = apply_DOM(z0,t0,E0,nv);
% Remap h coeficient
  h0 = repmat(h0,nv,1);

%% Semi0-classical Equilibrium Distribution Function
M0 = f_equilibrium_1d(z0,ux0,c,t0,theta); 

%% Load initial Conditions and Spliting of information
M = M0; rho = rho0; ux = ux0; t = t0; p = p0; z = z0; h = h0; E = E0;

%% Split ICs in R and L
rhor = h.*rho0;     rhol = (1-h).*rho0;
uxr = h.*ux0;       uxl = (1-h).*ux0;
pr = h.*p0;         pl = (1-h).*p0;

% [zr,~,tr,~] = macroproperties1d(rhor,rhor.*uxr,pr 0.5*rhor.*uxr.^2,nx,nv,theta);
% [zl,~,tl,~] = macroproperties1d(rhol,rhol.*uxl,pl 0.5*rhol.*uxl.^2,nx,nv,theta);
% Ml = f_equilibrium_1d(zl,uxl,c,tl,theta) ;
% fr = f_equilibrium_1d(zr,uxr,c,tr,theta);
%% Main Loop 
% Compute next time step
 dt = dx*CFL/max(c(:,1));
% dt =1/20000;
time  = 0:dt:tEnd;
dtdx = dt/dx;
% Ml(isnan(Ml)) = 0;     fr(isnan(fr)) = 0;
f = fr   Ml; % computed here for ploting purposes

count = 1; % iteration counter
for tsteps = time

% Plot IC
   if plot_figs == 1; surf(f); end;

% Compute vector 'q'
   q = [rhol(1,:) ; rhol(1,:).*uxl(1,:) ; pl(1,:) 0.5*rhol(1,:).*uxl(1,:).^2];
% Update Physical cut function 'h'
     h_next = h; % this means: fixed buffer assumption

%     Evaluate Modified Boltzmann BGK
    [fr_next] = ModSBBGK(h,h_next,M,fr,Ml,c,flxtype);

% Evaluate Modificed Roe Euler Solver
    [rhol,rhoul,El] = ModEuler(h,h_next,q,fr_next,c);
%     plot partial result
%     if plot_figs == 1; 
%         subplot(1,3,1); plot(x,rhol,'o'); title('Density');
%         subplot(1,3,2); plot(x,rhoul./rhol,'o'); title('Velocity');
%         subplot(1,3,3); plot(x,El,'o'); title('Energy');
%     end
%     macroscopic properties
    [zl,uxl,tl,pl] = macroproperties1d(rhol,rhoul,El,nx,nv,gamma,theta);
    % Apply DOM
    [tl,zl,uxl] = apply_DOM(tl,zl,uxl,nv);
    % Compute Ml_next
     Ml_next = f_equilibrium_1d(zl,uxl,c,tl,theta) ;
%  **************************************************** 
    % New time step info: sum left and righ values with 'NaN' filter sum
    % function. 
    Ml_next(isnan(Ml_next)) = 0;     fr_next(isnan(fr_next)) = 0;
    % Total f
     f  = fr_next   Ml_next;    
     % Update New macroquantity    
   [rho,rhou,E] = macromoments1d(k,w,f,c);
    %Apply Neumann BC's in total variables
    f(:,1)  = f(:,2);                 f(:,end)  = f(:,end-1);
    rho(:,1)= rho(:,2);            rho(:,end)= rho(:,end-1);
    rhou(:,1) = rhou(:,2);       rhou(:,end) = rhou(:,end-1);
    E(:,1)  = E(:,2);                 E(:,end)  = E(:,end-1);
    [rho,rhou,E] = apply_DOM(rho,rhou,E,nv);
    % Recover Semiclassical Conditions for next time step
     [z,ux,t,p] = macroproperties1d(rho,rhou,E,nx,nv,gamma,theta);   
%  update New equilibrium
%  preparing new Ml
     rhol = (1-h).*rho;
     uxl = (1-h).*ux;
     pl = (1-h).*p;
     [zl,~,tl,~] = macroproperties1d(rhol,rhol.*uxl,pl 0.5*rhol.*uxl.^2,nx,nv,gamma,theta);
% update New Ml     
     Ml=   f_equilibrium_1d(zl,uxl,c,tl,theta) ;
     Ml(isnan(Ml)) = 0;
% update counter
    count = count 1;
% update plot

% write/plot final output


clear all
% explicit euler
% m = 1; �just value of m
% y(1) = 1;%input your initial condition
% dt = 0.2; �just your step size
% T = 0:dt:15; %set up your time domain, here I have [0,5]
% for i = 2:length(T) %construct a 'for' loop
% y(i) = y(i-1)   m*dt*(-3*(i-2)/(i-1))*y(i-1) m*dt*(2*(1 (i-2)^3))*exp(-(i-2));
% end
% plot(T,y)
% Implicit euler
% n = 1; �just value of m
% w(1) = 1;%input your initial condition
% dtt = 0.2; �just your step size
% T1 = 0:dtt:15; %set up your time domain, here I have [0,5]
% for j = 2:length(T1) %construct a 'for' loop
%      w(j) = (w(j-1)  dtt*(2*(j^3))*exp(-j 1))/(1 3*dtt*(j-1)/j) ;
% end
% plot(T1,w)
% Crank-Nicolson
m = 1; �just value of m
y(1) = 1;%input your initial condition
dt = 0.2; �just your step size
T = 0:dt:15; %set up your time domain, here I have [0,5]
for i = 2:length(T) %construct a 'for' loop
    y(i)=(dt*i^3*exp(-i 1) dt*(i-1)^3*exp(-i 2) ...
           y(i-1)*(1-0.5*dt*(-3*i-6/(i-1))))/(1 0.5*dt*(3*i 3/i));

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