
2022-06-08 21:41:56 浏览数 (3)

新一年博士招生正式启动!本期我们将为大家介绍香港中文大学的博士后 研究助理 访问学者招募信息。


本期的招募信息来自香港中文大学,包含机器人视觉智能传感方向的博士后 研究助理 访问学者的多个岗位招募信息。


There are multiple openings for Postdoc/RA to perform research on Medical Robotics Perception & AI at The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK, Hong Kong) for at least one year starting immediately. Particularly, the main areas of interest include AI-assisted endoscopic diagnosis, Medical Image Processing, biorobotics & intelligent systems, multisensory perception, AI learning and control in image-guided procedures, medical mechatronics, continuum, and soft flexible robots and sensors, deployable motion generation, compliance modulation/sensing, cooperative and context-aware flexible/soft sensors/actuators in human environments. For more details, please refer to the recent publications at Google Scholar or the lab website http://labren.org/.

The scholars will have opportunities to work with an interdisciplinary team consisting of clinicians and researchers from robotics, AI & perception, imaging, and medicine.

[Hongliang Ren]

Professor Hongliang Ren received his Ph.D. in Electronic Engineering (Specialized in Biomedical Engineering) from The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) in 2008. He has been navigating his academic journey through Chinese University of Hong Kong, UC Berkeley, Johns Hopkins University, Children’s Hospital Boston, Harvard Medical School, Children’s National Medical Center, United States, and National University of Singapore. He serves as an Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Automation Science & Engineering (T-ASE) and Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing (MBEC). He has served as an active organizer and contributor on the committees of numerous robotics conferences, including a variety of roles in the flagship IEEE Conf. on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), IEEE Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), as well as other domain conferences such as ROBIO/BIOROB/ICIA. He served as publicity chair for ICRA 2017, concurrently as Organizing Chair for ICRA 2017 workshop on Surgical Robots, and video chair for ICRA 2021. He has delivered numerous invited keynotes/talks at flagship conferences/workshops at ICRA/IROS/ROBIO/ICIA. He is the recipient of IFMBE/IAMBE Early Career Award 2018, Interstellar Early Career Investigator Award 2018, and ICBHI Young Investigator Award 2019. He is also the recipient of numerous international conference awards, including Best Conference Paper Awards at IEEE ROBIO 2019, IEEE RCAR 2016, IEEE CCECE 2015, IEEE Cyber 2014, and IEEE ROBIO 2013.


  • Background in AI, Computer Science/Engineering, Electronic or Mechanical Engineering, robotics, medical physics, automation, or mechatronics background
  • Preferably have hands-on experience in AI/robots/sensors, instrumentation, intelligent systems
  • Strong problem-solving, writing, programming, interpersonal, and analytical skills
  • Outstanding academic records/publications or recognitions from worldwide top-ranking institutes
  • Self-motivated and preferably with strong academic records


Qualified candidates are invited to express their interests through an email with detailed supporting documents (including CV, transcripts, objective, research interests, education background, experiences, GPA, representative publications, demo projects) to Prof. Hongliang Ren ASAP by email: <hlren@ee.cuhk.edu.hk>. We appreciate candidates' understanding that only shortlisted candidates will be informed/invited to interview.


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