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% Question 3 | Take Home Exam #3
% Anja Deric | February 24, 2020
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%% Part 1
n=2; experiments = 100;
N = [10 100 1000];   % number of iid samples
num_GMM_picks = zeros(length(N),6);

for i = 1:experiments
    % True mu and Sigma values for 4-component GMM
    mu_true(:,1) = [7;0]; mu_true(:,2) = [6;6];
    mu_true(:,3) = [0;0]; mu_true(:,4) = [-1;7];
    Sigma_true(:,:,1) = [5 1;1 4]; Sigma_true(:,:,2) = [3 1;1 3]; 
    Sigma_true(:,:,3) = [5 1;1 3]; Sigma_true(:,:,4) = [4 -2;-2 3];
    alpha_true = [0.2 0.23 0.27 0.3];

    % Generate Gaussians with N samples and run cross-validation
    for i = 1:length(N)
        x = generate_samples(n, N(i), mu_true, Sigma_true, cumsum(alpha_true));
        % Store GMM with highest performance for each iteration
        GMM_pick = cross_val(x);
        num_GMM_picks(i,GMM_pick) = num_GMM_picks(i,GMM_pick) 1;
    % Plot frequency of model selection
    legend('10 Training Samples','100 Training Samples','1000 Training Samples');
    title('GMM Model Order Selection');
    xlabel('GMM Model Order'); ylabel('Frequency of Selection');

%% Question 3 Functions
function x = generate_samples(n, N, mu, Sigma, p_cumulative)
    % Draws N samples from each class pdf to create GMM
    x = zeros(n,N);
    for i = 1:N
        % Generate random probability
        num = rand(1,1);
        % Assign point to 1 of 4 Gaussians based on probability
        if (num > p_cumulative(1)) == 0
            x(:,i) = mvnrnd(mu(:,1),Sigma(:,:,1),1)';
        elseif (num > p_cumulative(2)) == 0
            x(:,i) = mvnrnd(mu(:,2),Sigma(:,:,2),1)';
        elseif (num > p_cumulative(3)) == 0
            x(:,i) = mvnrnd(mu(:,3),Sigma(:,:,3),1)';
            x(:,i) = mvnrnd(mu(:,4),Sigma(:,:,4),1)';

function best_GMM = cross_val(x)
    % Performs EM algorithm to estimate parameters and evaluete performance
    % on each data set B times, with 1 through M GMM models considered
    B = 10; M = 6;          % repetitions per data set; max GMM considered
    perf_array= zeros(B,M); % save space for performance evaluation
    % Test each data set 10 times
    for b = 1:B
        % Pick random data points to fill training and validation set and
        % add noise
        set_size = 500;
        train_index = randi([1,length(x)],[1,set_size]);
        train_set = x(:,train_index)   (1e-3)*randn(2,set_size);
        val_index = randi([1,length(x)],[1,set_size]);
        val_set = x(:,val_index)   (1e-3)*randn(2,set_size);

        for m = 1:M
           % Non-Built-In: run EM algorith to estimate parameters 
           %[alpha,mu,sigma] = EMforGMM(m,train_set,set_size,val_set);
           % Built-In function: run EM algorithm to estimate parameters
           GMModel = fitgmdist(train_set',M,'RegularizationValue',1e-10);
           alpha = GMModel.ComponentProportion;
           mu = (GMModel.mu)';
           sigma = GMModel.Sigma;
           % Calculate log-likelihood performance with new parameters
           perf_array(b,m) = sum(log(evalGMM(val_set,alpha,mu,sigma)));
    % Calculate average performance for each M and find best fit
    avg_perf = sum(perf_array)/B;
    best_GMM = find(avg_perf == max(avg_perf),1);

function [alpha_est,mu,Sigma]=EMforGMM(M, x, N,val_set)
% Uses EM algorithm to estimate the parameters of a GMM that has M 
% number of components based on pre-existing training data of size N

    delta = 0.04;       % tolerance for EM stopping criterion
    reg_weight = 1e-2;   % regularization parameter for covariance estimates
    d = size(x,1);      % dimensionality of data
    % Start with equal alpha estimates
    alpha_est = ones(1,M)/M;
    % Set initial mu as random M value pairs from data array
    shuffledIndices = randperm(N);
    mu = x(:,shuffledIndices(1:M));
    % Assign each sample to the nearest mean
    [~,assignedCentroidLabels] = min(pdist2(mu',x'),[],1);
    % Use sample covariances of initial assignments as initial covariance estimates
    for m = 1:M 
        Sigma(:,:,m) = cov(x(:,find(assignedCentroidLabels==m))')   reg_weight*eye(d,d);
    % Run EM algorith until it converges
    t = 0;
    Converged = 0;
    while ~Converged 
        % Calculate GMM distribution according to parameters
        for l = 1:M
            temp(l,:) = repmat(alpha_est(l),1,N).*evalGaussian(x,mu(:,l),Sigma(:,:,l));
        pl_given_x = temp./sum(temp,1);
        % Calculate new alpha values
        alpha_new = mean(pl_given_x,2);
        % Clculate new mu values
        w = pl_given_x./repmat(sum(pl_given_x,2),1,N);
        mu_new = x*w';
        % Calculate new Sigma values
        for l = 1:M
            v = x-repmat(mu_new(:,l),1,N);
            u = repmat(w(l,:),d,1).*v;
            Sigma_new(:,:,l) = u*v'   reg_weight*eye(d,d); % adding a small regularization term
        % Change in each parameter
        Dalpha = sum(abs(alpha_new-alpha_est'));
        Dmu = sum(sum(abs(mu_new-mu)));
        DSigma = sum(sum(abs(abs(Sigma_new-Sigma))));
        % Check if converged
        Converged = ((Dalpha Dmu DSigma)<delta);
        % Update old parameters
        alpha_est = alpha_new; mu = mu_new; Sigma = Sigma_new;
        %log_lik = sum(log(evalGMM(val_set,alpha_est,mu,Sigma)))
        %Converged = (log_lik<-2.3);
        t = t 1;

function g = evalGaussian(x,mu,Sigma)
    % Evaluates the Gaussian pdf N(mu,Sigma) at each coumn of X
    [n,N] = size(x);
    invSigma = inv(Sigma);
    C = (2*pi)^(-n/2) * det(invSigma)^(1/2); 
    E = -0.5*sum((x-repmat(mu,1,N)).*(invSigma*(x-repmat(mu,1,N))),1);
    g = C*exp(E);

function gmm = evalGMM(x,alpha,mu,Sigma)
    % Evaluates GMM on the grid based on parameter values given
    gmm = zeros(1,size(x,2));
    for m = 1:length(alpha)
        gmm = gmm   alpha(m)*evalGaussian(x,mu(:,m),Sigma(:,:,m));

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