代码语言:javascript复制clear all
global PRL CRL MACHLEFT gamma pleft pright rholeft rhoright uleft...
uright tend lambda % lambda = dt/dx
% .....................Input............................
gamma = 1.4; % Ratio of specific heats
J = 48; % Number of grid cells
bouncon = 0; % bouncon chooses outflow boundary conditions
% = 0: Nothing happens: infinite domain
% = 1: Solid wall at x = 1 with direct prescription of uwall
% = 2: Solid wall at x = 1 with reflection b.c.
% ....................End of input........................
gammab = 1/(gamma - 1); gam1 = gamma-1; gamgam = gamma^gamma;
h = 1/J; % Cell size
dt = lambda*h; % Time step
n = floor(tend/dt); % Number of time-steps
% Definition of grid numbering
% x=0 x=1
% grid |---o---|---o---|---o--- ... --|---o---|
% 1 1 2 2 3 J-1 J
xcenter = h*[1:J] - h/2; % Location of cell centers
press = zeros(size(xcenter)); % Preallocation of pressure,
rhoold = press; uold = press; % density and velocity
rhonew = press; mnew = press; % momentum
totenew = press; enthalpy = press; % total energy and enthalpy
for j = 1:length(xcenter) % Initial conditions
if xcenter(j) < 0.5, press(j) = pleft; rhoold(j) = rholeft; uold(j) = uleft;
else, press(j) = pright; rhoold(j) = rhoright; uold(j) = uright;
% Initialization of cell center variables
totenold = rhoold.*(0.5*uold.*uold gammab*press./rhoold); % Total energy rho*E
totenleft = totenold(1); totenright = totenold(J);
mold = rhoold.*uold; % Momentum m
c = sqrt(gamma*press./rhoold); % Sound speed
mach = uold./c; % Mach number
enthalpy = 0.5*uold.*uold gammab*c.^2; % Enthalpy
machplus = mach; machminus = mach; % Preallocation of
presplus = mach; presminus = mach; % split fluxes
flux1 = zeros(J-1,1); flux2 = flux1; % and Liou-Steffen
flux3 = flux1; machhalf = flux1; % fluxes
m1 = flux1; m2 = flux1;
t = 0;
for i = 1:n, t = t dt;
for j = 1:J
if mach(j) > 1
machplus(j) = mach(j); machminus(j) = 0;
presplus(j) = press(j); presminus(j) = 0;
elseif mach(j) < -1
machplus(j) = 0; machminus(j) = mach(j);
presplus(j) = 0; presminus(j) = press(j);
machplus(j) = 0.25*(mach(j) 1)^2;
machminus(j) = -0.25*(mach(j) - 1)^2;
presplus(j) = 0.5*press(j)*(1 mach(j));
presminus(j) = 0.5*press(j)*(1 - mach(j));
% Liou-Steffen fluxes
for j = 1:J-1, machhalf(j) = machplus(j) machminus(j 1); end
m1 = 0.5*(machhalf abs(machhalf)); m2 = 0.5*(machhalf - abs(machhalf));
rhoc = rhoold.*c;
for j = 1:J-1
flux1(j) = m1(j)*rhoc(j) m2(j)*rhoc(j 1);
flux2(j) = m1(j)*rhoc(j)*uold(j) m2(j)*rhoc(j 1)*uold(j 1) ...
presplus(j) presminus(j 1);
flux3(j) = m1(j)*rhoc(j)*enthalpy(j) m2(j)*rhoc(j 1)*enthalpy(j 1);
% Update of state variables
rhonew(1) = rholeft; rhonew(J) = rhoright;
mnew(1) = rholeft*uleft; mnew(J) = rhoright*uright;
totenew(1) = totenleft; totenew(J) = totenright;
for j = 2:J-1
rhonew(j) = rhoold(j) - lambda*(flux1(j) - flux1(j-1));
mnew(j) = mold(j) - lambda*(flux2(j) - flux2(j-1));
totenew(j) = totenold(j) - lambda*(flux3(j) - flux3(j-1));
uold = mnew./rhonew; press = gam1*(totenew - 0.5*mnew.*uold);
rhoold = rhonew; totenold = totenew; mold = mnew;
c = sqrt(gamma*press./rhoold); mach = uold./c;
enthalpy = 0.5*uold.*uold gammab*c.^2;
entropy = log(press./rhoold.^gamma);
figure(1), clf
subplot(2,3,1),hold on,title('DENSITY','fontsize',14),plot(xcenter,rhonew,'o')
subplot(2,3,2),hold on,title('VELOCITY','fontsize',14),plot(xcenter,uold,'o')
subplot(2,3,3),hold on,title('PRESSURE','fontsize',14),plot(xcenter,press,'o')
subplot(2,3,4),hold on,title('MACHNUMBER','fontsize',14),plot(xcenter,mach,'o')
subplot(2,3,5),hold on,title('ENTROPY','fontsize',14),plot(xcenter,entropy,'o')
subplot(2,3,6),axis('off'),title('Liou-Steffen scheme','fontsize',14)
Riemann % Plot exact solution
代码语言:javascript复制function y = f(p34) % Basic shock tube relation equation (10.51)
global PRL CRL MACHLEFT gamma
wortel = sqrt(2*gamma*(gamma-1 (gamma 1)*p34));
yy = (gamma-1)*CRL*(p34-1)/wortel;
yy = (1 MACHLEFT*(gamma-1)/2-yy)^(2*gamma/(gamma-1));
y = yy/p34 - PRL;